The Oxford encyclopedia of medieval warfare and military technology

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The Oxford encyclopedia of medieval warfare and military technology

Clifford J. Rogers, editor in chief

Oxford University Press, 2010

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Vol. 1. Aachen, Siege of - Dyrrachium, Siege and Battle of (1081) -- v. 2. East Central Europe: Narrative (500-1000) - Ménfő, Battle of -- v. 3. Mercenaries - Zürich, Siege of, Topical outline of contents, Directory of contributors, Index

On spine: v. 1. Aach-Dyrr -- v. 2. East-Ménf --- v. 3. Merc-Züri, Index

Includes bibliographical references

Includes index (v. 3, p. 501-596)

Description and Table of Contents


From the Viking invasions to the Crusades to the Hundred Years War, wars were crucial agents of change in medieval Europe. They fostered many economic and political changes. They also affected the science, technology, religion, and culture of the parties involved. This three-volume encyclopedia examines all aspects of warfare and military technology in medieval times. Featuring the latest research from the leading experts in medieval military history it provides an exhaustive and accurate view of how and why wars were waged throughout Europe, the Byzantine Empire, and the Crusader States from circa 500 CE to circa 1500.

Table of Contents

Britain and France Agincourt, Battle of (1415, 25 Oct. ) Aigues-Mortes Aiguillon, Siege of (1346) Alfred, King of Wessex Alnwick Anthon, Battle of (1430) Ardres, Battle of (1351) Athenry, Battle of (1316) Auray, Battle of (1364, 29 Sept.) Bannockburn, Battle of (1314, 23DS4 June) Bastard Feudalism Bauge, Battle of (1421, 22 Mar.) Bayeux Tapestry Bedford, Siege of (1224) Bertran Duguesclin Berwick, Sieges of (1296, 1318, 1319, 1333) Black Death Book-Land Bourgtheroulde, Battle of (1124, 26 Mar.) Bouvines, Battle of (1214, 22 Jul.) Boves, Siege of (1185) Bremule, Battle of (1119, 20 Aug.) Brian Boru Britain: Narrative (500-1000) Britain: Sources (500-1000) Britain: Historiography (500-1000) Britain: Narrative (1000-1300) Britain: Sources (1000-1300) Britain: Historiography (1000-1300) Britain: Narrative (1300-1500) Britain: Sources (1300-1500) Britain: Historiography (1300-1500) Bruce, Edward Bulgneville, Battle of (1431) Bureau Brothers Burghal Hidage Burh Caen, Siege of (1417) Caerlaverock, Siege of (1300) Calais, Siege of (1346, Sept. DSAug. 1347) Calais, Siege of (1436-7) Carcassonne, Siege of (1209) Carlisle, Siege of (1315) Carrickfergus, Siege of (1315-16) Castelnaudary, Siege and Battle of (1211) Castillon, Siege and Battle of (1453, 17 Jul.) Cavalry Celtic Styles of Warfare Chandos, Sir John Chanson de Roland Charles of Charolais (Charles the Bold of Burgundy) Charles VII of France Charny, Geoffroi de Chateau-Gaillard, Siege of (1203, Sept.DSMarch 1204) Chize, Battle of (1373) Christine de Pisan (Pizan) Cinque Ports Clare, Richard FitzGilbert de ("Strongbow") Clos des Galees Commemoration of Battles and Warriors Compagnies d'Ordonnance Conquereuil, Battle of (992) Crecy, Battle of (1346, 26 Aug.) Crevant (Cravant), Battle near (1423, 31 Jul.) David I of Scotland Distraint of Knighthood Domesday Book Dover Dunois, Jean Comte de (Jean d'Orleans) Dupplin Moor, Battle of (1332, 8 Aug.) Ecorcheurs Edington, Battle of (878) Edward I of England Edward III of England Edward IV of England Edward, the Black Prince Evesham, Battle of (1265, 4 Aug.) Falkirk, Battle of (1298, 22 Jul.) Familia Regis Formigny, Battle of (1450, 15 Apr.) France: Narrative (900-1328) France: Sources (900-1328) France: Historiography (900-1328) France: Narrative (1328-1483) France: Sources (1328-1483) France: Historiography (1328 - 1483) Freteval, Battle of (1194, 4 Jul.) Fulk Nerra Gournay, Siege and Combat of (1107) Great Companies Halidon Hill, Battle of (1333, 19 Jul.) Hand-to-Hand Combat Harfleur, Siege of (1415, 17 Aug.