Ultrastructural pathology : the comparative cellular basis of disease


Ultrastructural pathology : the comparative cellular basis of disease

Norman F. Cheville

Wiley-Blackwell, 2009

2nd ed

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 6



Includes bibliographical references and index



Ultrastructural Pathology


Preface xi Contributors xiii Prologue xv Part I: Structural Basis of Cell Injury 3 1 Response to Cellular Injury 5 Acute Cell Swelling 5 Adaptive Responses to Persistent Injury 21 2 Cell Death 33 Necrosis 35 Programmed Cell Death 40 Interplay of Necrosis and PCD 49 Getting Rid of the Dead Cell 52 Endothelial Cell Death 54 3 Cellular Defense and Recovery 61 Plasma Membrane in Recovery 61 Detoxification: Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum and Peroxisomes 62 Mitochondria in Recovery 63 Nucleoli, DNA, and the Genome in Recovery 64 Proteostasis 67 Autophagy: Removal of Debris 69 Part II: Organelle Pathology 75 4 The Cell Surface 77 The Plasma Membrane 77 Cytoskeleton 86 Intercellular Junctions 97 Surface Structures 101 5 Intracellular Trafficking 109 Endocytosis 109 Phagocytosis 115 Lysosomes and Cytoplasmic Trafficking 116 Exocytosis 118 6 Nucleus, Ribosomes, the Golgi Complex, and Secretion 125 Nucleus 125 Ribosomes 136 Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum 138 Golgi Complex 139 Secretion 142 7 Peroxisomes, Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum, and Lipids 153 Peroxisomes 153 Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum 156 Glycogen 161 Lipids 164 Lipoproteins 169 Lipid Metabolism Disorders 173 8 Mitochondria 181 The Normal Mitochondrion 181 Mitochondrial Swelling: Response to Acute Injury 184 Mitochondriopathy of Metabolic and Chronic Diseases 188 Mitochondrial DNA-Based Disorders 193 Part III: Inflammation and Hemostasis 199 9 Endothelium 201 Endothelial Interface with Blood and Perivascular Space 201 Endothelial Thromboresistance vs. Procoagulation 206 Endothelial Response to Hypoxia and Circulatory Dysfunction 208 Inflammation 209 Mast Cell and Basophil Interface with Endothelium 217 Angiogenesis 223 10 Leukocytes and Platelets 231 The Neutrophil 231 Eosinophils 243 Platelets 246 Thrombosis 257 11 The Mononuclear Phagocyte System and Lymphocytes 269 The Monocyte-Macrophage System 269 Dendritic Cells 274 Lymphocytes 283 12 The Extracellular Matrix 295 Collagen Fibers 297 Microfibrils 303 Extracellular Ground Substance 304 Basement Membranes 307 Mucins and Other Barriers 310 Part IV: Infectious Diseases 317 13 Cytopathology of Viral Diseases 319 Family Poxviridae 319 Family Herpesviridae 327 Family Adenoviridae 338 Family Papillomaviridae 343 Family Polyomaviridae 347 Family Parvoviridae 349 Family Iridoviridae 353 Family Asfarviridae 353 Family Hepadnaviridae 354 Family Circoviridae 355 Family Orthomyxoviridae 356 Family Paramyxoviridae 358 Family Rhabdoviridae 366 Family Filoviridae 369 Family Coronaviridae 370 Family Reoviridae 373 Family Arenaviridae 379 Family Togaviridae 381 Family Arteriviridae 384 Family Bornaviridae 386 Family Flaviviridae 386 Family Bunyaviridae 391 Family Birnaviridae 392 Family Nadoviridae 394 Family Picornaviridae 394 Family Caliciviridae 399 Family Astroviridae 401 Family Retroviridae 401 14 Cytopathology of Pathogenic Prokaryotes 425 Structure of the Bacterial Cell 425 Phylum Tenericutes, Order Mycoplasmatales 442 Order Entomoplasmatales 447 Order Incertae Sedis 447 Phylum Proteobacteriae, Order Rickettsiales 448 Order Rhizobiales 453 Order Burkholderiales 457 Order Neisseriales 459 Order Campylobacterales 461 Order Aeromonadales 466 Order Enterobacteriales 466 Order