Censorship and the press, 1580-1720


Censorship and the press, 1580-1720

general editors, Geoff Kemp and Jason McElligott

Pickering & Chatto, 2009

  • : set
  • v. 1
  • v. 2
  • v. 3
  • v. 4


Vol. 1: edited by Cyndia Susan Clegg. v. 2: edited by Jason McElligott. v. 3: edited by Geoff Kemp. v. 4: edited by Mark Goldie and Geoff Kemp

Vol. 1. Background, 1557-1579, 1580-1639 -- v. 2. 1640-1660 -- v. 3. 1660-1695 -- v. 4. 1696-1720, index

Includes index



Helps scholars to examine historical press censorship in England. This title draws together around 500 texts, reaching across 140 years from the rigours of the Elizabethan Star Chamber Decree to the publication of "Cato's Letters", which famously advanced principles of free speech.


  • Volume 1 Background, 1557-79 1557 Charter for the Stationers' Company of London (1557) 1558-69 Elizabeth I, Injunctions geuen by the Quenes Maiestie, aswell to the Clergye, as to the Laitie of this Realme ([1559])
  • Elizabeth I, 'An Acte for the Explanation of the Statute of Seditious Wordes and Rumours', in Anno Primo Reginae Eliabethe at the Parliament ([1559])
  • 'John Day's Printing Patent', in William Cuningham, Cosmographical Glass (1559)
  • Ordinaunces Decreed for Reformation of Diuers Disorders in Pryntyng and Vtteryng of Bookes ([1566])
  • Elizabeth I, A Proclamation Prohibiting Importing Seditious Books ([1569]) 1570-4 Elizabeth I, A Proclamation made agaynst Seditious and Trayterous Bookes, Billes, and Writinges ([1570])
  • 'Examination of Alexander Hervey for Printing John Leslie's Book on Mary Queen of Scots' Right to the Throne' (1570)
  • Elizabeth I, 'Treason by Words', in Anno xij Reginae Elizabethe at the Parliament ([1571])
  • [ John Leslie], A Treatise of Treasons against Q. Elizabeth and the Croune of England (1572)
  • 'Letters to Lord Burghley regarding Admonition Pamphlets' (1552-3)
  • 'William Strowd's Trouble with the High Commission for Printing'(1573)
  • Elizabeth I, The Queenes Maiestie Consydering ... a Godly & Good Order of Publique Prayer and Administration of the Sacramentes hath ben set Foorth and Allowed by Parliament ([1573])
  • Elizabeth I, Whereas Certayne Obstinate and Irrepentant Traytours,aft er theyr Notorious Rebellions made against this theyr Naturall Countrey, have Fledde out of the same ([1573]) 1575-9 George Gascoigne, The Poesies of George Gascoigne Esquire ([1575])
  • 'Suppression of 1577 Holinshed's Chronicles'
  • Gregory Martin, A Treatise of Schisme (1578)
  • Elizabeth I, Although her Maiestie hath had so Good Proofe of Gods Singular Goodnes, in the Continual Preseruation of her from his First Setting of her in the Crowne ([1579])
  • Account of John Stubbe's Book and Trial, in William Camden, Annales (1625)
  • John Stubbe, The Discouerie of a Gaping Gulf (1579)
  • Elizabeth I, A Proclamation against the Sectaries of the Family of Loue ([1579]) 1580-1634 1580-4 'Treason Statute against Publishing', in Anno. xxiii. Reginae Elizabethae (1581)
  • 'Parliamentary Censure of A. Hall for Printing'
  • 'Journeymen's Petition on Abuses of Printing' (1582)
  • Elizabeth I, A Proclamation against certaine Seditious and Scismatical Bookes and Libelles ([1583])
  • 'Speech Proposing Changes for a Statute on Press Control'
  • Elizabeth I, A Proclamation for the Suppressing of Seditious Bookes and Libelles ([1584])
  • Leycester's Commonwealth (1584) 1585-9 'Decrees in Star Chamber for Order in Printing' (1586)
  • 'Privy Council Order recalling 1587 Holinshed Chronicles'
  • Elizabeth I, A Proclamation against the Bringing in, Dispersing, Vttering and Keeping of Bulles fr om the Sea of Rome, and other Traiterous and Sedicious Libels, Bookes and Pamphlets (1588)
