Contemporary issues in international arbitration and mediation : the Fordham papers

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Contemporary issues in international arbitration and mediation : the Fordham papers

Arthur W. Rovine, editor

Martinus Nijhoff, c2008-

  • 2007
  • 2008
  • 2009
  • 2010
  • 2011
  • 2014

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Conference of Fordham University School of Law

Includes bibliographical references and index

Publisher varies: Brill Nijhoff

Description and Table of Contents


2007 ISBN 9789004167384


The 2007 volume of Contemporary Issues in International Arbitration and Mediation - The Fordham Papers is a collection of important works in international arbitration and mediation written by the prominent speakers at the 2007 Fordham Law School Conference on International Arbitration and Mediation. The 24 papers are organized into the following five parts: Part I: Investor-State Arbitration Part II: Conduct of International Arbitration and Jurisdictional Issues Part III: Remedies and Defenses Part IV: Ethics Issues in International Arbitration Part V: Mediation

Table of Contents

Part I: Investor-State Arbitration Applicable Law in Investor-State Arbitration, Antonio R. Parra Fair and Equitable Treatment: Fairly and Equitably Applied in Lieu of Unlawful Indirect Expropriation, Lucy Reed and Daina Bray In Search of the Frontiers of Indirect Expropriation, Brigitte Stern Understanding Performance Requirement Prohibitions in Investment Treaties, Barton Legum Damages in Investor-State Arbitration, Hon. Charles N. Brower and Michael Ottolenghi Part II: Conduct of International Arbitration and Jurisdictional Issues How Proceedings Are Managed Up to the Hearing, Yves Derains The Conduct of Substantive Hearings in International Arbitrations: What Approach Should an Arbitrator Adopt? Judith Gill Anti-Foreign-Suit Injunctions to Enforce Arbitration Agreements, John J. Barcelo III Contemporary Issues in International Arbitration and Mediation Similarity in the Eye of the Beholder: Revisiting the Application of Rules Governing Jurisdictional Conflicts in the Lauder/CME Cases, Yuval Shany Extended Jurisdiction Under Arbitration Agreements-A Threat to Effective Dispute Resolution, Jonas Benedictsson Part III: Remedies and Defenses When Should International Arbitrators Award Punitive Damages? Julian D.M. Lew QC Non-Pecuniary Remedies: The Practice of Declaratory Relief and Specific Performance in International Commercial Arbitration, Sigvard Jarvin Injunctions, Justice Richard M. Mosk Defenses to the Enforcement of an International Arbitration Award Based Upon Non-Arbitrability or a Set-Aside of the Award Where It Was Made, Robert B. Davidson Part IV: Ethics Issues in International Arbitration Recent Developments in Arbitrator Disclosure Law and Practice, James H. Carter Arbitrator Bias: How U.S. Courts Are Reacting to the Parties' Choice of Ethics Codes for Arbitrators and the Implications, Lorraine Brennan Claims Against Arbitrators for Breach of Ethical Duties, Michael Hwang, Katie Chung, and Fong Lee Cheng Part V: Mediation Mediation Ethics: A Proposed Analytical Framework, Kathleen M. Scanlon Critical Components for Mediation Training, Hon. Fern Smith The Explosive Growth of International Mediation, Robert B. Davidson Mediation and Its Uses Beyond the Obvious, Jon Lang International Mediation, Eileen Carroll Mediation in Hong Kong, Norris Yang A Note on Institutional and Ad Hoc Mediation, Mercedes Tarrazon

2008 ISBN 9789004175556


The 2008 volume of Contemporary Issues in International Arbitration and Mediation - The Fordham Papers is a collection of important works in international arbitration and mediation written by the prominent speakers at the 2008 Fordham Law School Conference on International Arbitration and Mediation. The 24 papers are organized into the following six parts: Part I: Investor-State Arbitration Part II: Recent Significant Domestic Judicial Decisions Involving or Potentially Involving International Arbitration Part III: Class Actions and Consolidation in International Arbitration Part IV: Intellectual Property and Information Technology Issues in International Arbitration Part V: Mediation: Issues, Solutions, and Expanding Applications