-22 Sept.) Hastings, Battle of (1066, 14 Oct.) Henry II of England Henry V of England Henry of Grosmont, First Duke of Lancaster Hericourt, Battle of (1474, 13 Nov.) Hobelars Humbleton Hill, Battle of (1402, 14 Sept.) Hundred Years' War: Causes Hundred Years' War: Costs Hundred Years' War: Naval Raids on England Jean de Bueil Jean de Vienne, Admiral of France Jean de Villiers, Sire de L'Isle Adam Jean le Maingre, "Boucicaut" Joan of Arc John, King of England John of Gaunt La Hire La Roche Derrien, Siege and Battle of (1347, 27 June) La Rochelle, Naval battle of (1372, 22/25 June) Le Puiset, Sieges of (1111, 1112) Lewes, Battle of (1264, 14 May) Limoges, Siege of (1370) Lincoln, Battle of (1141, 2 Feb.) London, Tower of Loudon Hill, Battle of (1307, 10 May) Louis VI of France Louis VII of France Louis VIII of France Louis IX of France Louis of Bourbon, "Le Bon Duc" Maldon, Battle of (991, Aug.) Marshal, William Mauny, Sir Walter de Mauron, Battle of (1352, 14 Aug.) Medical Treatment Methven, Battle of (1306) Montl'hery Battle of (1465, 16 Jul.) Montreuil-Bellay, Siege of (1151) Montsegur, Siege of (1243) Muret, Battle of (1213) Nancy, Battle of (1477, 5 Jan.) Neuss, Siege of (1474DS75) Neville's Cross, Battle of (1346, 17 Oct. ) Norman Conquests, Norman Expansion Northallerton, Battle of (1124, 26 Mar.) Orleans, Siege of (1428, 12 Oct. DS8 May 1429) Otterburn, Battle of (1388) Ottoman Armies and Military Methods Owain Glyn Dwr (Owen Glendower) Patay, Battle of (1429, 18 June) Philip the Bold of Burgundy Philip II Augustus of France Philip VI of France Philippe de Commynes Poitiers, Battle of (1356, 19 Sept. ) Pont-Audemer, Siege of (1123) Pontlevoi, Battle of (1016, 6 Jul.) Pontvallain, Battle of Rennes, Siege of (1356) Richard I of England and Anjou Richard III of England Robert Curthose, Duke of Normandy Robert I of Scotland (Robert Bruce) Robert of Belleme Rochester, Siege of (1088) Rochester, Siege of (1215) Roses, Wars of the (1455-1485): Tactics and Major Battles Rouen, Siege of (1204) Rouen, Siege of (1418, Aug. DSJan. 1419) Rouen, Siege of (1449, Oct. ) Rouvray, Battle of (Battle of the Herrings) (1429, 12 Feb.) Saint-Aubin-du-Cormier, Battle of (1488, 28 Jul.) Saintes, Battle of (1242) Saint-Sauveur-le-Vicomte, Siege of (1375) Sandwich, Battle of (1217, 24 Aug.) Scrope-Grosvenor Controversy Seine, Naval Battle of the (1416) Servicium Debitum Shrewsbury, Battle of (1403, 21 Jul.) Simon (IV) de Montfort Simon (V) de Monfort Special Operations Stephen of England Stirling Bridge, Battle of (1297, 11 Sept.) Strategy Suger Tactics Taillebourg, Battle of (1242, 20 Jul.) Talbot, John, Earl of Shrewsbury Termes, Siege of (1210) Thane (Thegn) Tinchebrai, Battle of (1106, 28 Sept.) Toulouse, Sieges of (1211-1228) Tournai, Siege of Ulster Cycle, The Val-es-Dunes, Battle of (1047, Jan.) Varey, Battle of (1325) Verneuil, Battle of (1424, 17 Aug.) Wallace, William Wark Wark, Sieges of (1138, 1173) Warwick "the Kingmaker" William of Ypres William I of England Xaintrailles Byzantium Adrianople, Battle of (378, 9 Aug. ) Adrianople, Battle of (1050) Adrianople, Battle of (1205) Alaric Alexios I Komnenos Anastasius Anchialos (Acheloos), Battle of (917-) Ancyra, Battle of (1402-) Anzen, Battle of (838) Arcadiopolis, Battle of (970) Arcadiopolis, Battle of (1194) Azaz, Battle near (1030, 9 Aug.) Basil I Basil II Bathys Ryax, Battle of (878) Belisarius Brusa, Siege of (1317-1326) Bryennios, Nikephoros Byzantine Attitudes to War Byzantine Empire: Narrative (500) Byzantine Empire: Sources (500) Byzantine Empire: Historiography (500) Byzantine Empire: Narrative (1000) Byzantine Empire: Sources (1000) Byzantine Empire: Historiography (1000) Byzantine Empire: Narrative (1300) Byzantine Empire: Sources (1300) Byzantine Empire: Historiography (1300) Byzantine Empire: Military Ranks, Army and Navy Byzantine Empire: Regiments Calavrtya, Battle of (1079) Carthage, Battle of (533) Constantine V Constantinople: Fortifications Constantinople: Siege of (717DS718) Constantinople: Rus Attacks (860, 907, 941) Constantinople: Siege of (1422-) Constantinople: Siege of (1453, AprilDSMay) Danube Fortifications Daras, Battle of (530) Dorostolon, Battle of (971) Dyrrachium, Battle of (1081) Fortifications: Byzantine Fortifications and Building Techniques George Tornikios (Tornikes) Greek Fire Gregory Pakourianos (Bakurian) Harangues Heraclius Isaac I Komnenos Isaac II Angelos Jerusalem, Capture of (614-) John Kourkouas John I Tzimiskes John II Komnenos John Skylityzes: Chronicle Justinian I Katakalon Kekaumenos Kataphraktoi Kephissos, Battle of (1311, 15 Mar.) Lalakon, Battle of (863) Leo III, Emperor Leo VI, Emperor Levounion, Battle of (1091) Maniakes, George Manuel I Komnenos Manzikert or Malasgard, Battle of (1071, 26 Aug.) Maurice Military Medicine, Byzantine Military Treatises, Byzantine Myriokephalon, Battle of (1176) Narses Nikephoros II Phokas Nikephoros III Botaneiates Nineveh, Battle of (627) Notitia Dignitatum Pelagonia, Battle of (1259) Phocas Prokopios Pronoia Psiloi Raban, Battle of Recruitment: Byzantine Recruitment and Conscription Religious Services, Byzantine Romanos I Lekapenos Romanos IV Diogenes Ships, Byzantine Siege Warfare: Byzantine Siege Warfare Silistra, Battle of (1086) Skoutatoi Strymon, Battle of (1185) Syllaeum, Battle of (677) Taginae, Battle of (552, July) Themata (Themes) Theophilos Thessalonica, Siege of (586) Thessalonica, Siege of (904-) Thessalonica, Siege of (1185) Thessalonica, Siege of (1385-7) Varangian Guard Versinikia, Battle of (813) Viminacium, Battle of (601) Vitalianus Wall of Thrace Weapons, Byzantine Yarmuk, Battle of (636, 20 Aug.) Crusades Acre, Siege of (1189) Ager Sanguinis, Battle of (1119) Antioch, Siege and Battles of (1097-8) Arabs Arsuf, Battle of (1191) Ascalon, Battle of (1099) Assassins Balbein, Battle of al- (1167) Baybars Bohemund Crusader Relations with Byzantium Crusader Settlement Crusades: Narrative (1089-1180) Crusades: Sources (1089-1180) Crusades: Historiography (1089-1180) Crusades: Narrative (1180-1245) Crusades: Sources (1180-1245) Crusades: Historiography (1180-1245) Crusades: Narrative (1245-1500) Crusades: Sources (1245-1500) Crusades: Historiography (1245-1500) Crusades: Historiography Overview (1000-1500) Damascus, Siege of (1148) Damietta, Siege of (1218-20) Dorylaeum, Battle of (1097) Fatimids Feudalism in the Levant Godfrey de Bouillon Hab, Battle of (1119) Hattin, Battle of (1187) Jerusalem, Siege of (1098) Joinville, Jean de La Forbie, Battle of (1244) Mamluks Mansurah, Battle of (1250) Military Orders, Levantine Peter II of Cyprus Raymond of St. Gilles Raynard de Chatillon Saladin Sarmin, Battle of (1115) Seljuks Tancred Villehardouin, Geoffroi de East Central Europe Alba Societas Alexander