  • John Udall, The State of the Church of England ([1588])
  • Martin Marprelate, 'Concerning Waldegraue', in Hay any Worke for Cooper ([1589])
  • Elizabeth I, A Proclamation against certaine Seditious and Schismatical Bookes and Libels ([1589])
  • 'Arraignment of Richard Knightly et al in Star Chamber for Printing Marprelate Pamphlets' (1588) 1590-4 Thomas Windebank to L. Burghley on Scottish Objections to Holinshed's 1587 Chronicles 1595-1603 William, Cardinal Allen, A Conference about the Next Succession to the Crowne of Ingland (1595)
  • James I's Interest in Censoring Edmund Spenser's Faerie Queene, Aston to Bowes (1596)
  • 'On the Recall of John Hayward's Henry IIII' (1599)
  • 'Bishops' Ban'
  • [Thomas Middleton], Mycro-Cynicon. Sixe Snarling Satyres (1599)
  • 'Elizabeth's Response to Hayward's Henry IIII', in Francis Bacon, Apophthegmes New and Old (1625)
  • 'Hayward's Henry IIII and Essex's Trial', in Francis Bacon, Sir Francis Bacon His Apologie, in certaine Imputations concerning the late Earle of Essex (1604) 1603-9 'The Case of De Libellis famosis', in Edward Coke, The Reports of Sir Edward Coke (1658)
  • 'Suppression of Edward Ayscue's Historie containing the Warres ...' Fenton to Salisbury and Ayscue to Salisbury (1607)
  • John Cowell, 'King', 'Parliament', 'Prerogative', in The Interpreter (1607)
  • 'Henry Wotton on James I's Objections to Prurit-Anus' (1609) 1610-14 James I, This Later Age and Times of the World wherein we are Fallen, is so much Giuen to Verball Profession, aswell of Religion (1610)
  • 'Letters Prohibiting Printing anything Regarding the Death of Henrie IV of France', Wilson to Waterson, Salisbury to Waterson
  • 'Patent for High Commission' (1611)
  • 'Archbishop George Abbot's Order Suppressing Sir Walter Ralegh's History of the World' (1614) 1615-19 'Letter from Lord Ellesmere and Sir Francis Bacon to the King regarding Suppressing Manuscripts of Edward Coke's Reports' (1616) 1620-5 James I, A Proclamation against Excesse of Lauish and Licentious Speech in Matters of State (1620)
  • James I, A Proclamation against Excesse of Lauish and Licentious Speech in Matters of State (1621)
  • 'Correspondence between Edward Denny and Mary Wroth regarding Urania', Denny to Wroth, Wroth to Denny, Denny to Wroth (1621-2)
  • 'William Whately's Revocation in Response to High Commission', in William Whately, A Bride-Bush (1623)
  • Henry Burton, 'To the Most Blessed and Beloved Spovse of Iesvs Christ, the Church of England, my Deare Mother', in A Tryall of Priuate Devotions. Or, A Diall for the Houres of Prayer (1628)
  • 'Petition of Nathaniell Butter regarding Imprisonment for Printing Foreign News' (1622)
  • James I, A Proclamation against the Disorderly Printing, Vttering, and Dispersing of Bookes, Pamphlets, &c. (1623)
  • John Gee, 'A Catalogve or Note of such English Bookes (to the knowledge of which I could come) as haue been Printed, Reprinted, or Dispersed by the Priests and their Agents in the Kingdome, within these Two Yeers last Past, or thereabouts', in The Foot out of the Snare (1624)
  • 'King's Directions for Altering Proclamation against Catholic Books' (1624)
  • James I, A Proclamation against Seditious, Popish and Puritanicall Bookes and Pamphlets (1624)
  • John Reynolds, 'To the Illustriovs and Grave Assembly of the Covrt of Parliament', in Vox Coeli, or, Newes fr om Heaven (1624)
  • 'James's Order for Review of Camden's Annales' (1624)
  • 'Printer of Votivae Angliae in Trouble' (1624)
