Computational fluid dynamics 2006 : proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics, ICCFD4, Ghent, Belgium, 10-14 July 2006


Computational fluid dynamics 2006 : proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics, ICCFD4, Ghent, Belgium, 10-14 July 2006

Herman Deconinck, Erik Dick, editors

Springer, c2009

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 1



Includes bibliographical references



ThisbookcontainstheproceedingsoftheFourthInternationalConference onComputationalFluidDynamics(ICCFD4),heldinGent,Belgiumfrom July10through16,2006. TheICCFDconferenceseriesisanoutcomeofthe mergeroftwoimportantstreamsofconferencesinComputationalFluid- namics:InternationalConferenceonNumericalMethodsinFluidDynamics, ICNMFD(since1996)andInternationalSymposiumonComputationalFluid Dynamics,ISCFD(since1985). In1998itwasdecidedtojointhetwoand ICCFD emerged as a biannual meeting, held in Kyoto in 2000, Sydney in 2002, Toronto in 2004 and Gent in 2006. Thus, the ICCFD series became theleadinginternationalconferenceseriesforscientists,mathematiciansand engineersinterestedinthecomputationof?uid?ow. The4theditionoftheconferencehasattracted200participantsfromall overtheworld;270abstractswerereceived,ofwhich135wereselectedina carefulpeerreviewprocessbytheexecutivecommittee(C. H. Bruneau,J. -J. Chattot,D. Kwak,N. Satofuka,D. W. Zingg,E. DickandH. Deconinck)for oralpresentationandafurther21forposterpresentation. Thepaperscontainedintheseproceedingsprovideanexcellentsnapshot of the ?eld of Computational Fluid Dynamics as of 2006. Invited keynote lecturesbyrenownedresearchersareincluded,withcontributionsinthe?eld ofdiscretizationschemes,high-endcomputingandengineeringchallenges,and two-phase?ow. Thesekeynotecontributionsarecomplementedby137regular papersonthemostdiverseaspectsofCFD: -Innovativealgorithmdevelopmentfor?owsimulation,optimisationandc- trol:higher-ordermethods(DG,FV,FEandRDmethods),iterativemethods andmultigrid,solutionadaptivemeshtechniques,errorestimationandc- trol,parallelalgorithms. -Innovativemodelingof?owphysicsintheareaofcompressibleandinc- pressible ?ows: hypersonic and reacting ?ows, two-phase ?ows, turbulence (LES,DES,DNS,andtransition),vortexdynamics,boundarylayerstability, multi-scalephysics,magnetohydrodynamics. Preface VII -advancedapplicationsusingtheabovementionedinnovativetechnology,and multidisciplinaryapplicationsincludingaero-elasticityandaero-acoustics. ThanksareduetooursponsorsNASA,theFWOResearchFoundation FlandersandtheEuropeanUnionthroughtheEUA4XMarieCurieproject. Inparticular,thegenerousgrantfromNASAisakeyfactorinthesuccessof thisconferenceseriesandthepublicationoftheseProceedings. Wealsowouldliketothankthesta?andPhDstudentsofthevonKarman InstituteandtheDepartmentof?ow,heatandcombustionmechanicsofthe University of Gent, for the help they provided toward the success of this conference. Sint-Genesius-Rode,Belgium HermanDeconinck vonKarmanInstituteforFluidDynamics Ghent,Belgium ErikDick GhentUniversity September2006 ConferenceChair Contents PartIInvitedSpeakers Twonewtechniquesforgeneratingexactlyincompressible approximatevelocities BernardoCockburn...3 RoleofHigh-EndComputinginMeetingNASA'sScience andEngineeringChallenges RupakBiswas,EugeneL. Tu,WilliamR. VanDalsem...14 RecentAdvancesofMulti-phaseFlowComputationwiththe AdaptiveSoroban-gridCubicInterpolatedPropagation(CIP) Method TakashiYabe,YouichiOgata,KenjiTakizawa...29 PartIISchemes OntheComputationofSteady-StateCompressibleFlows UsingaDGMethod HongLuo,JosephD. Baum,RainaldL..ohner...47 Space-TimeDiscontinuousGalerkinMethodforLarge AmplitudeNonlinearWaterWaves YanXu,JaapJ. W. vanderVegt...53 AdiscontinuousGalerkinmethodwithHancock-typetime integrationforhyperbolicsystemswithsti?relaxationsource terms YoshifumiSuzuki,BramvanLeer...59 Contents IX VeryHighOrder,Non-OscillatoryFluctuationDistribution Schemes M. E. Hubbard,N. Z. Mebrate...65 High-orderresidualdistribution:discontinuitycapturing crosswinddissipationanddi?usion N. Villedieu-Ligout,M. Ricchiuto,H. Deconinck...7 1 High-OrderFluctuation-SplittingSchemesforAdvection- Di?usionEquations HiroakiNishikawaandPhilipRoe...77 ConstructionofHigherOrderResidualDistributionSchemes R'emiAbgrallandC'edricTav'e...83 Stableandconvergentresidualdistributionforti- dependentconservationlaws MarioRicchiuto,R'emiAbgrall...89 AnALEFormulationoftheMultidimensionalResidual DistributionSchemeforComputationsonMovingMeshes Jir'?Dobes,HermanDeconinck...95 SolutionofthesteadyEulerequationsusingFluctuation Splittingschemesonquadrilateralelements D. T. Rubino,P. DePalma,G. Pascazio,M. Napolitano ...101 AResidual-BasedCompactSchemeforAll-SpeedFlowson UnstructuredGrids ChristopheCorre,AlbertoBeccantini,ThibaudKloczko ...107 VorticityPreservingSchemeforUnsteadyCompressible Flows FabriceFalissard,AlainLerat,JacquesSid'es ...113 ExtensionoftheSDMethodtoViscousFlowonUnstructured Grids Z. J. Wang,YuzhiSun,C. Liang,Yen,Liu...119 StrictlyStableHighOrderDi?erenceMethodsforthe CompressibleEulerandNavier-StokesEquations BernhardMul ..ler...125 UniformFlowPreservingPropertyofHighOrderUpwind FiniteDi?erenceSchemesonGeneralizedCoordinateSystem TakuNonomura,NobuyukiIizuka,KozoFujii...1 31 X Contents ImplementationofanEnhancedFluxFormulationfor UnsteadyNavier-StokesSolutions G. Xia,S. Sardeshmukh,V. Sankaran,C. L. Merkle...137 ComputationofEigenspacesofHyperbolicSystems S. K. Godunov,O. B. Feodoritova,V. T. Zhukov...143 AProposedCuretotheCarbunclePhenomenon FarzadIsmail,PhilipL. Roe,HiroakiNishikawa ...149 TheHighOrderWLSQRSchemeanditsApplicationsin Turbomachinery Jivr'?Furst ...


