Equity portfolio management
Equity portfolio management
John Wiley & Sons, c1999
並立書誌 全1件
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全2件
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Includes bibliographical references and index
With investors flocking to Wall Street in an attempt to beat today's turbulent market, Fabozzi and Grant show you how to stay focused and create a solid equity portfolio in Equity Management. This comprehensive guide ties together modern portfolio theory and the current strategies employed by portfolio managers to enhance returns on equity portfolios. By focusing on several key areas, including equity management styles: passive versus active investing, traditional fundamental analysis, security analysis using value-based metrics, and much more, Equity Portfolio Management will put you on the right track to investing smarter and more profitably.
About the Authors.
1. Introduction.
2. Modern Portfolio Theory, Capital Market Theory, and Asset Pricing Models.
3. Statistical Measures and Their Applications.
4. Blueprint for Passive-Active Investing.
5. Equity Management Styles.
6. Traditional Fundamental Analysis.
7. Security Analysis Using Value-Based Metrics.
8. Discounted Cash Flow Equity Valuation Models.
9. Factor-Based Portfolio Models.
10. Profiles in Equity Management.
11. Equity Trading.
12. Derivative Instruments and Their Characteristics.
13. Applications of Derivatives to Equity Portfolio Management.
14. Performance Evaluation.
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