Quantum chemistry & spectroscopy

Bibliographic Information

Quantum chemistry & spectroscopy

Thomas Engel

Prentice Hall, c2010

2nd ed., international ed

Other Title

Quantum chemistry and spectroscopy

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Chapter 15, "Computational chemistry," was contributed by Warren Hehr

Rev. ed. of: Quantum chemistry and spectroscopy. c2006

Includes bibliographical references and index

Description and Table of Contents


For courses in Quantum Chemistry. This full-color, modern physical chemistry text offers arresting illustrations that set it apart from others of its kind. The authors focus on core topics of physical chemistry, presented within a modern framework of applications. Extensive math derivations are provided, yet the book retains the significant chemical rigor needed in physical chemistry.

Table of Contents

CHAPTER 1: FROM CLASSICAL TO QUANTUM MECHANICS 1.1 Why Study Quantum Mechanics? 1.2 Quantum Mechanics Arose Out of the Interplay of Experiments and Theory 1.3 Blackbody Radiation 1.4 The Photoelectric Effect 1.5 Particles Exhibit Wave-Like Behavior 1.6 Diffraction by a Double Slit 1.7 Atomic Spectra and the Bohr Model for the Hydrogen Atom CHAPTER 2: THE SCHROEDINGER EQUATION 2.1 What Determines If a System Needs to Be Described Using Quantum Mechanics? 2.2 Classical Waves and the Nondispersive Wave Equation 2.3 Waves Are Conveniently Represented as Complex Functions 2.4 Quantum Mechanical Waves and the Schroedinger Equation 2.5 Solving the Schroedinger Equation: Operators, Observables, Eigenfunctions, and Eigenvalues 2.6 The Eigenfunctions of a Quantum Mechanical Operator Are Orthogonal 2.7 The Eigenfunctions of a Quantum Mechanical Operator Form a Complete Set 2.8 Summing Up the New Concepts CHAPTER 3: THE QUANTUM MECHANICAL POSTULATES 3.1 The Physical Meaning Associated with the Wave Function 3.2 Every Observable Has a Corresponding Operator 3.3 The Result of an Individual Measurement 3.4 The Expectation Value 3.5 The Evolution in Time of a Quantum Mechanical System CHAPTER 4: USING QUANTUM MECHANICS ON SIMPLE SYSTEMS 4.1 The Free Particle 4.2 The Particle in a One-Dimensional Box 4.3 Two- and Three-Dimensional Boxes 4.4 Using the Postulates to Understand the Particle in the Box and Vice Versa CHAPTER 5: THE PARTICLE IN THE BOX AND THE REAL WORLD 5.1 The Particle in the Finite Depth Box 5.2 Differences in Overlap between Core and Valence Electrons 5.3 Pi Electrons in Conjugated Molecules Can Be Treated as Moving Freely in a Box 5.4 Why Does Sodium Conduct Electricity and Why Is Diamond an Insulator? 5.5 Tunneling through a Barrier 5.6 The Scanning Tunneling Microscope 5.7 Tunneling in Chemical Reactions 5.8 (Supplemental) Quantum Wells and Quantum Dots CHAPTER 6: COMMUTING AND NONCOMMUTING OPERATORS AND THE SURPRISING CONSEQUENCES OF ENTANGLEMENT 6.1 Commutation Relations 6.2 The Stern-Gerlach Experiment 6.3 The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle 6.4 (Supplemental) The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle Expressed in Terms of Standard Deviations 6.5 (Supplemental) A Thought Experiment Using a Particle in a Three-Dimensional Box 6.6 (Supplemental) Entangled States, Teleportation, and Quantum Computers CHAPTER 7: A QUANTUM MECHANICAL MODEL FOR THE VIBRATION AND ROTATION OF MOLECULES 7.1 Solving the Schroedinger Equation for the Quantum Mechanical Harmonic Oscillator 7.2 Solving the Schroedinger Equation for Rotation in Two Dimensions 7.3 Solving the Schroedinger Equation for Rotation in Three Dimensions 7.4 The Quantization of Angular Momentum 7.5 The Spherical Harmonic Functions 7.6 (Optional Review) The Classical Harmonic Oscillator 7.7 (Optional Review) Angular Motion and the Classical Rigid Rotor 7.8 (Supplemental) Spatial Quantization CHAPTER 8: THE VIBRATIONAL AND ROTATIONAL SPECTROSCOPY OF DIATOMIC MOLECULES 8.1 An Introduction to Spectroscopy 8.2 Absorption, Spontaneous Emission, and Stimulated Emission 8.3 An Introduction to Vibrational Spectroscopy 8.4 The Origin of Selection Rules 8.5 Infrared Absorption Spectroscopy 8.6 Rotational Spectroscopy 8.7 (Supplemental) Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy 8.8 (Supplemental) Raman Spectroscopy 8.9 (Supplemental) How Does the Transition Rate between States Depend on Frequency? CHAPTER 9: THE HYDROGEN ATOM 9.1 Formulating the Schroedinger Equation 9.2 Solving the Schroedinger Equation for the Hydrogen Atom 9.3 Eigenvalues and Eigenfunctions for the Total Energy 9.4 The Hydrogen Atom Orbitals 9.5 The Radial Probability Distribution Function 9.6 The Validity of the Shell Model of an Atom CHAPTER 10: MANY-ELECTRON ATOMS 10.1 Helium: The Smallest Many-Electron Atom 10.2 Introducing Electron Spin 10.3 Wave Functions Must Reflect the Indistinguishability of