Nevsky Anchialus, Battle of (708) Avars Baltics: Narrative (500-1300) Baltics: Sources (500-1300) Baltics: Historiography (500-1300) Baltics: Narrative (1300-1500) Baltics: Sources (1300-1500) Baltics: Historiography (1300-1500) Banates Banderium Bela IV of Hungary Berrhoe, Battle of (1189) Black Army of Matyas Hunyadi, King of Hungary Boleslaw, Chrobry Bosnian Highlands, Battle of the (927, 27 May ) Boyars Bratislava, Battle of (907, 4-6 Jul. ) Campia Painii, Battle of (1479) Chojnice, Battle of (1454) Cosmin Forest, Battle of (1497) Crnomen, Battle of (1371, 26 Sept. ) Cumans Druzhina Durben, Battle of (1260) East Central Europe: Narrative (500-1000) East Central Europe: Narrative (1000-1300) East Central Europe: Narrative (1300-1500) Esztergom, Siege of (1242) Familiaritas Filippo Scolari Glogow, Siege of (1109) Golden Horde Grunwald, Battle of (1410, 15 Jul.) Honor Hungarian Border Fortification Line Hungarian Raids Hungary: Narrative (500-1000) Hungary: Sources (500-1000) Hungary: Historiography (500-1000) Hungary: Narrative (1000-1300) Hungary: Sources (1000-1300) Hungary: Historiography (1000-1300) Hungary: Narrative (1300-1526) Hungary: Sources (1300-1526) Hungary: Historiography (1300-1526) Huns Hunyadi, Matyas, King of Hungary Hunyadi, John (Janos) Hussars Hussites: Tactics and Battles Indagines Kalka, Battle at River (1223, 31 May) Karlstein, Siege of (1422) Kastrioti, Gjergj Kenezii Khazars Kinizsi, Pal Klokotnica, Battle of (1230) Kosovo Polje, Battle of (1389, 15 June) Kosovo Polje, Battle of (1448, 16-18 Oct. ) Kroissenbrunn, Battle of (1260) Krucken, Battle of (1245) Kulikovo, Battle of (1380, 8 Sept.) Kunovica, Battle near (1444, 2 Jan.) Kyustendil, Battle of (1330) Lajos I of Hungary Legnica, Battle of (1241) Makry Plagi, Battle of (1263) Menfo, Battle of (1044) Mesembria, Battle of (812) Miklos Toldi Military Auxiliary Peoples Military Orders, Northern Militia Portalis Mohacs, Battle of (1526, 29 Aug.) Mongols Muhi, Battle of (1241, 11 Apr.) Naklo, Battle of (1109) Nandorfehervar/Belgrade, Siege of (1456) Nicopolis, Battle of (1396, 25 Sept.) Obrona Potoczna Otakar II "The Great" of Bohemia Patzinaks Peipus, Battle on the Ice of Lake (1242, 5 Apr.) Perejaslaw, Siege of (1096, 30 May - 19 June ) Perejaslaw, Battle of (1149, 23 Aug.) Pliska, Battle of (811, 26 Jul. ) Plowce, Battle near (1331, 27 Sept.) Prinitza, Battle of (1261) Prokop the Bald Psie Pole, Battle of (1109) Rensen, Battle of (1244) Romanian Principalities Rota Saule, Battle at River (1236) Sigismund of Luxembourg, Holy Roman Emperor Sit', Battle at the River (1238, 4 Mar.) Slavic Lands: Narrative (500-1000) Slavic Lands: Sources (500-1000) Slavic Lands: Historiography (500-1000) Slavic Lands: Narrative (1000-1300) Slavic Lands: Sources (1000-1300) Slavic Lands: Historiography (1000-1300) Slavic Lands: Narrative (1300-1500) Slavic Lands: Sources (1300-1500) Slavic Lands: Historiography (1300 - 1500) Sofia, Battle of (1385) Stefan cel Mare, Voivode (Prince) of Moldavia Stratiots Swantopelk, Duke of Pomerania Szekelyek Szlachta Tomori, Pal Torviolli, Battle of (1444) Transylvania Ujebardha, Battle of (1457, 2 Sept.) Varna, Battle of (1444, 10 Nov.) Vaslui, Battle of (1475, 17 Jan.) Vidin, Siege of Vlachs Vlad Tepes (Vlad III Dracula), Prince of Wallachia Vysehrad, Siege of (1421) Wallachia, Battle in (1330, 10-13 Nov.) Zara (Zadar), Siege of (1345-6) Zatec, Siege of (1421) %Zi%zka, Jan Francia and Germany Aachen, Siege of (1248) Agrarii Milites Albrecht Achilles, Margrave of Brandenburg Altenesch, Battle of (1234, 