Social problems


Social problems

D. Stanley Eitzen, Maxine Baca Zinn, Kelly Eitzen Smith

Pearson : Allyn and Bacon, c2009

11th ed


Includes bibliographical references (p. 601-638) and index



Taking a conflict approach, Eitzen and Baca Zinn focus on the underlying features of the social world in an effort to help students to understand today's social problems.


  • In this section: 1. Brief Table of Contents 2. Comprehensive Table of Contents BRIEF TABLE OF CONTENTS Part One: Political Economy of Social Problems Chapter 1 Sociological Approach to Social Problems Chapter 2 Wealth and Power: the Bias of the System Part Two: Problems of People, the Environment, and Location Chapter 3 World Population and Global Inequality Chapter 4 Threats to the Environment Chapter 5 Demographic Changes in the United States: the Browning and Graying of Society Chapter 6 Problems of Place: Urban, Suburban, and Rural Part Three: Problems of Inequality Chapter 7 Poverty Chapter 8 Racial and Ethnic Inequality Chapter 9 Gender Inequality Chapter 10 Sexual Orientation Chapter 11 Disability and Ableism Part Four: Social Structure and Individual Deviance Chapter 12 Crime and Justice Chapter 13 Drugs Part Five: Institutional Problems Chapter 14 Work Chapter 15 Families Chapter 16 Education Chapter 17 Health and Health Care Delivery Chapter 18 National Security in the Twenty-First Century Part Six: Solutions Chapter 19 Progressive Plan to solve Society's Social Problems COMPREHENSIVE TABLE OF CONTENTS Part One: Political Economy of Social Problems Chapter 1Sociological Approach to Social Problems History of Social Problems Theory Toward a Definition of Social Problems Types of Social Problems Norm Violations Social Conditions The Sociological Imagination Social Structure as the Basic Unit of Analysis Person-Blame Approach versus System-Blame Approach Reasons for Focusing on the System-Blame Approach Organization of the Book Chapter Review Key Terms Websites for Further Reference Chapter 2Wealth and Power: The Bias of the System Capitalism and Socialism Capitalism Socialism U.S. Economy: Concentration of Corporate Wealth Monopolistic Capitalism Transnational Corporations Concentration of Wealth Political System: Links between Wealth and Power Government by Interest Groups Financing of Political Campaigns Candidate Selection Process Bias of the Political System Consequences of Concentrated Power Subsidies to Big Business Trickle-Down Solutions The Powerless Bear the Burden Foreign Policy for Corporate Benefit Reprise: The Best Democracy Money Can Buy Chapter Review Key Terms Websites for Further Reference Part Two: Problems of People, the Environment, and Location Chapter 3World Population and Global Inequality World Population Growth Demographic Transition Family Planning Societal Changes Poverty Food and Hunger Sickness and Disease The New Slavery Concentration of Misery in Cities U.S. Relations with the Developing World Transnational Corporations United States in the Global Village Chapter Review Key Terms Websites for Further Reference Chapter 4Threats to the Environment Worldwide Environmental Problems Degradation of the Land Environmental Pollution and Degradation Global Environmental Crises Fossil Fuel Dependence, Waste, and Environmental Degradation Destruction of the Tropical Rain Forests and Other Forms of Deforestation Global Warming Sources of U.S. Environmental Problems Cultural Sources Structural Sources Solutions to the Environmental Crises Pro-Business Voluntaristic Approach Egalitarian/Authoritarian Plan Control of Resource Use International Implications of Environmental Problems Chapter Review Key Terms Websites for Further Reference Chapter 5Demographic Changes in the United States: The Browning and Graying of Society Profile of the U.S. Population New Immigration and the Changing Racial Landscape Immigration and Increasing Diversity Consequences of the New Immigration Immigration and Agency Effects of Immigration on Immigrants: Ethnic Identity or Assimilation? The Aging Society Demographic Trend Demographic Portrait of the Current Elderly Population Problems of an Aging Society Social Security Paying for Health Care Elderly Abuse Responses by the Elderly: Human Agency Chapter Review Key Terms Websites for Further Reference Chapter 6Problems of Place: Urban, Suburban, and Rural Urban Problems Urban Job Loss Disinvestment Federal Abandonment Urban Poverty Urban Housing Crisis