The Proceedings of the tenth Tokyo Conference on Psycholinguistics
The Proceedings of the tenth Tokyo Conference on Psycholinguistics
Hituzi Syobo, 2009
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大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全39件
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Includes bibliographical references
"Contains invited lectures given by Akira Watanabe, and fifteen papers presented at the tenth annual Tokyo Conference on Psycholinguistics (TCP 2009) held at Keio University on March 13 and 14, 2009."--Pref
- Organisation of “Number” Information in the Lexicon:Insights from Aphasic Plural Errors
- The Problem of Quantifiers in Objects Position:New Experimental Evidence against the Extra Computation They Are Supposed to Trigger
- The Online Processing of French Reflexives:Experimental Evidence for an Unaccusative Analysis
- The Role of Indirect Negative Evidence and Paradigm Uniformity in L1 Acquisition of Two Types of Japanese Adjectives
- Quantification and Individuation in the Acquisition of Chinese Classifiers
- Children’s Late Acquisition of Dutch Raising‐Verbs
- The Nominative/Accusative Alternation in the Transitive Adjective Construction in Modern Japanese:An ANOVA Analysis
- The Sloppy‐Identity Interpretation in Child Japanese:Its Acquisition and Implications
- Expectation Driven by Case‐markers:Its Effect on Japanese Relative Clause Processing
- Processing of Lexical Prosody in L2 Word Recognition:Evidence from Japanese L2 Learners of English〔ほか〕
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