27 May) Andernach, Battle of ( 876, 8 Oct.) Andernach, Battle of (July 1114) Augsburg, Siege of (955) Avignon, Siege of (737) Bishops: Overview Bornhoeved, Battle of (1227, 22 Jul.) Brabanzons, Brabancons Bregenz, Battle of (1408) Brunkenberge, Battle of (1471) Bruno of Magdeburg Burgdorf, Siege of (1383-1384) Charlemagne, King of the Franks, Roman Emperor Charles, "The Bald," King of West Francia, Roman Emperor Charles Martel, Mayor of the Palace Clovis I, King of the Franks Cnut, King of Denmark, England and Norway Cologne, Siege of (1205-1206) Cologne, Sieges of (1252, 1257, 1262) Conrad III of Germany Dorestad, Battle of (695) Dorestad, Siege of (834) Dornach, Battle of (1499, 22 Jul.) Dornbuhl, Battle of (1298) Dorpat, Siege of (1224) Durnkrut, Battle of (1278, 26 Aug.) Einhard Elster, Battle of (1080, 15 Oct.) Fontenoy, Battle of (841, 24 June) Frankfurt, Battle of (1246, 5 Aug.) Franks, Merovingian: Narrative (482-751) Franks, Merovingian: Sources (482-751) Franks, Merovingian: Historiography (482-751) Franks, Carolingian: Narrative (751-899) Franks, Carolingian: Sources (751-899) Franks, Carolingian: Historiography (751-899) Frederick I Barbarossa, King of Germany, Roman Emperor Frederick II, King of Gemany and Sicily, Roman Emperor Frederick III of Habsburg, King of Germany, Roman Emperor Germany: Narrative (911-1024) Germany: Sources (911-1042) Germany: Historiography (911-1024) Germany: Narrative (1024-1125) Germany: Sources (1024-1125) Germany: Historiography (1024-1125) Germany: Narrative (1125-1250) Germany: Sources (1125-1250) Germany: Historiography (1125-1250) Germany: Narrative (1250-c. 1415) Germany: Sources (1250-c. 1415) Germany: Historiography (1250-c. 1415) Germany: Narrative (1415-1493) Germany: Sources (1415-1493) Germany: Historiography (1415-1493) Godfred, King of Denmark Grandson, Battle of (1476, 2 Mar.) Gregory of Tours Harald Hardrada, King of Norway Hausbergen, Battle of (1262, 8 Mar.) Helgea, Battle of (1028) Henry I, King of the East Franks Henry II, King of Germany, Roman Emperor Henry III, King of Germany, Roman Emperor Henry IV, King of Germany, Roman Emperor Henry V, King of Germany, Roman Emperor Henry VI, King of Germany and Sicily, Roman Emperor Henry, "The Lion," Duke of Saxony and Bavaria Hermann of Salza Hrabanus Maurus Jeufosse, Siege of (Fossa Givaldi) (852-853) John of Luxemburg, King of Bohemia Kulm, Battle of (1126, 18 Feb.) Lampert of Hersfeld Landsknechte Laupen, Battle of (1339, 21 June) Lechfeld, Battle on the (955, 10 Aug.) Lothar I, King of the Franks, Roman Emperor Lothar III of Supplingenburg, King of Germany, Roman Emperor Louis I, "The Pious," King of the Franks, Roman Emperor Louis II, "The German," King of East Francia Louis IV, King of Germany, Roman Emperor Magnus Olafsson, King of Norway Marienburg, Siege of (1410) Maximilian I, Duke of Burgundy Mellrichstadt, Battle of (1078, 7 Aug.) Ministeriales Morgarten, Battle of (1315, 15 Nov.) Muhldorf, Battle of (1322, 28 Sept.) Murten, Battle of (1476, 22 June) Nafels, Battle of (1388) Nesjar, Battle of (1016, 26 Mar.) Nithard Oissel (Oscellus), Sieges of (858-861) Olaf Haraldsson, King of Norway Olaf Tryggvason, King of Norway Otto I, King of Germany, Roman Emperor Otto IV, King of Germany, Roman Emperor Otto of Freising and Rahewin Paris, Siege of (885-886) Pepin the Short, King of the Franks Pfeddersheim, Battle of (1460, 4 Jul.) Pillenreuth, Battle of (1450, 11 Mar.) Plecihfeld, Battle of (11 August 1086) Reutlingen, Battle of (1377, 14 May) Roncesvalles, Battle of (788) Rudolf of