Plastic fantastic : how the biggest fraud in physics shook the scientific world


Plastic fantastic : how the biggest fraud in physics shook the scientific world

Eugenie Samuel Reich

Palgrave Macmillan, 2009


Includes bibliographical references and index



This book presents an investigation of a celebrated scientific discovery that was revealed to be fraudulent from a journalist with a unique insight into the case. It is expected that the book will be extensively reviewed due to the author's media connections, as she has written for the "New Scientist" and many other popular publications within the scientific community. It will also be advertised in "Nature and Scientific American". There are no competing works examining the extent of this fraud and the effects it had on the scientific community. It is written by a journalist with unprecedented access to this infamous case of major scientific fraud that hit headlines worldwide.Schon's discovery of a plastic that worked as a superconductor was noted as a scientific triumph before revelations that his discoveries were fake. This book analyzes the fraud and considers pressures that force unscrupulous behaviour from science's rising stars.


Introduction The Crystals Vision Faking the Data A Slave to Publication A Nice Christmas Present for the Lab How to Disarm Critics Extraordinary Claims Require Extraordinary Airtime Scientists Astray Plastic Fantastic The Fraud Taboo Getting the Word Out A Kind of Confession Where Are They Now?

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