Table of Contents

Part I: Investor-State Arbitration Overview of Investor-State Arbitration, Gabrielle Kaufmann-Kohler New Generation of Bilateral Investment Treaties: Consensus or Divergence? John Beechey and Antony Crockett Eclipse of Expropriation? W. Michael Reisman and Rocio Digon Interim Measures: An Arbitrator's Provisional Views, L. Yves Fortier, C.C., Q.C. Treatment of Non-Disputing State Party Views in Investor- State Arbitrations, Andrea J. Menaker Part II: Recent Significant Domestic Judicial Decisions Involving or Potentially Involving International Arbitration Current Developments in the United States, Donald Francis Donovan England: A Look Back on a Year of Authority and Hilarity, Sophie Nappert Recent Significant French Judicial Decisions Involving International Arbitration, Philippe Pinsolle Recent Austrian, German, and Swiss Judicial Decisions Involving International Arbitration, Hilmar Raeschke-Kessler Part III: Class Actions and Consolidation in International Arbitration Overcoming Obstacles to Consolidation of International Arbitrations, Michael Marks Cohen Should No-Class Action Arbitration Clauses Be Enforced, Frederic Bachand Desirability of International Class Arbitration, Dana H. Freyer and Gregory A. Litt Feasibility of Class Arbitration, John Fellas Part IV: Intellectual Property and Information Technology Issues in International Arbitration Choice of Law in International Intellectual Property Arbitrations: A Three-Dimensional Chess Game? Thomas D. Halket International Arbitration of Intellectual Property Validity, Joel E. Lutzker Using Information Technology Efficiently in International Arbitration, Erik Schafer Electronic Discovery and Arbitration: A Shortcut Through EDiscovery, Irene C. Warshauer Part V: Mediation: Issues, Solutions, and Expanding Applications How Confidential Is Mediation Confidentiality? John Michael Richardson Mediators Take Note: Are We a Cottage Industry? Are We a Profession? Who Will Decide?, Judith P. Meyer and Michael Leathes Using Mediation Techniques to Improve M&A Outcomes, Patricia Barclay European Directive on Commercial Mediation: What It Provides and What It Doesn't, F. Peter Phillips Commercial Mediation in China: Challenge of Shifting Paradigms, F. Peter Phillips Mediation Trends in Australia-Deja Vu and Innovation Ian Hanger Final Step: Issues in Enforcing the Mediation Settlement Agreement, Edna Sussman

2009 ISBN 9789004182912


The 2009 volume of Contemporary Issues in International Arbitration and Mediation - The Fordham Papers is a collection of important works in international arbitration and mediation written by the prominent speakers at the 2009 Fordham Law School Conference on International Arbitration and Mediation. The 25 papers are organized into the following six parts: Part I: Investor-State Arbitration Part II: Arbitrator Ethics Part III: Damages in International Commercial Arbitration Part IV: The Theory and Philosophy of International Arbitration Part V: Investor-State Mediation Part VI: Mediation in the Context of Arbitration

Table of Contents

  • Part I: Investor-State Arbitration Overview of Investor-State Arbitration: The Regressive Character of the 2004 U.S. Model BIT, Stephen M. Schwebel The Investor's Choice of ICSID and Non-ICSID Arbitration Under Bilateral and Multilateral Treaties, V.V. Veeder A Further Update on Most-Favoured-Nation Treatment-In Search of a Constant Jurisprudence, Meg Kinnear Annulling the Annulment: More on Contracts and Treaties, Francisco Orrego Vicuna Arbitrator Integrity and Investor-State Disputes, William W. Park Part II: Arbitrator Ethics Cost Concerns in the Drafting of Arbitral Awards-An Issue of Ethics, Arthur W. Rovine Bias in International Commercial Arbitration Versus Investment Arbitration: Are There Different Standards? Should There Be? Sophie Nappert Arbitrator Bias: A Russian Perspective, Ivan Marisin and Irina Sergeeva Arbitrator Bias in Countries with No or Reduced Arbitration Tradition, Ignacio Gomez-Palacio Part III: Damages in International Commercial Arbitration The Problem with Damages in International Arbitration, Lawrence W. Newman Presentation of Evidence and Legal Issues Relating to Damages: Tactics and Pitfalls, Hilary Heilbron, QC Damages-Standards for Compensation and the Role of Experts, Richard H. Kreindler Damages in International Commercial Arbitration: Methods of Calculation, Andrea Saldarriaga and Mark Kantor Compounding Interest in Interest: The Global Economy, Deflation, and Interest, John Y. Gotanda Part IV: The Theory and Philosophy of International Arbitration Overview, W. Michael Reisman Arbitration, Rhetoric, Proof: The Unity of International Arbitration Across Cultures, Lawrence Shore Three Philosophies of International Arbitration, Emmanuel Gaillard Is Arbitration a Service to Business or to the Legal Profession? Catherine Kessedjian Part V: Investor-State Mediation Investor-State Dispute Mediation: The Benefits and Obstacles, Edna Sussman Should Mediation of Investment Disputes Be Encouraged
  • and If So, by Whom and How? Jack J. Coe, Jr. Conciliation and BITs, Gabriel Bottini and Veronica Lavista Investor-State Mediation: Is There a Future? Tillmann Rudolf Braun Investor-State Mediation: Observations on the Role of Institutions, Margrete Stevens and Ben Love Part VI: Mediation in the Context of Arbitration Reflections on Culture in Med-Arb, Tai-Heng Cheng Will the Next Generation of Dispute Resolution Clause Drafting Include Model Arb-Med Clauses? Kathleen M. Scanlon and Kathy A. Bryan Index

