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Science and the reenchantment of the cosmos : the rise of the integral vision of reality

Ervin Laszlo

Inner Traditions, c2006

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Includes bibliographical references (p. 202-213) and index

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What scientists are now finding at the outermost frontiers of every field is overturning all the basic premises concerning the nature of the matter and reality. The universe is not a world of separate things and events, but is a cosmos that is connected, coherent and bears a profound resemblance to the visions held in the earliest spiritual traditions in which the physical world and spiritual experience were both aspects of the same reality and man and the universe were one. The findings that justify this new vision of the underlying logic of the universe come from almost all of the empirical sciences: physics, cosmology, the life sciences and consciousness research. They explain how interactions lead to interconnections that produce instantaneous and multifaceted coherence - what happens to one part, also, happens to the other parts and, hence, to the system as a whole. The sense of sacred oneness experienced by our ancestors can be restored and humanity can once again feel at home in the universe.

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