  • John Reynolds, 'To Great Britain's Prince', in Votivae Angliae: or, The Desires and Wishes of England (1624)
  • Daniel Featly, Cygnea Cantio: or, Learned Decisions, and most Prudent and Pious Directions for Students in Divinitie (1629) 1625-9 Richard Montagu, Appello Caesarem, A Just Appeale fr om Two Unjust Informers ([1625])
  • Charles I, A Proclamation for the Establishing of the Peace and Quiet of the Church of England ([1626])
  • William Prynne, 'To the Most Reverend Father in God George Abbot', in The Perpetuitie of a Regenerate Mans Estate (1626)
  • 'Epistle Dedicatory', 'Articles Exhibited in Commons', in An Appeale of the Orthodox Ministers of the Church of England: Against Richard Montagu Clerke ([1629])
  • Charles I, A Proclamation for the Calling in, and Suppressing of Two Sermons, Preached and Printed by Roger Maynwaring (1628)
  • Robert Milbourne, 'Printer to the Reader', in Daniel Featly, Cygnea Cantio: or, Learned Decisions, and most Prudent and Pious Directions for Students in Divinitie (1629)
  • Robert Leighton, An Epitome or Brief Discoverie fr om the Beginning to the Ending of the ... Great Troubles that Dr. Leighton Suff ered in his Body, Estate, and Family (1646)
  • Charles I, A Proclamation, for the Suppressing of a Booke, Intituled, Appello Caesarem, or, An Appeale to Caesar ([1629])
  • 'Henry Burton's Answers to Articles Objected against Him by the High Commission' (1628)
  • 'High Commission Articles against London Stationers for Printing Unlicensed Books' (1629)
  • Michael Sparke, 'Defence in High Commission against Unlicensed Printing' (1629)
  • Letters from Secretaries of State to the Master and Warden of the Stationers' Company Regarding the Licensing of News (1627, 1629) 1630-4 Charles I, Whereas Alexander Leighton a Scottish-man Borne
  • who was lately Sentenced ... for Writing, Printing, and Publishing a Very Libellous and Scandalous Booke against the King and his Gouernment hath this 11th day of Nouember, Escaped ([1630])
  • 'Privy Council Order to Cease News Publication' (1632)
  • Henry Burton, 'Attorney Noy's Prosecution of William Prynne for Histrio-Mastix', in A Divine Tragedy lately Acted ([1636])
  • Archbishop Neile's and Archbishop Laud's Censures of William Prynne in the Court of Star Chamber (1634)
  • 'Passages Extracted from William Prynne's Histrio-Mastix' (1634) 1635-40 'Practices of Archbishop William Laud's press licensers', in William Prynne, Canterburies Doome (1646)
  • Henry Burton, 'To the Kings Most Excellent Maiestie', in For God and the King (1636)
  • John Bastwick, A Breife Relation of Certaine Speciall, and most Materiall Passages, and Speeches in the Starre-Chamber ... at the Censure of those Three Worthy Gentlemen, Dr. Bastvvicke, Mr. Burton, and Mr. Prynne (1638)
  • William Laud, 'To His Most Sacred Maiestie', in A Speech Delivered in the Starre Chamber ... at the Censure, of Iohn Bastwick, Henry Burton, & William Prinn (1637)
  • Charles I, A Proclamation for Calling in a Book, Entituled, An Introduction to a Deuout Life
  • and that the same be Publikely Burnt (1637)
  • A Decree of Starre-Chamber, concerning Printing (1637)
  • Charles I, A Proclamation and Declaration to Inform our Loving Subjects of our Kingdom of England of the Seditious Practices of some in Scotland ([1639]) Volume 2 1640 Charles I, A Proclamation against Libellous and Seditious Pamphlets,and Discourses sent fr om Scotland (1640)
  • The Lawfulnesse of our Expedition into England Manifested (1640)
  • Transcription of Extracts of the Records of the Master of the Revels (1640-2) 1641 A List of Unlicensed Books and Pamphlets Presented by the Master and Wardens of the Stationers' Company to the House of Lords (1641)
