Карта вулкано-тектонических струкур прибрежно-материковой части дальнего востока СССР : масштаб 1:1 500 000 : 1982 г.


Карта вулкано-тектонических струкур прибрежно-материковой части дальнего востока СССР : масштаб 1:1 500 000 : 1982 г.

Главные ред. Н.А. Шило, Ю.А. Косыгин

Главное упр. геодезии и картографии при Совете Министров СССР, 1982



Map of volcano-tectonic structures of the near-shore-continental part of the Far East USSR

Karta vulkano-tektonicheskikh struktur pribrezhno-materikovoĭ chasti Dalʹnego Vostoka SSSR : masshtab 1:1 500 000 : 1982 g

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 1



MAP:Scale 1:1,500,000

At head of title in Russian and English: Ministry of Geology of the USSR, Far Eastern Scientific Centre of the Academy of Science of the USSR, Soviet National Committee of the Passific [sic] Scientific Association, Far Eastern Research Institute of Mineral Resources (F.E.I.M.R.)

Also issued with plastic film covering

Includes notes, source-materials directory, and stratigraphic legend in matrix form

Insets: Hierarchy of eruptive manifestation forms -- The main types of volcano-tectonic systems -- The scheme of used materials [compilation map]

