
Odors : evaluation, utilization, and control : [conference papers]

editor, William S. Cain

(Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, v. 237)

New York Academy of Sciences, 1974



Cover title

"ANYAA9 237 1-439 (1974)."

This series of papers is the result of a conference entitled Odors: Evaluation, Utilization and Control, held on Oct. 1-3, 1973.

This conference was sponsored by the New York Academy of Sciences, the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning Engineers, and the Air Pollution Control Association.

Includes bibliographies

関連文献: 1件中  1-1を表示

  • Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences

    New York Academy of Sciences 1959-

    v. 289: Annals index 1960-1974 , v. 331: Annals index 1975-1977 : cloth , v. 351: Annals index 1978-1979 : cloth , v. 372: : paper , v. 391: Annals index 1980-1981 : cloth , v. 400: : paper , v. 449: Annals index 1982/1983 : cloth , v. 520: Annals index 1984/1985 : cloth , v. 566: Annals index 1986/1987 : cloth , v. 566: Annals index 1986/1987 : paper , v. 634: Annals index 1988/1989 : cloth , v. 634: Annals index 1988/1989 : paper , v. 711: Annals index 1990/1991 : cloth , v. 711: Annals index 1990/1991 : paper