  • John Evelyn, Sir John Evelyn his Report fr om the Committee, Appointed to Consider of the Printing of the Lord Digbyes Speech concerning the Bill of Attainder of the Earl of Straff ord (1641)
  • [Michael Sparke], Scintilla, or, A Light Broken into Darke Warehouses (1641) 1642 A Presse Full of Pamphlets (1642)
  • To the Right Honorable, the Knights, Citizens, and Burgesses, now Assembled in the High Court of Parliament. The Petition of the Masters and Workmen Printers of London ([1642])
  • Charles I's Warrant against Seditious and Libellous Books and Pamphlets (1642)
  • An Order made by the Honourable House of Commons ([1642])
  • Expresse Commands fr om both the Honourable Houses of Parliaments ...That the Abuses of Printing, be likewise Reformed ([1642])
  • A Declaration of the Lords and Commons Assembled in Parliament ... Also a Speciall Order of both Houses concerning Irregular Printing (1642)
  • Three Records relating to the Interrogation of William White and Abigail Dexter (1642) 1643 An Ordinance of the Lords and Commons Assembled in Parliament... Also, An Order of the Commons in Parliament, Prohibiting the Printing or Publishing of any Lying Pamphlet Scandalous to His Majestie ([1643])
  • [Henry Parker], To the High Court of Parliament: The Humble Remonstrance of the Company of Stationers, London ([1643])
  • An Order of the Lords and Commons Assembled in Parliament. For the Regulating of Printing (1643)
  • A Particular of the Names of the Licensers, who are Appointed by the House of Commons for Printing (1643)
  • An Act of Common Councell, for the Prohibiting of all Persons whatsoever, fr om Crying or Putting to Sale about the Streets within this City, and Liberties, any Pamphlets, Books, or Papers (1643) 1644 [Roger Williams], The Bloudy Tenent, of Persecution, for Cause of Conscience, discussed, in a Conference betweene Truth and Peace (1644)
  • Alas Pore Parliament, How Art Thou Betrai'd? ([1644])
  • John Milton, Areopagitica
  • a Speech of Mr. John Milton for the Liberty of Unlicenc'd Printing (1644) 1645 Two Records relating to the Imprisonment of Nicholas Tew (1645)
  • Ephraim Pagitt, Heresiography: or, A Description of the Heretickes and Sectaries of these Latter Times (1645)
  • Mercurius Aulicus (1645)
  • Mercurius Britanicus (1645) 1646 Joseph Hunscott, The Humble Petition and Information of Joseph Hunscot Stationer, to both the Honourable Houses of Parliament (1646)
  • The Last Warning to all the Inhabitants of London ([1646])
  • The Parliament of Women (1646)
  • Letter from Marchamont Nedham in the Fleet Prison to the Earl of Denbigh (1646) 1647 An Ordinance of the Lords and Commons Assembled in Parliament,against Unlicensed or Scandalous Pamphlets, and For the Better Regulating of Printing (1647)
  • John Biddle, Twelve Arguments Drawn out of the Scripture, Wherein the Commonly Received Opinion touching the Deity of the Holy Spirit, is Clearly and Fully Refuted (1647) 1648 The Parliaments X Commandments ([1648])
  • An Ordinance of the Lords and Commons Assembled in Parliament, for the Punishing of Blasphemies and Heresies (1648)
  • Roger Morrice, Account of the Army's Attempts to Prevent the Publication of the Eikon Basilike (1688) 1649 To the Right Honourable, the Supreme Authority of this Nation, the Commons of England in Parliament Assembled. The Petition of Firm and Constant Friends to the Parliament and Common-Wealth, Presenters and Promoters of the late Large Petition of September 11 MDCXLVIII ([1649])