  • Invited Speakers.- Two new techniques for generating exactly incompressible approximate velocities.- Role of High-End Computing in Meeting NASA#x2019
  • s Science and Engineering Challenges.- Recent Advances of Multi-phase Flow Computation with the Adaptive Soroban-grid Cubic Interpolated Propagation (CIP) Method.- Schemes.- On the Computation of Steady-State Compressible Flows Using a DG Method.- Space-Time Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Large Amplitude Nonlinear Water Waves.- A discontinuous Galerkin method with Hancock-type time integration for hyperbolic systems with stiff relaxation source terms.- Very High Order, Non-Oscillatory Fluctuation Distribution Schemes.- High-order residual distribution : discontinuity capturing crosswind dissipation and diffusion.- High-Order Fluctuation-Splitting Schemes for Advection-Diffusion Equations.- Construction of Higher Order Residual Distribution Schemes.- Stable and convergent residual distribution for time-dependent conservation laws.- An ALE Formulation of the Multidimensional Residual Distribution Scheme for Computations on Moving Meshes.- Solution of the steady Euler equations using Fluctuation Splitting schemes on quadrilateral elements.- A Residual-Based Compact Scheme for All-Speed Flows on Unstructured Grids.- Vorticity Preserving Scheme for Unsteady Compressible Flows.- Extension of the SD Method to Viscous Flow on Unstructured Grids.- Strictly Stable High Order Difference Methods for the Compressible Euler and Navier-Stokes Equations.- Uniform Flow Preserving Property of High Order Upwind Finite Difference Schemes on Generalized Coordinate System.- Implementation of an Enhanced Flux Formulation for Unsteady Navier-Stokes Solutions.- Computation of Eigenspaces of Hyperbolic Systems.- A Proposed Cure to the Carbuncle Phenomenon.- The High Order WLSQR Scheme and its Applications in Turbomachinery.- Building Better (Weighted) ENO Methods.- Discontinuity Diagnosis Essentially Non-Oscillatory Schemes.- Third Order Reconstruction on Unstructured Highly Irregular 3D Meshes.- An Intrinsically Multi-Dimensional Acoustics Convection Upstream Resolution Algorithm for the Euler Equations.- Multi-dimensional Limiting Process for Two- and Three-dimensional Flow Physics Analyses.- A Multidimensional Kinetic Upwind Method for Euler Equations.- High Resolution Quantum Kinetic Beam Schemes and Its Applications to Ideal Quantum Gas Dynamical Flows.- Semi-GLS Stabilization of FEM Applied to Incompressible Flows with Higher Reynolds Numbers.- Finite volume box scheme for a certain class of nonlinear conservation laws in mixed form.- Numerical study of the Colocated Clustered Finite Volume Scheme.- Arbitrary High Order Finite Volume Schemes on Unstructured Meshes.- Algorithms.- A high scalability parallel algebraic multigrid solver.- Jacobian-Free Newton-Krylov Methods: Issues and Solutions.- Non-stationary two-stage relaxation based on the principle of aggregation multi-grid.- The efficient and accurate solution of porous media flow problems with strongly discontinuous coefficients.- Stability of Pressure-Correction Algorithms for Low-Speed Reacting and Non-Reacting Flow Simulations.- A simple hybrid well-balanced method for a 2D viscous shallow water model.- A kinetic energy-preserving P1 iso P2/P1 finite-element method for computing unsteady incompressible flows.- Study on the segregation algorithms of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations using P1P1/P2P1 finite element formulation.- A Mach-uniform algorithm: coupled versus segregated approach.- Crank-Nicolson Scheme for Solving Low Mach Number Unsteady Viscous Flows Using an Implicit Preconditioned Dual Time Stepping Technique.- Heated Wake by Deferred Corrected ULTRA.- Convergence Acceleration for Euler Equation based on SPR.- Acceleration of Unsteady Incompressible Flow Calculation Using Extrapolation Methods.- Improved Numerical Simulations of Incompressible Flows Based on Viscous/Inviscid Interaction Procedures.- AMR - Adaptive mesh techniques.- A Parallel Unstructured Overset Mesh Technique for Unsteady Flow Simulations.- A Parallel Overset Adaptive Cartesian/Prism Grid Method for Moving Boundary Flows.- Navier-Stokes Simulation of Local Winds Over the Earth#x2019