Habsburg, King of Germany Saucourt, Battle of (881) Scandinavia: Narrative Scandinavia: Sources Scandinavia: Historiography Schlosshalde, Battle on the (1289) Seckenheim, Battle of (1462, 30 June) Sempach, Battle of (1386, 9 Jul.) Soest, Siege of (1447) Soissons, Battle of (486) Stangebjerg, Battle of (1026) Stiklestad, Battle of (1030) Stoss, Battle on the (1405, 17 June) Sven Forkbeard, King of Denmark Svold, Battle of (1000) Switzerland: Narrative Switzerland: Sources Switzerland: Historiography Tertry, Battle of (687) Thietmar of Merseburg Thorkell the Tall Tolbiac, Battle of (496) Tours, Battle of (732) Unstrut, Battle at the (or Battle of Homburg ) (1075, 9 June) Vikings Vise, Battle of Wassenberg, Battle of (1206, 27 Jul.) Welfesholz, Battle of (1115, 11 Feb.) Werner of Urslingen Wisby, Battle of (1361) Worringen, Battle of (1288, 5 June) Zurich, Siege of (1444) Iberia Abu Yusuf Ya'qub Alarcos, Battle of (1195) Alfonso I of Aragon, "El Batallador" Alfonso V of Aragon Alfonso VI of Castile Alfonso VII of Castile Alfonso VIII of Castile Alfonso X of Castile Alfonso XI of Castile Alfonso III of Asturias Algeciras, Sieges of (1278-9 and 1342-44) Aljubarrota, Battle of (1385) Almeria, Siege of (1147) Almogaveres Andalus, al- Antequera, Siege of (1410) Argilers, Siege of (1344) Band, Chivalric Order of the Barbastro, Siege of (1064-5) Burriana, Siege of (1233) Caballeros villanos Catalan Company Catalan Expansion in the Mediterranean Catholic Kings, The Ceuta, Siege and Battle of (1415) Cid, Poema de Mio Clavijo, Battle of (844) Cordoba, Siege of (1236) Coria, Siege of (1142) Covadonga, Battle of (722) Diaz de Vivar, Rodrigo "El Cid" Enrique II of Castile Fernan Gonzalez, Poema de Fernandez de Cordoba, Gonzalo Fernando of Antequera Fernando III of Castile, "El Santo" Fraga, Siege and Battle of (1134) Fueros Geraldo the Fearless Gibraltar, Sieges of (1309, 1333 and 1350) Gibraltar, Siege of 1465 Granada, Siege of (1490-92) Guadalete, Battle of (711) Heredia, Juan Fernandez de Higuerela, Battle of (1431) Huesca, Siege of (1094-6) Huete, Siege of (1172) Iberia: Narrative (500-1100) Iberia: Sources (500-1100) Iberia: Historiography (500-1100) Iberia: Narrative (1100-1300) Iberia: Sources (1100-1300) Iberia: Historiography (1100-1300) Iberia: Narrative (1300-1500) Iberia: Sources (1300-1500) Iberia: Historiography (1300-1500) Jaen, Sieges of by Fernando III (to 1246) Jaime I of Aragon Jaime II of Aragon Jinetes Juan Manuel Las Navas de Tolosa, Battle of (1212) Lisbon, Siege of (1147) Mansur, al- Military Orders, Iberian Montiel, Battle of (1369) Muhammad V of Granada Muntaner, Ramon Najera, Battle of (1367) Pedro I of Castile Pedro III of Aragon Pelayo, Don Pere III, "The Ceremonious" (Pedro IV of Aragon) Pero Nino de Buelna Ramon Berenguer I of Barcelona Reconquista: Concept Repartimentos Romancero Tradition Salado, Battle of, 1340 (Rio Salado) Salvatierra, Siege of (1211) Sancho III "the Great" of Navarre Santa Hermandad Santiago Saragossa, Siege of (1118) Setenil, Sieges of (1407, 1481 and 1483) Seville, Siege of (1248) Toledo, Siege of (1085) Toro, Battle of (1476) Tortosa, Siege of (1148) Ubeda, Siege of (1233) Ucles, Siege and Battle of (1108) Urraca, Queen of Leon Valencia, Twin Sieges of (1094) Valencia, Siege of (1238) Zahara, Sieges of, (1407 and 1483) Zallaqah, Battle of (1086) Italy Alberigo da Barbiano Alessandria, Battle of (1390) Alghero, Siege and Naval Battle of (1353) Alps and Alpine Passes Altopascio, Battle of (1325) Amalfi, Siege of (1073) Anghiari, Battle of (1440) Arbedo, Battle