Working with Anglo-Saxon manuscripts


Working with Anglo-Saxon manuscripts

edited by Gale R. Owen-Crocker ; with contributions by Maria Cesario ... [et al.]

(Exeter medieval texts and studies)

University of Exeter Press, 2009

  • : pbk
  • : hbk

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 8



Includes bibliographical references and indexes



Working with Anglo-Saxon Manuscripts is a highly readable and well-illustrated guide to manuscript study for students and fledgling researchers in Anglo-Saxon history and literature.Bringing together invaluable advice and information from a group of eminent scholars, it aims to develop in the reader an informed and realistic approach to the mechanisms for accessing and handling manuscripts in what may be limited time. In addition to an exploration of the various manuscript resources available in libraries and their research potential, the book appraises recent developments in electronic resources, making it a beneficial aid for teachers as well as individual researchers working away from the location of manuscripts.The book includes a clear and comprehensive guide to palaeography and codicology. Chapters on Old English prose, Old English poetry and Anglo-Latin texts introduce readers to the whole range of written material extant in Anglo-Saxon manuscripts. Manuscript art is uniquely presented in the context of Anglo-Saxon manuscripts as a whole, moving beyond traditional approaches, while the chapter 'Reading between (and beyond) the lines' demonstrates some of the fascinating detail of glosses and marginalia, and reveals how the life of the manuscript continued beyond the writing of its main text.


  • 1. Introduction (Gale R. Owen-Crocker, Professor of Anglo-Saxon Culture at the University of Manchester, UK and Director of the AHRC-funded project 'The Lexis of Cloth and Clothing in Britain c. 700-1450' and Maria Carmela Cesario, Lecturer in Medieval English Language and Literature at Brasenose College, University of Oxford, UK)
  • 2. The construction and writing of Anglo-Saxon manuscripts (Alexander Rumble, Reader in Palaeography and Director of the Manchester Centre for Anglo-Saxon Studies at the University of Manchester, UK) 3. Manuscript sources of Old English prose (Donald Scragg, Emeritus Professor of Anglo-Saxon Studies at the University of Manchester, UK 4. Manuscript sources of Old English poetry (Elaine Treharne, Professor of Medieval Literature at Florida State University, USA and Co-Director of the AHRC-funded project 'The Production and Use of English Manuscripts 1060-1220') 5. A survey of Latin manuscripts (Gernot Wieland, Professor of English at the University of British Columbia, Canada) 6. Reading between (and beyond) the lines: glosses and notes in Anglo-Saxon manuscripts (Timothy Graham, Associate Professor of History and Director of the Institute for Medieval Studies, University of New Mexico, USA) 7. Manuscript art (Catherine Karkov, Professor of Art History at the University of Leeds, UK) 8. From manuscript to computer (Stuart Lee, Acting Director of University Computing Services and a teaching member of the English Faculty at the University of Oxford, UK and Daniel O'Donnell, Associate Professor of English, Chair of the Text Encoding Initiative and Director of the Digital Medievalist Project, University of Lethbridge, Canada) Glossary Index of Manuscripts Index

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