Professional practice for interior designers


Professional practice for interior designers

Christine M. Piotrowski

Wiley, c2008

4th ed

  • : cloth

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 1



Includes bibliographical references (p. 733-750) and index



The text of choice for professional interior design practice -- now with companion CD-ROM! Since publication of the first edition in 1990, Professional Practice for Interior Designers has remained the leading choice for educators for teaching interior design business practice as well as for professionals seeking to advance in their own practices. This ASID/Polsky Prize winner is recommended by the NCIDQ for exam preparation and covers the gamut of legal, financial, management, marketing, administrative, and ethical issues. You gain all the essential skills needed for planning and maintaining a thriving interior design business, presented in the clear, easy-to-follow style that is the hallmark of this text. This edition is completely current with the latest business practices and features a host of new practice aids: Companion CD-ROM includes a trial version of professional practice software, business forms, numerous short articles, plus additional information and resources. New examples help you manage the latest challenges and implement the latest business practices. A new chapter devoted to strategic planning explains this important business concept in easy-to-understand language for students and professionals. Brief "what would you do" case studies in each chapter challenge you to respond to ethical issues faced by today's interior designers. From creating a business plan to launching a promotional campaign to setting up a computerized accounting system, everything you need to launch and sustain a successful interior design practice is here.


Preface. Acknowledgments. Part I: The Profession of Interior Design. 1. Interior Design as a Profession. 2. Professional Preparation. 3. Ethics and Professional Responsibility. 4. Legal Responsibilities. Part II: Getting Started. 5. Personal Goals. 6. Professional Options. Part III: Establishing an Interior Design Practice. 7. Creating a New Interior Design Practice. 8. Advice and Counsel. 9. Business Formations. 10. Business Legal Filings and Licenses. 11. Preparing the Business Plan. Part IV: Growing the Practice. 12. Practice Organization and Management. 13. Strategic Planning. 14. Human Resource Management. 15. Legal Issues of Employment. 16. Basic Financial Accounting. 17. Financial Management. Part V: Marketing and Business Development. 18. Marketing Interior Design Services. 19. Promoting the Interior Design Practice. 20. Additional Promotional Methods. 21. Selling Strategies. 22. Design Presentations. Part VI: Project Compensation and Agreements. 23. Project Compensation and Fees. 24. Preparing Design Contracts. 25. Product Pricing. 26. The Sale of Goods and the Commercial Code. 27. Warranties and Product Liability. VII: Project Management. 28. The Project Management Process. 29. Trade Sources. 30. contract Documents and Specifications. 31. Contract Administration. 32. Contract Distraction: Delivery and Project Closeout. VIII: Looking Ahead. 33. Getting the Next-or First-Job. 34. Landing the Job. Appendix. Glossary. Internet Resources. General References. Index.

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