Armstrong's handbook of human resource management practice


Armstrong's handbook of human resource management practice

Michael Armstrong

Kogan Page, c2009

11th ed

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 5



Includes bibliographical references and index



Armstrong's Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice is the classic text for all students and practitioners of HRM. Providing a complete resource for understanding and implementing HR in relation to the needs of the business as a whole, it includes in-depth coverage of all the key areas essential to the HR function. The 11th edition has been radically updated to create a cutting-edge textbook, which encourages and facilitates effective learning. Comprehensive on-line support material is provided for both the instructor and student; providing a complete teaching resource for lecturers and material for students to test their learning. The text has been updated to include all the latest developments in HRM, including a new chapter on social responsibility.


  • Part I Human Resource Management 1. The Practice of Human Resource Management Introduction
  • Human resource management defined
  • The objectives of HRM
  • Theories of HRM
  • Characteristics of HRM
  • The development of the concept of HRM
  • Reservations about HRM
  • The context of HRM
  • The ethical dimension 2. Strategic Human Resource Management Introduction
  • The conceptual basis of strategic HRM
  • Strategic HRM defined
  • The resource-based view of strategic HRM
  • Strategic fit
  • Perspectives on strategic HRM
  • The reality of strategic HRM
  • Practical implications of strategic HRM theory 3. HR Strategies Introduction
  • What are HR strategies?
  • General HR strategies
  • Specific HR strategies
  • Criteria for an effective HR strategy
  • How should HR strategies be formulated?
  • Developing HR strategies
  • Implementing HR strategies 4. Human Capital Management Introduction
  • Human capital management defined
  • The concept of human capital
  • The constituents of human capital
  • Human capital measurement
  • Human capital internal reporting
  • Human capital external reporting
  • Introducing HCM 5. The Role and Organization of the HR Function Introduction
  • The role of the HR function
  • The organization of the HR function
  • Evaluating the HR function
  • HR shared service centres
  • Outsourcing HR work 00
  • Offshoring
  • Using management consultants
  • Marketing the HR function
  • HR budgeting
  • The HR role of front line managers 6. The Role of the HR Practitioner Introduction
  • The basic role
  • The business partner role
  • The strategic role of HR specialists
  • Service provision
  • The guardian of values role
  • Models of HR roles
  • Gaining support and commitment
  • Ethical considerations
  • Professionalism in human resource management
  • Ambiguities in the role of HR practitioners
  • Conflict in the HR contribution
  • The qualities required by HR professionals
  • Continuous professional development 7. The Impact of HRM on Performance Introduction
  • The impact made by HRM
  • How HRM strategies make an impact
  • How HRM practices make an impact 8. International HRM Introduction
  • International HRM defined
  • Issues in international HRM
  • Global HR policies and practices
  • Managing expatriates 9. Corporate Social Responsibility Introduction
  • Strategic CSR defined
  • CSR activities
  • The rationale for CSR
  • Developing a CSR strategy 10. Human Resource Management Research Methods Introduction
  • The nature of research
  • Research philosophy
  • Planning and conducting research programmes
  • Literature reviews
  • Quantitative and qualitative methods of research
  • Methods of collecting data
  • Processes involved in research
  • Statistical analysis Part II Human Resource Management Processes 11. Competency-based HRM Introduction
  • Types of competencies
  • Competency frameworks
  • Coverage of competencies
  • Applications of competency-based HRM
  • Developing a competency framework Competencies and emotional intelligence 12. Knowledge Management Introduction
  • Knowledge management defined
  • The concept of knowledge
  • The purpose and significance of knowledge management
  • Knowledge management strategies
  • Knowledge management systems
  • Knowledge management issues
  • The contribution of HR to knowledge management 13. High-performance Work Systems Introduction
  • High-performance culture
  • High-performance work system defined
  • Characteristics of a high-performance work system
  • Components of an HPWS
  • Impact of high-performance work systems
  • Reservations about the impact of an HPWS
  • Developing a high-performance work system Part III Work and Employment 14. Work Introduction
  • The nature of work
  • Organizational factors affecting work
  • Changes in the pattern of employment
  • The future of work 15. The Employment Relationship Introduction
  • The employment relationship defined
  • The basis of the employment relationship
  • Employment relationship contracts
  • What is happening to the employment relationship
  • Managing the employment relationship
  • Developing a high trust organization
  • Theories explaining the employment relationship 16. The Psychological Contract Introduction
  • The psychological contract defined
  • The psychological contract and the employment relationship
  • The significance of the psychological contract
  • Changes to the psychological contract
  • State of the psychological contract 2004
  • How psychological contracts develop
  • Developing and maintaining a positive psychological contract 17. The Essence of Organizational Behaviour Introduction
  • Organizational behaviour defined
  • Organizational behaviour defined
  • Organization behaviour and the social and behavioural sciences
  • Explaining organizational behaviour
  • Factors affecting organizational behaviour
  • The sources and applications of organization behaviour theory
