Religion or ethnicity? : Jewish identities in evolution


Religion or ethnicity? : Jewish identities in evolution

edited by Zvi Gitelman

Rutgers University Press, c2009

  • : hardcover : alk. paper
  • : pbk. : alk. paper

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 1



Includes bibliographical references and index



Can someone be considered Jewish if he or she never goes to synagogue, doesn't keep kosher, and for whom the only connection to his or her ancestral past is attending an annual Passover seder?In Religion or Ethnicity? fifteen leading scholars trace the evolution of Jewish identity. The book examines Judaism from the Greco-Roman age, through medieval times, modern western and eastern Europe, to today. Jewish identity has been defined as an ethnicity, a nation, a culture, and even a race. Religion or Ethnicity? questions what it means to be Jewish. The contributors show how the Jewish people have evolved over time in different ethnic, religious, and political movements. In his closing essay, Gitelman questions the viability of secular Jewishness outside Israel but suggests that the continued interest in exploring the relationship between Judaism's secular and religious forms will keep the heritage alive for generations to come.


Jewish religion, Jewish ethnicity: the evolution of Jewish identities / Zvi Gitelman Secularism, hellenism, and rabbis in antiquity / Yaron Eliav What is a Judaism?: perspectives from Second Temple Jewish studies / Gabriele Boccaccini Crypto-Jewish criticism of tradition and its echoes in Jewish communities / Miriam Bodian Spinoza and the origins of Jewish secularism / Steven Nadler Yiddish schools in America and the problem of secular Jewish identity / David Fishman Beyond assimilation: introducing subjectivity to German-Jewish history / Scott Spector Jewish self-identification and West European categories of belonging from the Enlightenment to World War II / Todd Endelman People of the (secular) book: literary anthologies and the making of Jewish identity in postwar America / Julian Levinson Secular-Jewish identity and the condition of secular Judaism in Israel / Charles Liebman and Yaacov Yadgar Beyond the religious-secular dichotomy: masortim in Israel / Charles Liebman and Yaacov Yadgar What kind of Jewish state do Israelis want?: the nature and determinants of Israeli attitudes toward secularism and some comparisons with Arab attitudes toward the relationship between religion and politics / Mark Tessler The construction of 'secular' and 'religious' in modern Hebrew literature / Shachar Pinsker Jewish identity and secularism in post-Soviet Russia and Ukraine / Zvi Gitelman Judaism, community, and Jewish culture in American life: continuities and transformations / Calvin Goldscheider Beyond apikorsut: a Judaism for secular Jews / Adam Chalom The nature and viability of Jewish religious and secular identities / Zvi Gitelman

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