2010 ISBN 9789004206007


The 2010 volume of Contemporary Issues in International Arbitration and Mediation - The Fordham Papers is a collection of important works in the field written by the speakers at the 2010 Fordham Law School Conference on International Arbitration and Mediation. The 24 papers are organized into the following five parts: Part I: Investor-State Arbitration, Charles N. Brower, Anke Meier, Maurice Mendelson QC, Brigitte Stern, W. Michael Reisman, Anna Vinnik, Christoph Schreuer. Part II: Key Issues in the U.S. Law of International Arbitration, Thomas J. Stipanowich, George A. Bermann, Catherine A. Rogers, Ben H. Sheppard, Jr. Part III: Dispute Resolution by the World Trade Organization, Andrew Shoyer, Kimberly Myers, Giorgio Sacerdoti, Greg Tereposky, Morgan Maguire, Richard O. Cunningham. Part IV: How Major Corporations View International Arbitration, Siegfried H. Elsing, Stephen E. Smith, Roland Schroeder, Mike McIllwrath. Part V: International Mediation, John Barkett, A. Timothy Martin, David H. Burt, Tai-Heng Cheng, Simeon Baum, Peter M. Wolrich, Suzanne Ulicny, Luis Martinez.

Table of Contents

Introduction: The 2010 Revision of the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules, Arthur W. Rovine Part I: Investor-State Arbitration The Unsound "Plama Principle" and other Errors in Application of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, Charles N. Brower and Anke Meier Issues Relating to the Identity of the Investor, Prof. Maurice Mendelson QC The Scope of Investor Protection under the ICSID/BIT Mechanism: Recent Trends, Brigitte Stern What Constitutes an Investment and Who Decides? W. Michael Reisman and Anna Vinnik Interaction of International Tribunals and Domestic Courts in Investment Law, Christoph Schreuer Part II: Key Issues in the U.S. Law of International Arbitration Revelation and Reaction: The Struggle to Shape American Arbitration, Thomas J. Stipanowich The Enforceability of the Arbitration Agreement: Who Decides and Under Whose Law? George A. Bermann International Arbitration's Public Realm, Catherine A. Rogers Fortress U.S.A.: Two Troublesome Defenses against the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards in the United States, Ben H. Sheppard, Jr. Part III: Dispute Resolution by the World Trade Organization The Use of Arbitration in Securing WTO Compliance, Andrew Shoyer and Kimberly Myers Precedent in the Settlement of International Economic Disputes: the WTO and Investment Arbitration Models, Giorgio Sacerdoti Utilizing WTO Law in Investor-State Arbitration, Greg Tereposky and Morgan Maguire The Future of WTO Dispute Settlement: A Practitioner's Assessment, Richard O. Cunningham Part IV: How Major Corporations View International Arbitration On Babies and Bathwater: Keeping The Good (And Getting Rid Of The Bad) From the Company's Perspective, Siegfried H. Elsing Hot Issues in International Arbitration - a Corporate Perspective, Stephen E. Smith Transparency in International Arbitration: What Are Arbitrators and Institutions Afraid Of? Roland Schroeder and Mike McIllwrath Part V: International Mediation Avoiding the Costs of International Commercial Arbitration: Is Mediation the Solution? John Barkett International Mediation: An Evolving Market, A. Timothy Martin Inside Counsel as Sophisticated Users of the Mediation Process, David H. Burt International Mediation, Arbitration, and Innovation, Tai-Heng Cheng Lessons from Russian Mediators, Simeon Baum Resolution of Disputes by ICC Dispute Boards, Peter M. Wolrich ICC ADR: Rules and Approaches for Reaching an Amicable Solution, Suzanne Ulicny The International Centre for Dispute Resolution Mediation Practice, Luis Martinez Index

