The humanitarian companion : a guide for international aid, development, and human rights workers


The humanitarian companion : a guide for international aid, development, and human rights workers

John H. Ehrenreich

Practical Action Pub., 2005

  • : pbk

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 3



Includes bibliographical references (p. 160-165) and index

"Practical Action Publishing (formerly ITDG Publishing)"--T.p. verso

Description based on reprinted 2008



Humanitarian workers -- working in their own country or overseas -- face many common challenges. This book will help them, and those training them, prepare both practically and emotionally for the wide range of challenges, dangers and insecurities that are an everyday part of their work. Written with both the new humanitarian worker and the experienced veteran in mind, the book deals in turn with the main stages of a humanitarian assignment. It starts with issues to consider before you start out, then deals with safety and security in the field, staying healthy, managing stress, coping with the trauma of others, and dealing with returning home at the end of an assignment. An extensive appendix includes a checklist of 'what to do and what to take with you', a brief first aid manual, and other practical information and advice. This book will be a welcome companion for all humanitarian workers, and an essential tool for those training them.


  • 1 Preparing for a field assignment 1
  • Know yourself and what you are getting into 1
  • Create predictability 8
  • Some practicalities: what to do and what to take 17
  • 2 Safety and security in the field 25
  • The dangers of humanitarian work 27
  • Two basic principles for keeping safe 28
  • Rules for traveling 32
  • Safety in motor vehicles 35
  • Safety on foot and on public transportation 38
  • Safety at home 39
  • Dealing with personal attacks or threats of attack 41
  • Weapons, land mines and military attacks 42
  • Sexual assault and sexual harassment 45
  • 3 Taking care of yourself: preventing health
  • problems in the field 51
  • Preventing exposure to the environmental causes of illness 53
  • Keeping your defenses up: acting to keep your immune system strong 61
  • Keeping things from getting worse 65
  • 4 Managing stress 69
  • Myths about stress and humanitarian workers 69
  • The ARC model 70
  • Spiritual resources for humanitarian workers 89
  • (by James Guy and Amber Elizabeth Gray)
  • 5 Working with survivors of traumatic experiences 93
  • The 'culture of traumatization' 94
  • Gathering information without re-traumatizing 99
  • Working with survivors of humanitarian emergencies 104
  • Some cross-cultural issues 107
  • 6 Going home - a journey of discovery 109
  • (by John Fawcett and Amber Elizabeth Gray)
  • Some practicalities: employment, professional and insurance issues 110
  • Protecting your health and mental health 117
  • Home at last: reintegrating and reconnecting 119
  • Conclusion 128
  • Resources
  • I The 'before you go' checklist 130
  • II First Aid: a brief manual 133
  • III Managing stress in humanitarian workers: guidelines for good practice 142
  • IV Relaxation exercises: sample scripts 157
  • V References and additional resources 160
  • Index 167

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