  • The significance of organizational behaviour theory Part IV Organizational Behaviour 18. Characteristics of People Introduction
  • Individual differences
  • Personal characteristics
  • Types of behaviour
  • Implications for HR specialists 19. Motivation Introduction
  • Motivation defined
  • Types of motivation
  • Motivation theories
  • Motivation and money
  • Motivation strategies 20. Engagement and Commitment Introduction
  • The concepts of engagement and commitment compared
  • Employee engagement
  • Organizational commitment
  • The contribution of HR to developing commitment 21. How Organizations Function Introduction
  • Organization theory
  • Organization structure
  • Types of organization
  • Organizational processes 22. Organizational Culture Introduction
  • Organizational culture defined
  • Organizational climate defined
  • How organizational culture develops
  • The diversity of culture
  • The components of culture
  • Classifying organizational culture
  • Assessing organizational culture
  • Measuring organizational climate
  • Appropriate cultures
  • Supporting and changing cultures Part V Organization Design and Development 23. Organization Design Introduction
  • The process of organizing
  • Aims of organization design
  • Conducting organization reviews
  • Who does the work? 24. Organization Development Introduction
  • Organization development defined
  • Organization development programmes
  • Assumptions and values of organization development
  • Organization development activities 25. Change Management Introduction
  • Types of change
  • The change process
  • Change models
  • Resistance to change
  • Implementing change
  • Guidelines for change management
  • Organizational transformation
  • The role of HR in managing change 26. Job, Role, Competency and Skills Analysis Introduction
  • Definitions
  • Job analysis
  • Job descriptions
  • Role analysis and role profiles
  • Generic role profiles
  • Behavioural competency modelling
  • Analysing technical competencies
  • Skills analysis 27. Job and Role Design and Development Introduction 00
  • Job design 00
  • Role development Part VI People Resourcing 28. People Resourcing Strategy Introduction
  • The objective of people resourcing strategy
  • The strategic HRM approach to resourcing
  • Integrating business and resourcing strategies
  • The components of employee resourcing strategy
  • Bundling resourcing strategies and activities 29. Human Resource Planning Introduction
  • Human resource planning defined
  • Aims of human resource planning
  • Use of human resource planning
  • Approaches to human resource planning 30. People Resourcing Practice Introduction
  • Employee value proposition
  • Employer brand
  • Employee turnover
  • Retention planning
  • Absence management
  • Flexibility planning 31. Recruitment and Selection Introduction
  • The recruitment and selection process
  • Defining requirements
  • Attracting candidates
  • Processing applications
  • Selection methods
  • Dealing with recruitment problems
  • References and offers 32. Selection Interviewing Introduction
  • Purpose
  • The basis of an interview -- the person specification
  • The nature of an interview -- obtaining the information
  • Advantages and disadvantages of interviews
  • Interviewing arrangements
  • Preparation
  • Planning an interview
  • Types of interviews
  • Interview techniques -- starting and finishing
  • Interviewing techniques -- asking questions
  • Selection interviewing skills
  • Coming to a conclusion 33. Selection Tests Introduction
  • Psychological tests
  • Ability tests
  • Characteristics of a good test
  • Interpreting test results
  • Choosing tests
  • The use of tests in a selection procedure
  • Good practice in psychological testing 34. Talent Management Introduction
  • The meaning of talent management
  • The process of talent management
  • Developing a talent management strategy
  • Management succession planning 35. Career Management Introduction
  • Career management defined
  • Aims
  • Career stages
  • Career development strategy
  • Career management activities
  • The process of career management
  • Self-managed careers 36. Introduction to the Organization Introduction
  • Induction: what it is and why it is important
  • Reception
  • Documentation
  • Company induction -- initial briefing
  • Introduction to the workplace
  • Formal induction courses
  • On-the-job induction training 37. Release from the Organization Introduction
  • Redundancy
  • Dismissal
  • Retirement Part VII Performance Management 38. The Process of Performance Management Introduction
  • Performance management defined
  • Objectives of performance management
  • Characteristics of performance management
  • Underpinning theories
  • The performance management cycle
  • Conducting a performance review meeting
  • Assessing performance
  • Dealing with under-performers
  • Introducing performance management
  • Line managers and performance management 39. 360-degree Feedback Introduction
  • Use of 360-degree feedback
  • 360-degree feedback - methodology
  • 360-degree feedback -- advantages and disadvantages
  • Development and implementation Part VIII Learning and Development 40 Learning and Development Strategy Introduction
  • Features of a learning and development strategy
  • Learning culture
  • The learning organization
  • The contribution of learning and development to organizational performance 41 The Process of Learning and Development Introduction
  • Learning and development defined
  • Elements of learning and development
  • Approaches to learning and development
  • Informal and formal learning
  • E-learning
  • Blended learning
  • Self-directed learning
  • Development
  • Training 42 Learning and Development Programmes and Events Introduction
  • The business case for learning and development
  • Planning and delivering learning programmes and events
  • Responsibility for the implementation of learning