2011 ISBN 9789004230125


The 2011 volume of Contemporary Issues in International Arbitration and Mediation - The Fordham Papers is a collection of important works in the field written by the speakers at the 2011 Fordham Law School Conference on International Arbitration and Mediation. The 26 papers are organized into the following five parts: Keynote Presentation: George Bermann Part I: Investor-State Arbitration, R. Doak Bishop, Margrete Stevens, Alexis Mourre, Lucy F. Reed, Giorgio Francesco Mandelli. Part II: Complex International Commercial Arbitration, Gerald Aksen, James E. Castello, Rocio Digon, Bernard Hanotiau, Dr. Julian D M Lew QC, Pedro J. Martinez-Fraga. Part III: New Rules in International Arbitration, Jason Fry, Victoria Shannon, Catherine Kessedjian, David W. Rivkin, Catherine A. Rogers, Arthur W. Rovine. Part IV: Arbitration in the BRIC Countries, Grant Hanessian, Joaquim de Paiva Muniz, Roman Khodykin, Zia Moody, Shreyas Jayasimha, Andrew Aglionby. Part V: Mediation, Simeon Baum, Jeremy Lack, Joseph T. McLaughlin, Jacqueline Nolan-Haley, Brian Speers, Colin Caughey, Nathan Witkin.

Table of Contents

  • Contributors List of Abbreviations and Acronyms Keynote Presentation American Exceptionalism in International Arbitration George Bermann Part 1 Investor-State Arbitration A Systemic Perspective of the Foreign Investment Dispute Settlement System: Feedback, Adaptation and Stability R. Doak Bishop and Margrete Stevens Expropriation by Courts: Is it Expropriation or Denial of Justice? Alexis Mourre Adhoc or ad arbitrium? An audit of Recent ICSID Annulment Decisions Lucy F. Reed and Giorgio Francesco Mandelli Part II Complex International Commercial Arbitration Class Arbitration in the United States - Is It Gone? Gerald Aksen Maximizing Possibilities for Joinder in International Arbitration James E. Costello and Rocio Digon Groups of Companies and Groups of Contracts: A General Introduction Bernard Hanotiau Implications of the Dallah Case for International Commercial Arbitration Dr. Julian D M Lew QC Revisiting the Need for Uniformity in the Application of Res Judicata in International Commercial Arbitration and in Treaty-Based and in Treaty-Based Arbitration Pedro J. Martinez- Fraga Part III New Rules in International Arbitration The 2012 ICC Rules of Arbitration Jason Fry and Victoria Shannon The Proposed Arbitration Provisions in the Recast of Regulation 44/2001 Catherine Kessedjian The Revised IBA Rules on Taking of Evidence David W. Rivkin The Restatement as "New Rules" Catherine A. Rogers The 2010 Revision of the UNICITRAL Arbitration Rules Arthur W. Rovine Part IV Arbitration in the BRIC Countries BRICs, not CRIBs: the "Rebalancing" of International Arbitration Grant Hanessian The Current Framework of International Arbitration in Brazil Joaquim de Paiva Muniz Arbitration in Russia: A Hot Topic in a Cold Winter Roman Khodykin Recent Indian Developments relating to International Arbitration Zia Moody and Shreyas Jayasimha Notable Characteristics of Arbitration in China Andrew Aglionby Part V Mediation Hawking Our Wares in the Marketplace of Values - Sell Quality Not Cost When Promoting Mediation
  • the Interplay of Global Norms of Justice and Harmony in the Mediation Forum Simeon Baum The Neurophysiology of ADR and Process Design: A New Approach to Conflict Prevention and Resolution? Jeremy Lack Resolving and Settling Claims in the Financial Services Industry Through Mediation - An International Perspective Joseph T. McLaughlin Evolving Paths to Justice: Assessing the EU Directive on Mediation Jacqueline Nolan-Haley Commercial Mediation - A Further Legacy of the Northern Ireland Good Friday Agreement? Brian Speers and Colin Caughey Consensus Arbitration: Benefits and Application in Modern International Arbitration and Family Law Nathan Witkin Mediation: Geography and Institutions Francesca De Paolis

