Accelerating trade and integration in the Caribbean : policy options for sustained growth, job creation, and poverty reduction



Accelerating trade and integration in the Caribbean : policy options for sustained growth, job creation, and poverty reduction

Yvonne Tsikata, Emmanuel Pinto Moreira, Pamela Coke Hamilton

(World Bank country study)

World Bank, c2009

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 14



"Document of the World Bank and the Organization of American States, co-produced with the Governments of CARIFORUM Countries"

Includes bibliographical references (p. 307-311)



The main objective of this report is to help policymakers in the Caribbean design an agenda of policy actions to accelerate trade integration and growth, and to reduce poverty. Each part of the report focuses on a key question and provides an in-depth analysis of the issues raised, laying the foundations for policy recommendations described in the last chapter of the report. Part I asks whether the Caribbean's economic and trade system are sound enough to sustain the new era of its global trade relations. Part II addresses the opportunities and challenges that the new trade environment offers to the Caribbean. Part III assesses the impact of the recently-negotiated Economic Partnership Agreement on growth and poverty reduction using two types of macroeconomic models. The report concludes with policy priorities for accelerating Caribbean integration into the world economy and for reaping the benefits of global competition.

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