Decaying Infrastructure Transportation, Pollution, and the Environment Health and Health Care Urban Schools Crime, Drugs, and Gangs Suburban Problems Suburban Sprawl Automobile Dependency Social Isolation in the Suburbs Rural Problems Poverty Jobs in Rural Areas Environment Health Care and Delivery Small Town Decline Crime and Illicit Drugs Chapter Review Key Terms Websites for Further Reference Part Three: Problems of Inequality Chapter 7Poverty Extent of Poverty Racial Minorities Nativity Gender Age Place The New Poor The Working Poor The Near Poor The Severely Poor Myths about Poverty Refusal to Work Welfare Dependency The Poor Get Special Advantages Welfare Is an African American and Latino Program Causes of Poverty Deficiency Theory I: Innate Inferiority Deficiency Theory II: Cultural Inferiority Structural Theories Costs of Poverty Elimination of Poverty Chapter Review Key Terms Websites for Further Reference Chapter 8 Racial and Ethnic Inequality How to Think about Racial and Ethnic Inequality Racial and Ethnic Minorities Racial Categories Differences among Ethnic Groups Explanations of Racial and Ethnic Inequality Deficiency Theories Bias Theories Structural Discrimination Theories Discrimination against African Americans and Latinos: Continuity and Change Income Education Unemployment Type of Employment Health Contemporary Trends and Issues in U.S. Racial and Ethnic Relations Growing Racial Strife More Racially Based Groups and Activities Economic Polarization in U.S. Inner Cities Racial Policies in the New Century Chapter Review Key Terms Websites for Further Reference Chapter 9Gender Inequality Women and Men Are Differentiated and Ranked Is Gender Biological or Social? Gender and Power What Causes Gender Inequality? Socialization versus Structure: Two Approaches to Gender Inequality Learning Gender Children at Home Children at Play Formal Education Socialization as Blaming the Victim Reinforcing Male Dominance Language Interpersonal Behavior Mass Communications Media Religion The Law Politics Structured Gender Inequality Occupational Distribution The Earnings Gap Intersection of Race and Gender in the Workplace Pay Equity How Workplace Inequality Operates Gender in the Global Economy Costs and Consequences of Sexism Who Benefits? Social and Individual Costs Fighting the System Feminist Movements in the United States Women's Struggles in the Twenty-First Century Chapter Review Key Terms Websites for Further Reference Chapter 10Sexual Orientation Social Deviance Gay and Lesbian Community: An Overview Defining Homosexuality Roots of Homosexuality Numbers: How Many Gays and Lesbians? Interpersonal Relationships and Domestic Arrangements among Gays and Lesbians Discrimination Ideological Oppression Legal Oppression: The Law, the Courts, and the Police Occupational Discrimination Fighting the System: Human Agency Chapter Review Key Terms Websites for Further Reference Chapter 11Disability and Ableism Definitions Individual Model of Disability Social Model of Disability Toward a More Complete Definition of Disability People with Disabilities as a Minority Group Defined as Different Naming Minority as a Master Status Categorization, Stigma, and Stereotypes Exclusion and Segregation Matrix of Domination Discrimination Issues of Gender, Sexual Behavior, and Fertility Gender Stereotyping Sexual Relationships Physical and Sexual Abuse Abortion Issue Agency Disability Rights Movement Americans with Disabilities Act Conclusion Chapter Review Key Terms Websites for Further Reference Part Four:Social Structure and Individual Deviance Chapter 12Crime and Justice Crime in Society What Is Crime? Crime Rates Demographic Characteristics of People Arrested for Crimes Categories of Crime Unjust System of Justice Laws Police Judicial Process Correctional System Unjust Imposition of the Label "Criminal" Chapter Review Key Terms Websites for Further Reference Chapter 13Drugs The Politics of Drugs Historical Legality of Drugs Factors Influencing Drug Laws and Enforcement Drug Use in U.S. Society Commonly Abused Illegal Drugs Legal but Dangerous Drugs Drug Use Patterns by Class, Race, and Gender Why Use Drugs? U.S. Official Policy: A War on Drugs Consequences of Official Drug Policies Is the Drug War Racist? Alternatives Regulation of Trade or Use through Licensing and Taxation Noninterference Chapter Review Key Terms Websites for Further Reference Part Five: Institutional Problems Chapter 