  • Identifying learning needs
  • Evaluation of learning 43 How People Learn Introduction
  • Learning defined
  • The learning process
  • Learning theory
  • Learning styles
  • Learning to learn
  • The learning curve
  • The motivation to learn
  • The implications of learning theory and concepts 44 Organizational Learning Introduction
  • Organizational learning defined
  • The process of organizational learning
  • Outcomes of organizational learning
  • Outcomes of organizational learning
  • Evaluative enquiry
  • Organizational learning and the learning organization 45 Management Development Introduction
  • Management development policy
  • Management development strategy
  • Approaches to management development
  • The integrated approach to management development
  • Responsibility for management development
  • Criteria for management development Part IX Rewarding People 46 Reward Management Introduction
  • Reward management defined
  • The philosophy of reward management
  • The reward system
  • Total reward
  • Reward strategy
  • Reward management and line management capability 47 Job Evaluation Introduction
  • Job evaluation defined
  • Approaches
  • Analytical job evaluation schemes
  • Non-analytical schemes
  • ]Market pricing
  • Computer-aided job evaluation
  • Choice of approach
  • Designing an analytical point-factor job evaluation scheme
  • Designing an analytical matching job evaluation scheme
  • Equal pay considerations
  • Conclusions 48 Market Rate Analysis Introduction
  • The concept of a market rate
  • Job matching
  • Use of benchmark jobs
  • Sources of market data
  • Interpreting and presenting market rate data
  • Using survey data 49 Grade and Pay Structures Introduction 00
  • Definitions
  • Types of grade and pay structure
  • Designing grade and pay structures 50 Contingent Pay Introduction
  • Contingent pay as a motivator
  • Arguments for and against contingent pay
  • Alternatives to contingent pay
  • Criteria for success
  • Performance-related pay
  • Competency-related pay
  • Contribution-related pay
  • Skill-based pay
  • Readiness for individual contingent pay
  • Developing and implementing individual contingent pay
  • Service-related pay
  • Summary of individual contingent pay schemes
  • Bonus schemes
  • Team-based pay
  • Organization-wide bonus schemes
  • Choice of approach to contingent pay 51 Rewarding Special Groups Reward management for directors and executives
  • Reward management for sales representatives
  • Paying manual workers 52 Employee Benefits, Pensions and Allowances Employee benefits
  • Pensions
  • Communicating pensions policies
  • Total reward statements
  • Allowances 53 Managing Reward Systems Introduction
  • Controlling reward
  • Monitoring and evaluating reward policies and practices
  • Conducting pay reviews
  • Reward procedures
  • Managing the development of reward systems
  • Devolution to line managers of responsibility for reward
  • Communicating to employees Part X Employee Relations 54 The Employee Relations Framework Introduction
  • The basis of employee relations
  • Industrial relations as a system of rules
  • Regulations and rules in industrial relations
  • Collective bargaining
  • The unitary and pluralist views
  • The concept of social partnership 00
  • Individualism and collectivism
  • Voluntarism and its decline
  • The HRM approach to employee relations
  • The context of industrial relations
  • Developments in industrial relations
  • The parties to employee relations 55 Employee Relations Processes Introduction 00
  • Employee relations policies
  • Employee relations strategies 00
  • Employee relations climate
  • Union recognition
  • Collective bargaining arrangements
  • Collective bargaining outcomes
  • Informal employee relations processes
  • Other features of the industrial relations scene 00
  • Negotiating and bargaining
  • Managing with unions
  • Managing without trade unions
  • The state of employment relations
  • Handling employment issues 56 Employee Voice Introduction
  • The meaning of employee voice
  • The forms of employee voice
  • The framework for employee voice 00
  • Expression of employee voice
  • Joint consultation
  • Attitude surveys
  • Suggestion schemes
  • Effectiveness of employee involvement and participation
  • Planning for voice
  • EU Directives affecting employee voice procedures 57 Employee Communications Introduction
  • The importance of employee communications
  • What should be communicated?
  • Communication methods
  • Employee communication strategy Part XI Health, Safety and Employee Well-being 58 Health and Safety Introduction
  • Managing health and safety at work
  • Health and safety policies
  • Conducting risk assessments
  • Health and safety audits
  • Health and safety inspections
  • Accident prevention
  • Occupational health programmes
  • Measuring health and safety performance
  • Communicating the need for better health and safety practices
  • Health and safety training
  • Organizing health and safety 59 Employee Well-being Introduction 00
  • Significance of the work environment
  • Services for individuals
  • Group employee services Part XII HR Policies, Procedures and Systems 60 HR Policies Introduction
  • Why have HR policies?
  • Overall HR policy
  • Specific HR policies
  • Formulating HR policies
  • Implementing HR policies 61 HR Procedures What are HR procedures?
  • Capability procedure
  • Disciplinary procedure
  • Grievance procedure 00
  • Redundancy procedure 62 HR Information Systems Introduction
  • Reasons for introducing an HRIS
  • The functions of an HRIS 00
  • Features of an HRIS
  • Introducing an HRIS Appendices A Example of Employee Engagement and Commitment Survey B Example of Performance Management Survey C Example of Reward Survey D Learning and Development Activities and Methods E HRM Research Methods Web Addresses Subject/Author Index

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