Legionellales 476 Order Pasteurellales 477 Order Pseudomonadales 482 Order Thiotricales 484 Order Vibrionales 484 Phylum Chlamydiae, Order Chlamydiales 485 Order Actinomycetales 487 Phylum Firmicutes, Order Bacillales 496 Order Lactobacillales 500 Order Clostridiales 502 Order Spriochaetales 505 Order Bacteroidales 509 Order Fusobacteriales 510 Other Bacteria 510 15 Pathogenic Protozoa 525 Amoebas 526 Ciliates 528 Flagellates 529 Hemosporidians 538 The Malarial Organisms 543 The Coccidia 549 The Microsporans 560 Protozoa of Uncertain Taxonomy 563 16 Algae, Fungi, and Other Eukaryotes 573 Algae 573 Fungi 576 The Myxozoans 595 Intracelllar Metazoan Parasites 597 Part V: Toxicologic Diseases 605 17 Toxicologic Pathology 607 Lysosomotropic Hepatotoxins 609 Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum Hepatotoxins 613 Hepatotoxins and the Golgi Complex 619 Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum and Hepatotoxicity 619 Mitochondrial Hepatotoxins 623 Steatosis and Hepatotoxicity 626 Hepatic Toxins That Act on the Nucleus 626 Hepatocyte Toxins That Act on the Cytoskeleton 627 Particulate Hepatotoxins 627 18 Myotoxins 635 Cardiotoxicity 635 Myocardial Toxins 643 Skeletal Muscle 651 Smooth Muscle Toxicity 658 19 Neurotoxins and Neurodegeneration 667 Introduction 667 Neuronopathies 668 Myelin Toxins: Myelinopathies 678 Neuropathies: The Peripheral Nerves 681 Neurotoxins That Act at Nerve Termini and Synapses 683 Glial Toxins 687 Vascular Neurotoxins and the Blood-Brain Barrier 688 20 Nephrotoxins 695 Glomerular Toxins 695 Proximal Convoluted Tubule Toxins 697 Distal Tubule Toxins 705 Toxins in the Medulla 705 The Juxtaglomerular Apparatus 708 Crystal Nephropathy 710 Confounding Lesions in Nephrotoxicity 711 21 Toxicity of Respiratory Systems 717 The Normal Mammalian Lung 717 Reaction to Pulmonary Toxins 719 Substances Damaging to Lung 723 Acute Toxic Pulmonary Injury 726 Chronic Inhalant Injury 728 Chronic Exhalant Toxicity 734 Comparative Respiratory Systems 736 Part VI: Pathologic Growth 741 22 The Cell Cycle: Dysfunction in Aging, Senescence, and Hibernation 743 The Cell Cycle 743 Regeneration 747 Aging and Senescence 750 Hibernation 751 Cell Senescence 752 23 The Neoplastic Cell 757 The Genomic Landscape 758 Benign or Malignant 761 Neoplastic Cell Structure 761 Neoplastic Cell Surfaces 763 The Nucleus of the Neoplastic Cell 766 Cytoplasm 769 The Tumor Microenvironment 775 Metastasis 780 Neoplastic Cell Death 785 Part VII: Diagnostic Pathology 795 24 Calcification 797 Intracellular Calcification 797 Extracellular Calcification 798 Microliths 802 25 Pigments 811 Melanin 811 Chromatophores 815 Hemoglobin-Derived Pigments 815 Erythrophagocytosis 817 Copper-Containing Pigments 822 Exogenous Pigments 824 26 Amyloid, Protein Misfolding Defects, and Inclusions 829 Amyloid 829 Tauopathies 839 Synucleinopathies 840 Misfolded Proteins and Inspissated Inclusions 842 27 Metabolic and Storage Diseases 857 Lipid Storage Diseases 857 Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinoses 862 Glycoproteinoses 863 Mucopolysaccharidoses 864 Mucolipidoses 866 Glycogen Storage Diseases 866 Amino Acid Transport Storage Diseases 869 Other Storage Diseases 870 28 Arteriopathy 875 Responses of the Artery to Injury 875 Atherosclerosis 881 29 The Renal Glomerulopathies 891 Membranous Glomerulonephritis 891 Proliferative Glomerulonephritis 898 Minimal Change Disease 900 Glomerulonephritis Associated with Systemic Disease 900 Diabetes 903 30 Prions 911 Prions Defi ned 911 The Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies 912 Index 917

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