of (1422) Armor Industry, Milanese Arsenale of Venice Bari, Siege of (1067-1071) Benevento, Battle of (1266) Bergamo, Siege of (1419) Bosco Marengo, Battle of (1447) Braccio da Montone and the Bracceschi Brentelles, Battle of (1386) Brescia, Fight Near (1401, 21 Oct.) Brescia, Siege of (1426) Campaldino, Battle of (1289) Cannae, Battle of (1041) Canossa, Battle of (1092) Canturino, Battle of (1361) Caravaggio, Battle of (1448, 14 Sept.) Carcano, Battle of (1160) Caroccio Casilinum, Battle of (554, Sept.) Castagnaro, Battle of (1387) Castruccio Castracani Cesena, Massacre at (1377) Charles of Anjou Chioggia, Battle of (1378) Chios, Naval Battle off (1354) Civitate, Battle of (1053) Condottieri Conradin Corfu, Naval Battle off (1084) Cortenova, Battle of (1237, 27 Nov.) Cotrone, Battle of (982, 13 Jul.) Crema, Siege of (1159) Diego de Rat Dyrrachium, Naval Battle off (1081) Erasmo da Narni, "Il Gattamelata" Ezzelino da Romano Facino Cane Faenza, Siege of (1240-1) Federigo da Montefeltro Firenzuola, Battle of (923) Flor, Roger de Francesco Bussone, Count of Carmagnola Genoese-Venetian First War: Naval Battles of (1258) Gian Galeazzo Visconti, Duke of Milan Guidoriccio da Fogliano Hawkwood, John de Italy: Narrative (476-1000) Italy: Sources (476-1000) Italy: Historiography (476 -1000) Italy: Narrative (1000-1300) Italy: Sources (1000-1300) Italy: Historiography (1000-1300) Italy: Narrative (1300-1493) Italy: Sources (1300-1493) Italy: Historiography (1300 - 1493) Jacopo dal Verme Piccinino, Niccolo Konrad of Landau La Molinella, Battle of Legnano, Battle of (1176) Lombard League Lucera, Siege of (1269) Machiavelli, Niccolo Maclodio, Battle of (1427) Malatesta, Sigismondo Pandolfo and The Malatesta Clan Malta, Naval Battle of (1283) Mantua, Siege of (1090) Marino, Battle of (1379, 30 Apr.) Meleto, Battle of (1349) Meloria, Battle of (1284, 6 Aug.) Messina, Naval Battle off (1268) Milan, Sieges of (1158, 1160, 1161) Military League (Taglie) Montaperti, Battle of (1260, 4 Sept.) Montreal d'Albarno, Fra Moriale Musio Attendoli (Sforza) Nocera, Battle of (1132) Otranto, Siege of (1480) Padua, Siege of (1405, 25 June-19 Nov.) Palermo, Sieges of (1064, 1071-1072) Parabiago, Battle of (1340) Parma, Siege of (1247-8) Peace of Lodi Pisa, Siege of (1406) Rhodes, Siege of (1480) Robert Guiscard Roger II of Sicily Roger de Hauteville Roger of Lauria San Egidio, Battle of (1416) Sicilian Vespers, War of Sorbara, Battle of (1084) Spoleto, Battle of (940) Syracuse, Siege of (1085) Tagliacozzo, Battle of (1268) Varano, The Vitelleschi, Giovanni Volterra, Battle of (1472) Low Countries and Technology Ane, Battle of (1227, 28 Jul.) Annales Gandenses Armor, Body Arms Industry and Trade Arques, Battle of (1303, 4 Apr.) Artevelde, Jacob van Artevelde, Philip van Artillery Avignon, Fortifications of Baesweiler, Battle of (1371) Baldwin of the Iron Arm Barding Bastides Battlefield Archaeology Battlewagons Bevershoutsveld, Battle of (1382, 3 May) Border Defenses, Earthwork Bruges, Siege of (1127) Brustem, Battle of (1467, 28 Oct.) Cassel, Battle of (1071, 22 Feb.) Cassel, Battle of (1328, August 28) Castles: Early Middle Ages Castles: High Middle Ages Castles: Late Middle Ages Castles: Historiography Chateau Gaillard Counts' Castle in Ghent Courtrai, Battle and Siege of (1302, 11 Jul.) Crabbe, John Crusader Castles Damme, Battle of (1213, 30-31 May) Dinant, Siege of (1466) Farnham Castle Ferrand of Portugal Fortifications Fortified Churches Froissart, Jean Galbert of Bruges Galleys Gavre, Battle of (1453, 23 Jul.) Gilbert (Gislebert) of Mons Grave, Siege of (1388) Guinegate, Battle of (1479, 7 Aug.) Gunpowder Handguns Harbor Defenses Helmets Horses Incendiaries Jan van Boendale Jan van Heelu Jean le Bel Krak des Chevaliers Licenses to Crenellate Liege, Siege of (1468) Loarre Castle Logistics and Transportation Low Countries: Narrative (855-1300) Low Countries: Sources (855-1300) Low Countries: Historiography (855 - 1300) Low Countries: Narrative (1300-1479) Low Countries: Sources (1300-1479) Low Countries: Historiography (1300-1479) Maps, Navigational Charts, and Itineraries Metallurgy Metal Production Mons-en-Pevele, Battle of (1304, 18 Aug.) Naval Combat and Tactics Navigational Technology Othee, Battle of (1408, 23 Sept.) Rhodes Town Walls and Masters of Hospitallers Castle River Defenses Robert of Artois Scheut, Battle of Shields Ships and Sailing Siege Warfare: Tactics and Technology Sluys, Naval Battle of (1340, 24 Jul.) Staveren, Battle of (1345, 26 Sept.) Steppes, Battle of (1213, 13 Oct.) Stirrups and Stirrup Thesis Thielt, Battle of (1128, 21 June) Treatises, Military Engineering (Western) Urban Defenses Urban Rebellions in the Low Countries Vlaardingen, Battle of (1018, 29 Jul.) Vottem, Battle of (1346, 19 Jul.) Weapons, Hand-to-Hand Weapons, Missile Welsh Castles of Edward I Westrozebeke, Battle of (1382, 27 Nov.) Willem van Julich Ypres, Battle of (1383) Zierikzee, Naval Battle of (1304, 11 Aug.) Pan-Medieval and Cultural Topics Arbitration and Peace-Making Armies: Organization Armies: Size Arts, Visual Assizes of Arms Atrocities Bandits and Outlaws Bannerets Banners Battle, Historiography of Battle Plans, Written Bishops: Sources Bishops: Historiography Blood-feud Brotherhood-in-arms, Brothers-in-arms Camps and Billeting Casualty: Rates and Figures Children Chivalric Biographies Chivalry Chivalry: Sources Chivalry: Historiography Christianity Clergy: Roles in Warfare Comitatus Command: Structures and Methods Confraternities, Military Constable Contracts, Military Death Desertion Devastation and Ravaging Diplomacy Discipline Disease Engineers and Architects Epic poetry Esquire, Armiger, Escuyer, Squire Feudalism in Europe Film Financing of Military Operations Fire Freedom, Personal Frontiers Good Lordship Heralds and Heraldry Horsemanship Household Knights Immunity from War Infantry Infantry, Mounted Just War: Just Motive Kingship Knighthood and Knights Laws of War and Just Conduct of War Livery and Uniforms Malory, Thomas Manuals, Military Marque and Reprisal, Letters of Marshal Masculinity Mercenaries Military Obligation Military Ordinances Military Plans Militias, Urban Mirrors of Princes Monasteries and Monks Movement, Armies Rates of Muster and Review Nationalism and National Identity Nine Worthies Nobility Noncombatants in Armies Orders of Chivalry and Knighthood Pacifism Pagan Religions Peasant Revolts Plunder, Division of Prisoners and Ransoms Private War Propaganda Raids and Raiding Ransoms of Places Recruitment Representative Assemblies Restauratio Equorum, Restor Rewards for Military Service Roman Heritage: Maximalist Interpretation Roman Heritage: Minimalist Interpretation Romances Safe-Conduct Saints, Military Saints' Lives Schools and Masters of Arms Scouts and Scouting Sea-power Sergeant, Serviens Signals Slavery Spies and Intelligence Theory, Military Tournament and Tourney Training Tribute Truce and Peace of God Truces Valor, Morale, and Cowardice Vegetius War Cries Watch and Ward Women as Combatants Youth before 1000 Youth after 1000

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