14 Work Problems of Work Control of Workers Alienation Dangerous Working Conditions Sweatshops Unions and Their Decline Discrimination in the Workplace: Perpetuation of Inequality Unemployment Globalization and the Structural Transformation of the Economy Globalization From Manufacturing to Services Age of Discontinuity Changing Nature of Jobs Job Insecurity Benefits Insecurity Increased Workload Worker Compensation Demography and Jobs Changing Economy, Demography, and the Future of Work Transformation of the Economy and the Bifurcation of the United States Chapter Review Key Terms Websites for Further Reference Chapter 15Families The Mythical Family in the United States U. S. Families in Historical Perspective: The Family in Capitalism Stratification and Family Life: Unequal Life Chances Changing Families in a Changing World Economic Transformation and Family Life Today's Diverse Family Forms Balancing Work and Family with Few Social Supports Single Parents and Their Children Societal Response to Disadvantaged Children Divorce Consequences of Divorce Children of Divorce Violence in U.S. Families Violence and the Social Organization of the Family Intimate Partner Violence Child Abuse and Neglect Chapter Review Key Terms Websites for Further Reference Chapter 16 Education Characteristics of Education in the United States Education as a Conserving Force Mass Education Local Control of Education Competitive Nature of U.S. Education "Sifting" and "Sorting" Function of Schools Preoccupation with Order and Control Education and Inequality Financing Public Education Family Economic Resources Higher Education and Stratification Segregation Tracking and Teachers' Expectations Possibilities for Promoting Equality of Opportunity Universal Preschool Programs Free Education The Role of Government Reducing Class and School Size Attracting and Retaining Excellent Teachers Extending the School Day and Year Holding Educators Accountable Reforming the Educational Philosophy of Schools Restructuring Society Chapter Review Key Terms Websites for Further Reference Chapter 17Health and Health Care Delivery The Crisis in Health Care: Cost and Coverage Rising Health Care Costs The Uninsured and Underinsured Unequal Access to Health Care Social Class Race Gender Class, Race, and Gender: Who Wins and Who Loses in the Battle against HIV/AIDS? Changing Social Organization of Health Care Delivery Fee for Service System Shift to Managed Care Shift from Private to For.Profit Hospitals Toward a Better Health Care System: Some Alternatives Reforms within the Medical Community National Health Insurance Societal Changes Chapter Review Key Terms Websites for Further Reference Chapter 18National Security in the 21st Century The Threat of Nuclear Weapons The Threat of Climate Change The Threat of Terrorism The U. S. Military Establishment The Size of the Military The Cost of Maintaining U. S. Military Superiority U. S. National Security and the War on Terror Precursors to the 9/11 Attacks The Precipitating Event A Rush to War The War in Iraq The Occupation: What Went Wrong? Consequences of the U. S. Responses to 9/11 The Costs of War The Legacy of War Strategies to Combat the New Terrorism Lesson I: Military Might Alone Does Not Make a Nation Secure Lesson II
  • Vengeance is Self-Defeating Lesson III: The Solution to Terrorism is to Address Its Root Causes Lesson IV: In Planning for War, the Question Guiding the Plan Must Be: How Does the Conflict End? Lesson V: The U. S. Goal of Spreading Democracy in the Middle East Will Likely Fail Lesson VI: The Path to the Moral High Ground Goes Through International Organizations and International Law Chapter Review Key Terms Websites for Further Reference Part Six: Solutions Chapter 19Progressive Plan to Solve Society's Social Problems Sociology, Social Problems, and Social Change Sociological Paradox: Structure and Agency Sociological Imagination and Social Problems Sociological Dilemma: Recognition and Rejection Progressive Principles to Guide Public Policy Is a Progressive Social Policy Possible? Should a Progressive Plan Be Adopted by U.S. Society? Financing the Progressive Agenda Is There Any Hope of Instituting a Social Agenda Based on Progressive Principles? Human Agency: Social Change from the Bottom Up Individuals Protesting and Organizing for Change Chapter Review Key Terms Websites for Further Reference

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