Plant developmental biology : biotechnological perspectives



Plant developmental biology : biotechnological perspectives

Eng-Chong Pua, Michael R. Davey, editors

Springer, c2010

  • v. 1
  • v. 2

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 15



Includes bibliographical references and index



v. 1 ISBN 9783642023002


Many exciting discoveries in recent decades have contributed new knowledge to our understanding of the mechanisms that regulate various stages of plant growth and development. Such information, coupled with advances in cell and molecular biology, is fundamental to crop improvement using biotechnological approaches. Two volumes constitute the present work. The ?rst, comprising 22 chapters, commences with introductions relating to gene regulatory models for plant dev- opment and crop improvement, particularly the use of Arabidopsis as a model plant. These chapters are followed by speci?c topics that focus on different developmental aspects associated with vegetative and reproductive phases of the life cycle of a plant. Six chapters discuss vegetative growth and development. Their contents consider topics such as shoot branching, bud dormancy and growth, the devel- ment of roots, nodules and tubers, and senescence. The reproductive phase of plant development is in 14 chapters that present topics such as ?oral organ init- tion and the regulation of ?owering, the development of male and female gametes, pollen germination and tube growth, fertilization, fruit development and ripening, seed development, dormancy, germination, and apomixis. Male sterility and self-incompatibility are also discussed.


Part I Models for Plant Development 1 Gene Regulatory Models for Plant Development and Evolution E.R. ALVAREZ-BUYLLA, M. BENlTEZ, M. ALDANA, G.J. ESCALERA-SANTOS, A. CHAOS, P. PADILLA-LONGORIA, and R. VERDUZCO-VAZQUEZ 2 Arabidopsis as Model for Developmental Regulation and Crop Improvement C.M. LIU Part II Vegetative Growth and Development 3 Axillary Shoot Branching in Plants M.W.F. YAISH, D.R. GUEVARA, A. EL-KEREAMY, and S.J. ROTHSTEIN 4 Bud Dormancy and Growth D.P. HORVATH 5 Root Development L. JANSEN, B. DE RYBEL, V. VASSILEVA, and T. BEECKMAN 6 Legume Nodule Development K. D'HAESELEER, S. GOORMACHTIG, and M. HOLSTERS 7 Tuber Development W.L. MORRIS and M.A. TAYLOR 8 Senescence C. ZHOU and S. GAN Part III Reproductive Growth and Development 9 Floral Organ Initiation and Development M. BEMER and G.C. ANGENENT 10 Flowering Regulation H. YAMASHITA and Y. KOMEDA 11 Development and Function of the Female Gametophyte N. SANCHEZ-LEON and J.-P. VIELLE-CALZADA 12 Male Gametophyte Development D. TWELL 13 Pollen Germination and Tube Growth D.-Q. SHI and W.C. YANG 14 Fertilization in Angiosperms S.D. RUSSELL 15 Fruit Development H. EZURA and K. HIWASA-TANASE 16 Mechanism of Fruit Ripening M. BOUZAYEN, A. LATCHE, P. NATH, and J.-P. CLAUDE 17 Seed Development B. DUBREUCQ, S. BAUD, I. DEBEAUJON, C. DUBOS, A. MARION-POLL, M. MIQUEL, H. NORTH, C. ROCHAT, J-M ROUTABOUL, and L. LEPINIEC 18 Seed Dormancy: Approaches for Finding New Genes in Cereals J.M. BARRERO, J.JACOBSEN, and F. GUBLER 19 Seed Germination R.C. MARTIN, W.E. PLUSKOTA, and H. NONOGAKI 20 Apomixis in the Era of Biotechnology E. ALBERTINI, G. BARCACCIA, A. MAZZUCATO, T.F. SHARBEL, and M. FALCINELLI 21 Male Sterility C.D. Chase, A. Ribarits, and E. Heberle-Bors 22 Self-Incompatibility in Flowering Plants P. KAOTHIEN-NAKAYAMA, A. ISOGAI, and S. TAKAYAMA