  • s Topography.- Grid-adaptive Simulations of Relativistic Flows.- Solution of Laminar Combusting Flows Using a Parallel Implicit Adaptive Mesh Refinement Algorithm.- Towards Direct Numerical Simulation of a Diffusion Flame-Shock Interaction with an AMR Algorithm.- Adaptive Multigrid Solutions of Thin Film Flows over Topography.- A meshless solver for computing viscous flows on Cartesian like grids.- Immersed boundary technique for compressible flow simulations on semi-structured grids.- Incompressible Flow Simulations Using Virtual Boundary Method with New Direct Forcing Terms Estimation.- A Hybrid Building-Block and Gridless Method for Computing Shock Waves.- A Residual estimator based adaptation strategy for compressible flows.- Anisotropic solution-adaptive technique applied to simulations of steady and unsteady compressible flows.- Simulation of Flow around Wing Sections by Building-Cube Method.- Robust Mesh Deformation using the Linear Elasticity Equations.- DNS and LES.- Identification and role of coherent structures in two-dimensional turbulence.- Temporal Evolution of Dominant Flow Structures in Turbulent Channel Flow.- LES of passive scalar in compressible mixing layers.- Buoyancy Effect on Turbulence using Blocks.- Direct numerical simulation of Taylor-Couette flows in the fully turbulent regime.- Flux Limiting Schemes for Implicit Large Eddy Simulation of Synthetic Jets.- Implicit Large Eddy Simulation of a Flow around a Cylindrical Body.- LES study of the impact of the wake structures on the aerodynamics of a simplified ICE2 train subjected to a side wind.- Use of Immersed Boundary Technique in a Cartesian LES solver to study wake flows.- Stochastic generation of velocity fluctuation for turbulent inflow and initial condition.- Study on Numerical and Modelling Error in LES of a Channel Flow Using Explicit Filtering.- Wall Boundary Conditions for Variational Multiscale Large-Eddy Simulations.- The Sampling Based Dynamic Procedure for Numerical Discretization Enhancement.- Application of a Unique Eddy#x2013
  • Viscosity Model for a Hybrid LES#x2013
  • RANS Method.- A locally superconvergent scheme for the simulation of turbulent flows in complex geometries.- URANS Analysis of Flow-Induced Cavity Resonances.- Revisiting URANS computations of the flow behind a backward-facing step using second moment closures.- Contribution of Turbulence Equation Terms to the Shear Stress Balance.- Optimisation and Flow Control.- Optimum Shape Design for Unsteady Three-Dimensional Viscous Flows.- Comparison of Exact and Approximate Discrete Adjoint for Aerodynamic Shape Optimization.- Adjoint Sensitivity Computations for an Embedded-Boundary Cartesian Mesh Method and CAD Geometry.- Optimum shape design through multilevel gradient-based method using B#x00E9
  • zier parametrisation.- High-Fidelity Multi-criteria Aero-structural Optimisation using Hierarchical Parallel Evolutionary Algorithms.- Flow Control Optimization Using Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms.- Shape Optimization for Dense Gas Flows in Turbine Cascades.- Numerical Simulation of Control of Flow Past a Stalled NACA0015 Airfoil with Plasma-based Body Forces.- Active control of a transitional flow over a backward-facing step.- Synthetic Jet Actuator Modeling for Flow Control Applications.- Numerical Study of Transonic Drag Reduction for Flow Past Airfoils Using Active Flow Control.- Two-phase and multimaterial.- Level Set based Finite Element Method of Bubble-in-Liquid Simulation.- Level Set method for Curvature-driven Flows in Microfluidics.- Mesh-Based Microstructure Representation Algorithm for Simulating Pore-scale Transport Phenomena in Porous Media.- The Numerical Simulation of Liquid Sloshing in Microgravity.- Numerical Prediction of Interfacial Instability.- A Lattice Boltzmann based Single-Phase Model: Surface Tension and Wetting.- Hyperbolicity, Discontinuities, and Numerics of Two-Fluid Models.- Computation of Multiphase Mixture Flows using RoeM and AUSMPW #x002B