2014 ISBN 9789004305588


The 2014 volume of Contemporary Issues in International Arbitration and Mediation: The Fordham Papers is a collection of important works in the field written by the speakers at the 2014 Fordham Law School Conference on International Arbitration and Mediation. The papers are organized into the following parts: Keynote Presentation by Catherine Kessedjian PART 1: Investor-State and Commercial Arbitration by Peter Michaelson, Stanimir A. Alexandrov, James Mendenhall, Laurence Shore, Liang-Ying Tan, Rocio Digon, and Marek Krasula PART 2: Ethics by Bruce A. Green, Margaret Moses, Doak Bishop, Isabel Fernandez de la Cuesta, Catherine A. Rogers, and Idil Tumer PART 3: Mediation by Lorraine M. Brennan, Anna Joubin-Bret, Josefa Sicard-Mirabal, Rachael Clarke, James M. Rhodes, and Carrie Menkel-Meadow PART 4: International Trade Arbitration by Kaj Hober, Luiz Olavo Baptista, Giorgio Sacerdoti, and Gonzalo Biggs PART 5: Investor-State and Commercial Arbitration (2) by John J. Barcelo III, Roland Ziade, Lorenzo Melchionda, and Dr. Wolfgang Kuhn PART 6: International Tax Arbitration by Alexis Foucard, Lea Grandfond, Michael Lennard, and Natalia Quinones Cruz

Table of Contents

Keynote Address International Arbitration - More Efficiency for Greater Credibility Catherine Kessedjian PART I Investor-State and Commercial Arbitration Chapter 1: Neutral Selection: Perspectives from a Neutral Peter Michaelson Chapter 2: Breach of Treaty Claims and Breach of Contract Claims: Simplification of International Jurisprudence Stanimir A. Alexandrov & James Mendenhall Chapter 3: Investment Treaty Tribunals, Human Rights, and International Law Laurence Shore and Liang-Ying Tan Chapter 4: The ICC's Role in Administering Investment Arbitration Disputes Rocio Digon & Marek Krasula PART II Ethics Chapter 5: Attorneys' Conflicts of Interest in International Arbitration Bruce A. Green Chapter 6: Inherent Powers of Arbitrators to Deal with Ethical Issues Margaret Moses Chapter 7: A Defense of the IBA Guidelines on Party Representation Doak Bishop & Isabel Fernandez de la Cuesta Chapter 8: Arbitrator Challenges: Too Many or Not Enough? Catherine A. Rogers & Idil Tumer PART III Mediation Chapter 9: Preparing the Client in an International Mediation: What to Expect from the Process Lorraine M. Brennan Chapter 10: Investor-State Mediation (ISM): A Comparison of Recent Treaties and Rules Anna Joubin-Bret Chapter 11: The Effect of Culture on International Mediation Josefa Sicard-Mirabal & Rachael Clarke Chapter 12: The Current Status and Future of International Mediation James M. Rhodes Chapter 13: Variations in the Uptake of and Resistance to Mediation Outside of the United States Carrie Menkel-Meadow PART IV International Trade Arbitration Chapter 14: WTO and Russia Kaj Hober Chapter 15: Arbitration in Regional Trade Agreements (RTAs) and the World Trade Organization (WTO) Luiz Olavo Baptista Chapter 16: Settling International Economic Disputes: the WTO and other Models. Trade and Investments Giorgio Sacerdoti Chapter 17: The Challenge Posed to the WTO Dispute Settlement System by the Imbalance in Developing and Developed Country Participation Gonzalo Biggs PART V Investor-State and Commercial Arbitration (2) Chapter 18: Substantive and Procedural Arbitrability in Ad Hoc Investor-State Arbitration - BG Group v. Argentina John J. Barcelo III Chapter 19: Structuring and Restructuring of Investment in Investment Treaty Arbitration Roland Ziade & Lorenzo Melchionda Chapter 20: Defaulting Parties and Default Awards In International Arbitration Dr. Wolfgang Kuhn PART VI International Tax Arbitration Chapter 21: Arbitration of International Tax Disputes: A Move Towards Democratization? Alexis Foucard & Lea Grandfond Chapter 22: International Tax Arbitration and Developing Countries Michael Lennard Chapter 23: International Tax Arbitration as an ADR Solution in a Time of Global Tax Demands Natalia Quinones Cruz Index

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