  • A Warrant of the Lord General Fairfax to the Marshall Generall of the Army, to put in Execution the Former Ordinances and Orders of Parliament, and Act of Common Councell, concerning the Regulating of Printing, and Dispersing of Scandalous Pamphlets (1649)
  • John Lilburne, The Picture of the Councel of State, Held Forth to the Freepeople of England by Lieut. Col. John Lilburn, Mr Thomas Prince, and Mr Richard Overton, now Prisoners in the Tower of London (1649)
  • 'An Act Declaring what Off ences shall be Adjudged Treason' (1649)
  • 'An Act against Unlicensed and Scandalous Books and Pamphlets, and for Better Regulating of Printing' (1649)
  • By the Mayor. Whereas by an Act of Parliament, Entitled, An Act against Unlicensed and Scandalous Bookes and Pamphlets, and for Better Regulating of Printing (1649)
  • A List of Printers' Recognisances Taken Under the Terms of the Printing Act of September 1649
  • Two Letters from Marchamont Nedham to Henry Oxinden (1649) 1650 Man in the Moon (1650)
  • Abiezer Coppe, A Fiery Flying Roll (1649)
  • Die Veneris, 1 Februarii, 1649 (1650)
  • Die Veneris, 8 Martii, 1649 (1650)
  • To the Honourable, the Commons Assembled in Parliament (1650)
  • 'An Act Against several Atheistical, Blasphemous and Execrable Opinions, Derogatory to the Honor of God, and Destructive to Humane Society' (1650)
  • The Ranters Ranting: With the Apprehending, Examinations, and Confession of John Collins, J. Shakespear, Tho. Wilberton, and fi ve more which are to Answer the Next Sessions (1650) 1651 Resolved by the Parliament, that whatsoever Person or Persons have, or shall have in their Custody any of the Printed Papers (Entituled, His Majesties Declaration to all His Loving Subjects of the Kingdom of England and Dominion of Wales) be Injoyned Forthwith to Bring the Same in to the Councel of State (1651)
  • William Ball, A Brief Treatise concerning the Regulating of Printing (1651)
  • William Ball, Stationars and Printers, a Privilegial, not Municipal Companie or Corporation, however their Proprieties to bee Individually Conserved ([1652]) 1652 Votes of Parliament touching the Book commonly called The Racovian Catechism (1652)
  • Flying Eagle, Communicating Intelligence both Farre and Neere (1652)
  • A Beacon Set On Fire: or The Humble Information of certain Stationers, Citizens of London, to the Parliament and Commonwealth of England. Concerning the Vigilancy of Jesuits, Papists, and Apostates (1652) 1653 'An Act for Reviving of a former Act, Entituled, An Act against Unlicensed and Scandalous Books and Pamphlets, and for Better Regulating of Printing' ([1653])
  • A Charge of High Treason Exhibited against Oliver Cromwell, Esq
  • for Several Treasons by Him Committed ([1653])
  • A Discovery of Faith
  • Wherein is laid down the Ground of True Faith, which Sanctifi eth and Purifi eth the Heart, and Worketh out the Carnal Part (1653)
  • Mercurius Democritus (1653)
  • 'Articles XXXV-XXXVIII of the Instrument of Government' (1653) 1654 'The Humble Information of Major John Harris, Sheweth'
  • 'An [Anonymous] Information'
  • A Second Beacon Fired (1654) 1655 John Goodwin, A Fresh Discovery of the High-Presbyterian Spirit. Or The Quenching of the Second Beacon Fired (1655)
  • The Spirit of Persecution again Broken Loose, by an Attempt to put in Execution against Mr. John Biddle Master of Arts, an abrogated Ordinance of the Lords and Commons for Punishing Blasphemies and Heresies (1655)
  • A Short Discovery of His Highness the Lord Protector's Intentions touching the Anabaptists in the Army, and all such as are against his Reforming things in the Church ([1655?])
