
Mobility, sexuality and AIDS

edited by Felicity Thomas, Mary Haour-Knipe, and Peter Aggleton

(Sexuality, culture and health series)

Routledge, 2010

  • : hbk

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 4



Includes bibliographical references



Over the past two decades, population mobility has intensified and become more diverse, raising important questions concerning the health and well-being of people who are mobile as well as communities of origin and destination. Ongoing concerns have been voiced about possible links between mobility and HIV, with calls being made to contain or control migrant populations, and debate linking HIV with issues of global security and surveillance being fuelled. This volume challenges common assumptions about mobility, HIV and AIDS. A series of interlinked chapters prepared by international experts explores the experiences of people who are mobile as they relate to sexuality and to HIV susceptibility and impact. The various chapters discuss the factors that contribute to the vulnerability of different mobile groups but also examine the ways in which agency, resilience and adaptation shape lived experience and help people protect themselves throughout the mobility process. Looking at diverse forms of migration and mobility - covering flight from conflict, poverty and exploitation, through labour migration to 'sex tourism' - the book reports on research findings from around the world, including the USA, the UK, sub-Saharan Africa, Australia, Central America and China. Mobility, Sexuality and AIDS recognises the complex relationships between individual circumstances, population mobility and community and state response. It is invaluable reading for policy makers, students and practitioners working in the fields of migration, development studies, anthropology, sociology, geography and public health.


Introduction: Mobility, sexuality and AIDS, Felicity Thomas, Mary Haour-Knipe and Peter Aggleton, 1. Migration and HIV infection: What does data from destination countries show? Islene Araujo, Mary Haour-Knipe, Karl Dehne, 2. Leaving loved ones behind: Mexican gay men's migration to the USA, Hector Carrillo, 3. Concentrated disadvantages: Neighbourhood context as a structural risk for Latino immigrants in the USA, Emilio A. Parrado, Chenoa A. Flippen, Leonardo Uribe, 4. Conflict, forced migration, sexual behaviour and HIV/AIDS, Bayard Roberts and Preeti Patel, 5. Negotiating migration, gender and sexuality: Health and social services for HIV-positive people from minority ethnic backgrounds in Sydney, Henrike Koerner, 6. Treat with care: Africans and HIV in the UK, Jane Anderson, 7. Touristic borderlands: Ethnographic reflections on Dominican social geographies, Mark B. Padilla and Daniel Castellanos, 8. Rice, rams and remittances: Bumsters and female tourists in The Gambi, Stella Nyanzi and Ousman Bah, 9. Fantasies, dependency and denial: HIV and the sex industry in Costa Rica, Jacobo Schifter and Felicity Thomas, 10. 'Que gusto estar de vuelta en mi tierra': The sexual geography of transnational migration, Jennifer Hirsch and Sergio Meneses Navarro, 11. From migrating men to moving women: trends in South Africa's changing political economy and geography of intimacy, Mark Hunter, 12. Labour migration and risky sexual behaviour: Tea plantation workers in Kericho District, Kenya, Kennedy Nyabuti Ondimu, 13. Young sex workers in Ethiopia: Linking migration, sex work and AIDS, Lorraine van Blerk, 14. Labour migration and HIV risk in Papua New Guinea, Holly Wardlow, 15. Migration, men's extramarital sex and the risk of HIV infection in Nigeria, Daniel Jordan Smith, 16. Migration, detachment, and HIV risk among rural-urban migrants in China, Xiushi Yang

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