
The encyclopedia of Indonesia in the Pacific War

edited by Peter Post (general editor), William H. Frederick, Iris Heidebrink, Shigeru Sato ; co-edited by William Bradley Horton and Didi Kwartanada

(Handbuch der Orientalistik = Handbook of Oriental studies, section 3 . Southeast Asia ; v. 19)

Brill, 2010

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 26



"In cooperation with the Netherlands Institute for War Documentation."

Includes bibliographical references (p. [634]-654) and index



An obvious hiatus amidst the abundance of Pacific War studies is the story of Indonesia during that period. The Encyclopedia of Indonesia in the Pacific War, edited under the aegis of the Netherlands Institute for War Documentation, now fills that gap. This state of the art work reflects the different experiences and historiographic traditions of Indonesians, Japanese, and Dutch. The aim is to present the developments in the Indonesian archipelago in as much a rational and dispassionate way as possible, taking into account regional and social variations and interpreting them within the international context of pre- and post-war trends. With due acknowledgement of different perspectives, ambiguities, unresolved issues and conflicting views, it sets out to enhance mutual understanding and academic dialogue.

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