  • The Examinations of Richard Moone, Henry Clarke and John Sturgeon (27 August 1655)
  • Orders of His Highnes The Lord Protector ... for Putting in Speedy and Due Execution the Laws, Statutes, and Ordinances, made and provided against Printing Unlicensed and Scandalous Books and Pamphlets, and for the further Regulating of Printing (1655) 1656 The Case of William Bentley, Printer at Finsbury near London, touching his Right to the Printing of Bibles and Psalms ([1656])
  • A Short Answer to a Pamphlet, Entituled, The Case of William Bentley ([1656])
  • [ John Phillips], Sportive Wit: The Muses Merriment. A New Spring of Lusty Drollery, Joviall Fancies, and A la mode Lamponnes, on some Heroic Persons of these late Times (1656)
  • Englands Remembrancers. Or, A Word in Season to all English Men about their Elections of the Members for the Approaching Parliament ([1656])
  • A Lamentable Representation of the Eff ects of the Present Toleration (1656) 1657 [Silius Titus and Edward Sexby], Killing Noe Murder. Briefl y Discourst in Three Quaestions ([1657])
  • Twelve Statements made by those who Discovered Copies of Killing Noe Murder, and those who were Arrested for Handling or Distributing the Pamphlet (1657) 1658-60 To the Right Honourable the Knights, Citizens, and Burgesses, Assembled in Parliament, the Humble Petition of the Workmen-Printers, Freemen of the City of London ([1659])
  • A True State of the Case of John Field and Henry Hills, the Parliaments Printers ([1659])
  • Mercurius Politicus (1659)
  • By the Council of State. A Proclamation (1660)
  • Mercurius Honestus ([1660]) Volume 3 Restoration Restraint Charles II, A Proclamation for Calling in, and Suppressing of Two Books Written by John Milton ... And also a third Book ... by John Goodwin (1660)
  • Charles II, Whereas Divers Scandalous Untruths and Treasonable Assertions ... in Several Books Commonly Called Almanacks and Prognostications (1660)
  • 'Impeachment against Drake, for Publishing a Pamphlet, Intituled, "The Long Parliament Revived," &c.' (1660)
  • Charles II, A Proclamation for the Re-Printing, Publishing, and Using of a Book, Intituled, God and the King (1662)
  • 'Printing and Printers' ('An Act for Preventing the Frequent Abuses in Printing Seditious, Treasonable and Unlicensed Books and Pamphlets') (1662) L'Estrange Takes Control Roger L'Estrange, Considerations and Proposals in Order to the Regulation of the Press (1663)
  • 'LEstrange to bee Surveyor of the Printing Presse &c.' (1663)
  • Roger L'Estrange, Intelligencer, 1 (1663)
  • Letters from the Surveyor of the Press (1668) The Trial and Execution of John Twyn An Exact Narrative of the Tryal and Condemnation of John Twyn (1664) Press Control and the Print Trade [Richard Atkyns], The Original and Growth of Printing ([1660])
  • The London Printers Lamentation, or, The Press Opprest, and Over-Prest ([1660])
  • Discourse concerning Printing and Printers (1663)
  • [ John Seymour], The Case of Libels ([1677])
  • 'The Company of Stationers against Seymour' (1678)
  • The Orders, Rules, and Ordinances ... of the Mystery or Art of Stationers of the City of London, for the Well Governing of that Society (1678)
  • An Ordinance ... of the Mystery or Art of Stationers of the City of London (1683)
  • A New Song in Praise of the Loyal Company of Stationers (1684) Heresy, Orthodoxy and the Press, 1666-76 The Catching of Thomas Hobbes
  • Parliamentary Examination of Leviathan (1666)
  • Letter Requesting Licence for Tract on Heresie (1668)
  • Leviathan Seized at the Press (1670)
  • Privy Council Inquiry into Behemoth (1679)
  • [Sir Charles Wolseley], Liberty of Conscience upon its True and Proper Grounds Asserted and Vindicated (1668)
