The economics of digital markets



The economics of digital markets

edited by Gary Madden, Russel Cooper

Edward Elgar, c2009

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 6



Includes bibliographical references and index



This innovative book provides state-of-the-art analyses of the current condition of the economics of digital markets. The most recent developments in web technology are evolving, creating an increasingly deregulated environment. Much of the impetus for liberalisation is in response to multimedia convergence and the globalisation of markets, leading to uncertainties in the sector. Gary Madden and Russel Cooper examine the microeconomics of platform structure and firm competition within and between digital markets, modern theoretical treatments of regulatory intervention in digital markets and the consideration of forward-looking experimental analysis of demand for yet-to-be provided services. Bringing together a highly focused group of eminent scholars, this book will appeal to academics, postgraduate students, and both international treaty and national government agencies as well as market analysts.


Contents: Foreword Introduction 1. Policy Towards Standardisation in Wireless Telecommunications Luis M.B. Cabral and David Salant 2. Assembling Platforms: Strategy and Competition Eric Brousseau and Thierry Penard 3. Fines, Damages and the Technological Protection of Information Goods Claude Crampes, Abraham Hollander and Charbel Macdissi 4. Vertical Relationships and Horizontal Mergers in the Internet Edmond Baranes and Thomas Cortade 5. Strategic Commitments and the Principle of Reciprocity in Interconnection Pricing Nicholas Economides, Giuseppe Lopomo and Glenn Woroch 6. International Sourcing in European Telecommunications: Capability Development and Resource Interactions Carsten Zimmermann, Philipp Zimmermann and Dieter Lange 7. Network Economic Externalities in the Media and Telecommunications Industries Armando Calabrese, Massimo Gastaldi and Nathan Levialdi Ghiron 8. Forecasting ICT Business Markets: A Simultaneous Equation Modelling Approach Moshen Hamoudia and Miriam Scaglione 9. A Demand System Approach to Network Technology Expenditure Forecasting with Short Time-series Russel Cooper and Gary Madden 10. Estimating Wireless-only Household Penetration: A Local Perspective Paul Rappoport, James Alleman and Lester Taylor 11. Korean Mobile Number Policy and Provider Switching Behaviour Moon-Koo Kim, Jong-Hyun Park and Kyoung-Yong Jee 12. The Economic Impact of Alternative Interconnection Arrangements Among Network Operators Livio Cricelli, Michele Grimaldi and Nathan Levialdi Ghiron 13. Access-usage Complementarity, the Waterbed Effect and Mobile Termination Charges Regulation Aniruddha Banerjee 14. Network Neutrality and its Potential Impact on Digital Content Platforms Rob Frieden 15. Technological Advance and the Changing Structure of Transnational Standards Organisations D. Linda Garcia and Madhura K. Kale 16. Municipal Broadband Internet Initiatives: Lessons from US History Carol Ting 17. Network Neutrality: Theory and Practice Gerald R. Faulhaber Index

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