Extending Schumacher's concept of total accounting and accountability into the 21st century


Extending Schumacher's concept of total accounting and accountability into the 21st century

special guest editor, Kala Saravanamuthu ; associate editors, Tony Tinker, Barbara Merino, Marilyn Neimark

(Advances in public interest accounting : a research annual / editors, Marilyn Neimark, Barbara Merino, Tony Tinker, v. 14)

Emerald/JAI, 2009

1st ed

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 16



Includes bibliographical references



A decade on from Schumacher's 1997 work, there are renewed calls for a paradigm shift from the metaphysics of materialism that informs conventional thinking, to holistic theorisations of how we should engage with the other. Twenty-first century frameworks of accountability should emancipate society from the hegemony of neoclassical economics. This special issue posits Schumacher's Middle Way thinking in the context of growing concerns about global warming and climatic changes and, teases out its implications for holistic accountability by introducing readers to the science of climate change and its implications for managing natural resources, and integrating 'western' and 'eastern' tenets of holistic knowledge without dichotomising them into 'either or' frameworks.


List of Contributors. About the Authors. Developing Schumacher's total accounting into an accountability interface between the science of climate change and the sustainability discourse. Developments in the Schumacher ethos. Buddhist economics: A path from an amoral accounting toward a moral one. Social accounting for sufficiency: Buddhist principles and practices, and their application in Thailand. A journey of socialising the risks associated with global warming: a Gandhian insight into Schumacher's total accounting and accountability. Sustainable atmospheric management. Decentralised mega visioning: Compiling a global scale, beautifully small vision for water. Reasons, means and consequences: monitoring soil condition for 'the proper use of land. The dilemma in monitoring Voluntary Labour Standards: Labour's 'Muted' consent to Exploit Itself. Advances in Public Interest Accounting. Extending Schumacher's concept of total accounting and accountability into the 21st century. Copyright page.

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