  • Hugh Cressy, Fanaticism Fanatically Imputed to the Catholick Church by Doctour Stillingfl eet (1672)
  • [Edward Hyde, Earl of Clarendon], Animadversions upon a Book, Intituled, Fanaticism Fanatically Imputed to the Catholick Church (1673)
  • [Herbert Croft ], The Naked Truth. Or, The True State of the Primitive Church (1675)
  • Andrea Rivetus, Jr [Andrew Marvell], Mr. Smirke or, The Divine in Mode (1676) News, Libels and the Crown, 1670-80 Charles II, A Proclamation to Restrain the Spreading of False News, and Licentious Talking of Matters of State and Government (1672)
  • Charles II, A Proclamation to Restrain the Spreading of False News, and Licentious Talking of Matters of State and Government (1674)
  • 'Mr. Lestrange's Examination concerning "The Rehearsal Transposed", taken by Secretary Coventry, Jan. 23' (1673)
  • Charles II, 'A Proclamation for the Better Discovery of Seditious Libellers' and 'An Additional Proclamation concerning Coffee-Houses', London Gazette (1675/6)
  • 'Whereas there have been lately Printed, and Published Several Seditious, and Scandalous Libels ...', London Gazette (1677/8)
  • 'Joseph Leigh Citizen and Stac"oner of London maketh Oath ...' (1678) Restoration Crisis, 1679-81 Charles II, A Proclamation for the Suppressing of Seditious and Treasonable Books and Pamphlets (1679)
  • Charles II, A Proclamation for Suppressing the Printing and Publishing Unlicensed News-Books, and Pamphlets of News (1680)
  • A Short, but Just Account of the Tryal of Benjamin Harris ... for Printing and Vending a late Seditious Book (1679-80)
  • An Impartial Account of the Tryal of Francis Smith ... for Printing and Publishing a late Book ... also of the Tryal of Jane Curtis ... for Publishing and Putting to Sale a Scandalous Libel (1680)
  • The Triall of Henry Carr, Gent, at the Guild-Hall of the City of London (1681)
  • 'Articles of Impeachment of Sir William Scroggs' (1681) Arguments for Liberty of the Press, 1679-81 [Charles Blount], A Just Vindication of Learning: or, An Humble Address to the High Court of Parliament in Behalf of the Liberty of the Press (1679)
  • William Lawrence, Marriage by the Morall Law of God Vindicated against all Ceremonial Laws of Popes and Bishops (1680)
  • William Denton, An Apology for the Liberty of the Press (1681) The Tory Reaction I Roger L'Estrange, Observator in Question and Answer (1681)
  • A Ra-Ree Show (1681)
  • Roger L'Estrange, Notes upon Stephen College (1681)
  • Roger L'Estrange, Observator (1683)
  • L-gley C-s His Lamentation in New-Gate
  • Who Lies there in Danger of his Ears for Printing and Publishing Sedition and Treason (1684)
  • An Account of the Proceedings against Nathaniel Thomson, upon his Tryal at the Kings Bench-Bar Westminster (1684) The Tory Reaction II The Judgment and Decree of the University of Oxford Past in their Convocation July 21. 1683, against certain Pernicious Books and Damnable Doctrines (1683)
  • Algernon Sidney, The Very Copy of a Paper Delivered to the Sheriff s, upon the Scaff old on Tower-Hill (1683)
  • John Northleigh, 'Introductory Remarks', in The Triumph of our Monarchy,over the Plots and Principles of our Rebels and Republicans (1685) Nonconformity as Sedition, 1683-5 Thomas Delaune, A Narrative of the Suff erings of Thomas Delaune, for Writing, Printing and Publishing a late Book (1684)
  • 'Mr Baxter's Tryal' (1685), in Edmund Calamy, An Abridgment of Mr.Baxter's History of His Life and Times (1702) Censorship and Punishment under James II James II, A Proclamation against Spreading of a Traiterous Declaration Published by James Duke of Monmouth (1685)
  • The True Account of the Behaviour and Confession of William Disney Esq
  • Who was Tryed for High Treason (1685)
