School-based mental health : a practitioner's guide to comparative practices
School-based mental health : a practitioner's guide to comparative practices
Routledge, c2009
- : hardcover
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全8件
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Includes bibliographical references and indexes
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This volume provides school-based practitioners with a comprehensive and comparative guide to the strategic interventions, therapeutic modalities, and treatment approaches that are most commonly and effectively used in educational settings. Three main sections of the text present a foundation of universal interventions, targeted interventions, and alternative interventions appropriate for use in schools. Unifying the chapters are two central case examples, allowing the reader to see and evaluate the strengths and potential challenges of each technique in a familiar situation. This emphasis on case examples and the comparative structure of the volume will provide a level of hands-on and practical learning that is helpful for both students and mental health practitioners working in schools for the first time, and as a resource for more seasoned professionals who need to expand the tools at their disposal.
An Overview of School-Based Practice. Part I: Foundation of Universal Interventions. Problem-solving Approaches in Prevention. Building Resiliency in Schools. School-wide Behavioral Support. Minimizing Barriers to Learning. Part II: Selected and Targeted Interventions. Cognitive-Behavioral Approaches. Individual Behavior Supports. Reality Therapy. Client-centered Therapy. Family System Interventions. Adlerian/Constructivist Approaches. Part III: Alternative Interventions. Play Therapy. Art Therapy. Movement Therapy. Mindfulness Interventions. Part IV: Summary. Integrating Perspectives into Practice. Appendix.
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