Electrons 10.4 Using the Variational Method to Solve the Schroedinger Equation 10.5 The Hartree-Fock Self-Consistent Field Method 10.6 Understanding Trends in the Periodic Table from Hartree-Fock Calculations CHAPTER 11: QUANTUM STATES FOR MANY-ELECTRON ATOMS AND ATOMIC SPECTROSCOPY 11.1 Good Quantum Numbers, Terms, Levels, and States 11.2 The Energy of a Configuration Depends on Both Orbital and Spin Angular Momentum 11.3 Spin-Orbit Coupling Breaks Up a Term into Levels 11.4 The Essentials of Atomic Spectroscopy 11.5 Analytical Techniques Based on Atomic Spectroscopy 11.6 The Doppler Effect 11.7 The Helium-Neon Laser 11.8 Laser Isotope Separation 11.9 Auger Electron and X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopies 11.10 Selective Chemistry of Excited States: O(3P) and O(1D) 11.11 (Supplemental) Configurations with Paired and Unpaired Electron Spins Differ in Energy CHAPTER 12: THE CHEMICAL BOND IN DIATOMIC MOLECULES 12.1 The Simplest One-Electron Molecule: 12.2 The Molecular Wave Function for Ground-State 12.3 The Energy Corresponding to the H2+ Molecular Wave Functions 12.4 A Closer Look at the H2+ Molecular Wave Functions 12.5 Combining Atomic Orbitals to Form Molecular Orbitals 12.6 Molecular Orbitals for Homonuclear Diatomic Molecules 12.7 The Electronic Structure of Many-Electron Molecules 12.8 Bond Order, Bond Energy, and Bond Length 12.9 Heteronuclear Diatomic Molecules 12.10 The Molecular Electrostatic Potential CHAPTER 13: MOLECULAR STRUCTURE AND ENERGY LEVELS FOR POLYATOMIC MOLECULES 13.1 Lewis Structures and the VSEPR Model 13.2 Describing Localized Bonds Using Hybridization for Methane, Ethene, and Ethyne 13.3 Constructing Hybrid Orbitals for Nonequivalent Ligands 13.4 Using Hybridization to Describe Chemical Bonding 13.5 Predicting Molecular Structure Using Molecular Orbital Theory 13.6 How Different Are Localized and Delocalized Bonding Models? 13.7 Qualitative Molecular Orbital Theory for Conjugated and Aromatic Molecules: The Huckel Model 13.8 From Molecules to Solids 13.9 Making Semiconductors Conductive at Room Temperature CHAPTER 14: ELECTRONIC SPECTROSCOPY 14.1 The Energy of Electronic Transitions 14.2 Molecular Term Symbols 14.3 Transitions between Electronic States of Diatomic Molecules 14.4 The Vibrational Fine Structure of Electronic Transitions in Diatomic Molecules 14.5 UV-Visible Light Absorption in Polyatomic Molecules 14.6 Transitions among the Ground and Excited States 14.7 Singlet-Singlet Transitions: Absorption and Fluorescence 14.8 Intersystem Crossing and Phosphorescence 14.9 Fluorescence Spectroscopy and Analytical Chemistry 14.10 Ultraviolet Photoelectron Spectroscopy 14.11 Single Molecule Spectroscopy 14.12 Fluorescent Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) 14.13 Linear and Circular Dichroism 14.14 (Supplemental) Assigning + and - to Terms of Diatomic Molecules CHAPTER 15: COMPUTATIONAL CHEMISTRY 15.1 The Promise of Computational Chemistry 15.2 Potential Energy Surfaces 15.3 Hartree-Fock Molecular Orbital Theory: A Direct Descendant of the Schroedinger Equation 15.4 Properties of Limiting Hartree-Fock Models 15.5 Theoretical Models and Theoretical Model Chemistry 15.6 Moving Beyond Hartree-Fock Theory 15.7 Gaussian Basis Sets 15.8 Selection of a Theoretical Model 15.9 Graphical Models 15.10 Conclusion CHAPTER 16: MOLECULAR SYMMETRY 16.1 Symmetry Elements, Symmetry Operations, and Point Groups 16.2 Assigning Molecules to Point Groups 16.3 The H2O Molecule and the C2v Point Group 16.4 Representations of Symmetry Operators, Bases for Representations, and the Character Table 16.5 The Dimension of a Representation 16.6 Using the C2v Representations to Construct Molecular Orbitals for H2O 16.7 The Symmetries of the Normal Modes of Vibration of Molecules 16.8 Selection Rules and Infrared versus Raman Activity 16.9 (Supplemental) Using the Projection Operator Method to Generate MOs That Are Bases for Irreducible Representations CHAPTER 17: NUCLEAR MAGNETIC RESONANCE SPECTROSCOPY 17.1 Intrinsic Nuclear Angular Momentum and Magnetic Moment 17.2 The Energy of Nuclei of Nonzero Nuclear Spin in a Magnetic Field 17.3 The Chemical Shift for an Isolated Atom 17.4 The Chemical Shift for an Atom Embedded in a Molecule 17.5 Electronegativity of Neighboring Groups and Chemical Shifts 17.6 Magnetic Fields of Neighboring Groups and Chemical Shifts 17.7 Multiplet Splitting of NMR Peaks Arises through Spin-Spin Coupling 17.8 Multiplet Splitting When More Than Two Spins Interact 17.9 Peak Widths in NMR Spectroscopy 17.10 Solid-State NMR 17.11 NMR Imaging 17.12 (Supplemental) The NMR Experiment in the Laboratory and Rotating Frames 17.13 (Supplemental) Fourier Transform NMR Spectroscopy 17.14 (Supplemental) Two-Dimensional NMR

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