  • An Account of the Proceedings against Samuel Johnson: Who was Tryed at the Kings-Bench-Bar, Westminster, for High Misdemeanour (1686)
  • The Sentence of Samuel Johnson (1686)
  • James II, A Proclamation for Suppressing and Preventing Seditious and Unlicenced Books and Pamphlets (1688)
  • An Account of the Proceedings at Westminster-Hall ... Relating to the Tryal and Discharge of the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Bishop of S. Asaph, Bishop of Chichester, Bishop of Ely, Bishop of Bath and Wells, Bishop of Peterborough, and the Bishop of Bristol (1688)
  • James II, A Proclamation Discharging the Importing, Vending, Dispersing,or Keeping Seditious Books and Pamphlets (1688)
  • James II, A Proclamation to Restrain the Spreading of False News (1688)
  • James II, A Proclamation ... Whereas the Prince of Orange and his Adherents ... have Contrived and Framed several Treasonable Papers and Declarations (1688) Arguments against Censorship, 1689-90 [Benedict Spinoza], 'In a Free Commonwealth it should be Lawful for Every Man to Think what he Will, and Speak what he Thinks'(1689)
  • Edmund Hickeringill, 'Of the Restraint of the Printing-Press' (1689)
  • [ James Parkinson], The Fire's Continued at Oxford: or, The Decree of the Convocation for Burning the Naked Gospel, Considered (1690) The Printing Act in Question, 1692-3 Reasons Humbly Off ered to be Considered before the Act for Printing be Renewed (unless with Alterations) ([1693])
  • [Edmund Bohun], 'Reasons for Reviving the Act for Regulating the Press & Printing' (1693)
  • [ James Harrington], Reasons for Reviving and Continuing the Act for the Regulation of Printing ([1693])
  • Reasons Humbly Off ered for the Liberty of Unlicens'd Printing. To which is Subjoin'd, The Just and True Character of Edmund Bohun, the Licenser of the Press (1693)
  • The Clauses chiefl y Objected against in the Act 14o of Charles II. about Printing ([1693]) Suppressing Jacobitism William and Mary, A Proclamation for the Better Discovery of Seditious Libellers (1692)
  • Animadversions upon that Proclamation of September 13. 1692. Entituled for the Better Discovery of Seditious Libellers (1692)
  • William Anderton, True Copy of the Paper Delivered to the Sheriff s of London and Middlesex (1693)
  • An Account of the Conversation, Behaviour and Execution of William Anderton Printer, who was Condemned ... for High Treason (1693) The Rejection of Licensing John Locke's Comments on the 1662 Printing Act ([1694-5])
  • The Commons' Case against Renewing the Printing Act (1695)
  • 'A Bill for the Regulation of Printing and Printing Presses' ([1695])
  • 'Remarks upon the Act Read in the House of Commons for Regulating Printing and Printing Presses' ([1695])
  • 'Oxford Objections against Scheme of Printing Act' (1695) Volume 4 Government and Press Control in 1696 The Commons' Final Rejection of the 1662 Printing Act (19 March 1696)
  • William III, A Proclamation. Whereas we have been Informed, that a False, Scandalous, and Seditious Libel ... Intituled, An Account of the Proceedings of the House of Commons (1696)
  • William III, A Proclamation for Apprehending Grascomb (1696)
  • George Ridpath, 'Reasons against Laying down the Flying Post' (1696) The Battle over Blasphemous Books John Toland, An Apology for Mr. Toland ... Written the Day before his Book was Resolv'd to be Burnt by the Committee of Religion (1697)
  • Jean Gailhard, The Blasphemous Socinian Heresie Disproved and Confuted (1697)
  • Jean Gailhard, The Epistle and Preface to the Book against the Blasphemous Socinian Heresie Vindicated (1698)
  • 'An Act for the more Eff ectual Suppressing of Blasphemy and Prophaneness' (1698)
  • Edmund Gibson, A Letter to a Friend in the Country, concerni

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