Rare-earth doping of advanced materials for photonic applications : symposium held December 1-4, 2008, Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A.
Rare-earth doping of advanced materials for photonic applications : symposium held December 1-4, 2008, Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A.
(Materials Research Society symposium proceedings, v. 1111)
Materials Research Society, c2009
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全3件
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Other editors: Y. Fujiwara, U. Hommerich, P.Ruterana, J. M. Zavada
Includes bibliographical references and indexes
This book brings together more than 100 specialists from around the world to examine the status and emerging trends in the field of rare-earth-doped materials. These materials are used and/or are potential candidates for applications as lasers, light-emitting diodes, phosphors, displays and other photonic applications. Progress in growth, doping methods, characterization and device applications are reviewed. Topics include: rare-earth doping in nitrides; rare-earth doping in silicon-related materials; mechanisms and laser materials and phosphors and scintillators.
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