Introduction to geography : people, places, and environment
Introduction to geography : people, places, and environment
Pearson Prentice Hall, c2008
4th ed
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全2件
- すべての絞り込み条件を解除する
Includes index
For courses in Introductory Geography.
This up-to-date revision continues to affirm that what happens at places depends increasingly on what happens among places, and mapped patterns can be understood only if we understand the patterns of movement that create and continuously rearrange them. The authors introduce the major tools, techniques, and methodological approaches of the discipline, and present a wide range of positions currently debated about provocative current issues. The text emphasizes both scientific and humanistic analytical skills, and weaves the theme of human-environmental interaction throughout.
1. Introduction to Geography
2. Weather and Climate
3. Landforms
4. Biogeochemical Cycles and the Biosphere
5. Population, Population Increase, and Migration
6. Cultural Geography
7. The Geography of Languages and Religions
8. The Human Food Supply
9. Earth's Resources and Environmental Protection
10. Cities and Urbanization
11. A World of States
12. National Paths to Economic Growth
13. Political Regionalization and Globalization
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