  • Schemes.- A relaxation method for the Kapila model.- Direct numerical simulation of bubbly Taylor-Couette flow.- Numerical simulation of unsteady flow inside an impulsively started liquid drop.- Accurate and Efficient Solution of 2D Steady Water Flows with Surface Waves and Turbulence.- Numerical analysis of bubble migration in thermocapillary flows of an open cylindrical container.- Hypersonic and supersonic.- Numerical investigation of an effusion cooled thermal protection material.- Calculation of Transport Properties for Entry into the Martian Atmosphere.- Numerical simulation of supersonic flow around a double ramp configuration and correlation with experiment.- Effects of Mach number on the combustion zone length for a RAMAC configuration at sub-detonative mode.- A Finite Element/Finite Volume Mixed Solver and Applications on Heat Flux Prediction.- Numerical Analysis for Magnetic Control of Heat-Transfer and Pressure in Hypersonic Shock Wave Interference Flows.- Numerical Simulation of a Flat-Plate Hypersonic Shock Layer Perturbed by External Acoustic Waves.- Numerical Simulation of Supersonic Turbulent Flows over Backward#x2013
  • Facing Steps.- Unified Flow Solver Combining Boltzmann and Continuum Models for Simulations of Gas Flows for the Entire Range of Knudsen Numbers.- Adaptive Boltzmann/Navier-Stokes Hybrid Method for Multi-Scale Gas Flow Simulation.- Computing Simulation of Hypersonic Magneto-Fluid-Dynamics Interaction.- Numerical Simulation of R-M instability at High Mach Numbers.- Multiphysics and interdisciplinary coupled.- Boundary conditions by low-order modelling.- Multi Scale Numerical Simulation of Dispersed Reacting Flow, with application to Chemical Vapor Deposition of Alumina.- Computational Analysis of Flow through a Multiple Nozzle Driven Laser Cavity and Diffuser.- MHD Analysis of Force Acting on Dipole Magnetic Field in Magnetized Plasma Flow.- Performance of High Order Filter Methods for a Richtmyer-Meshkov Instability.- Unsteady Flow Simulation of High Speed Turbopumps.- Use of the Gaussian Moment Closure for the Modelling of Continuum and Micron-Scale Flows with Moving Boundaries.- Development of #x201C
  • MATIS-SC#x201D
  • for High Speed Steam Flowwith Non-equilibrium Condensation.- Numerical Method for Near-critical Fluids of Arbitrary Material.- Flow Physics and Stokes#x2019
  • Theorem in Wind Turbine Aerodynamics.- The Role of Separation Bubble on an Airfoil at Low Reynolds Numbers.- Effect of the thermal boundary conditions and physical properties variation on transient natural convection of high Prandtl number fluids.- Aeroacoustic simulation of the flow in a Helmholtz resonator.- Explicit low dispersive and low dissipative non-centered finite differences and filters.- A New Principle of Non-Non-Reecting and its Application to Hyperbolic Conservation Laws.- Numerical Solution of the Linearized Euler Equations Using Compact Schemes.- Transonic Aeroelastic Computations of a Delta Wing Conguration with High Fidelity Equations.- Transonic Buffet over Symmetric Airfoils.- Aerodynamic Performance of a Deforming Elastic Body in Supersonic Flow.- CAD-Centric Framework for Aero-mechanical Optimization - Counter-Rotating Fan Design.- Aeroelastic Solutions for Viscous Flows using the Time Accurate and Non-Linear Frequency Domain Methods.- Role of Interpolation in Airflow Induced Vibration in Hard Disk Drive Enclosures.- Computation of Fluid Structure Interaction with Application to Three-Dimensional Combustion System.- Numerical Computations of Unsteady Aerodynamics of Projectiles using an Unstructured Technique.

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