v. 2 ISBN 9783642046698


Manyexcitingdiscoveriesinrecentdecadeshavecontributednewknowledgeto ourunderstandingofthemechanismsthatregulatevariousstagesofplantgrowth anddevelopment. Suchinformation,coupledwithadvancesincellandmolecular biology,isfundamentaltocropimprovementusingbiotechnologicalapproaches. Twovolumesconstitutethepresentwork. The?rst,comprising22chapters, commenceswithintroductionsrelatingtogeneregulatorymodelsforplantdev- opmentandcropimprovement,particularlytheuseofArabidopsisasamodelplant. Thesechaptersarefollowedbyspeci?ctopicsthatfocusondifferentdevelopmental aspectsassociatedwithvegetativeandreproductivephasesofthelifecycleofa plant. Six chapters discuss vegetative growth and development. Their contents considertopicssuchasshootbranching,buddormancyandgrowth,thedevel- ment of roots, nodules and tubers, and senescence. The reproductive phase of plantdevelopmentisin14chaptersthatpresenttopicssuchas?oralorganinit- tionandtheregulationof?owering,thedevelopmentofmaleandfemalegametes, pollengerminationandtubegrowth,fertilization,fruitdevelopmentandripening, seed development, dormancy, germination, and apomixis. Male sterility and self-incompatibilityarealsodiscussed. Volume2has20chapters,threeofwhichreviewrecentadvancesinsomatic embryogenesis,microsporeembryogenesisandsomaclonalvariation. Sevenofthe chapterstargetplantprocessesandtheirregulation,includingphotosynthatepartiti- ing,seedmaturationandseedstorageproteinbiosynthesis,theproductionandregu- tionoffattyacids,vitamins,alkaloidsand?owerpigments,and?owerscent. This secondbookalsocontainsfourchaptersonhormonalandenvironmentalsignaling (aminocompounds-containinglipids,auxin,cytokinin,andlight)intheregulationof plantdevelopment;othertopicsencompassthemoleculargeneticsofdevelopmental regulation,includingRNAsilencing,DNAmethylation,epigenetics,activationt- ging,homologousrecombination,andtheengineeringofsyntheticpromoters. Thesebookswillserveaskeyreferencesforadvancedstudentsandresearchers involved in a range of plant-orientated disciplines, including genetics, cell and molecularbiology,functionalgenomics,andbiotechnology. August2009 E-C. PuaandM. R. Davey v Contents PartI CellDifferentiationandDevelopmentInVitro 1 DevelopmentalBiologyofSomaticEmbryogenesis ...3 R. J. Rose,F. R. Mantiri,S. Kurdyukov,S-K. Chen,X-D. Wang, K. E. Nolan,andM. B. Sheahan 1. 1 Introduction ...3 1. 2 BasicRequirementsforInVitroSE ...4 1. 3 ExplantandStemCellBiology ...5 1. 3. 1 Genotype ...5 1. 3. 2 ExplantCells ...6 1. 4 EarliestEventinEmbryogenesis-AsymmetricCellDivision ...8 1. 4. 1 CellWallinEstablishmentofPolarity,DivisionAsymmetry andCellFate ...8 1. 4. 2 DivisionAsymmetryintheInitiationofSE ...10 1. 4. 3 AsymmetricDivisionandtheSuspensorinSE ...10 1. 5 StressComponentintheInitiationofSE ...11 1. 5. 1 ReactiveOxygenSpecies ...11 1. 5. 2 Stress-RelatedHormoneSignalling ...12 1. 6 HormonesandtheInitiationofSE ...13 1. 7 InductionofSEbyOver-ExpressionofLeafyCotyledon TranscriptionFactorsandTheirRelationshiptoSEInductionand Repression-theGAConnection ...14 1. 8 ABA,StressandGA ...16 1. 9 SolubleSignalsandCell-CellInteractionsthatPromoteSEin SuspensionCultures ...16 1. 9. 1 SecretedProteinsthatIn?uenceSE ...16 1. 9. 2 AGPSignallinginSE:MechanismsandInteractionsBetween SignallingPathways ...17 1. 9. 3 Cell-AsymmetricCellDivision ...8 1. 4. 1 CellWallinEstablishmentofPolarity,DivisionAsymmetry andCellFate ...8 1. 4. 2 DivisionAsymmetryintheInitiationofSE ...10 1. 4. 3 AsymmetricDivisionandtheSuspensorinSE ...10 1. 5 StressComponentintheInitiationofSE ...11 1. 5. 1 ReactiveOxygenSpecies ...11 1. 5. 2 Stress-RelatedHormoneSignalling ...12 1. 6 HormonesandtheInitiationofSE ...13 1. 7 InductionofSEbyOver-ExpressionofLeafyCotyledon TranscriptionFactorsandTheirRelationshiptoSEInductionand Repression-theGAConnection ...14 1. 8 ABA,StressandGA ...16 1. 9 SolubleSignalsandCell-CellInteractionsthatPromoteSEin SuspensionCultures ...16 1. 9. 1 SecretedProteinsthatIn?uenceSE ...16 1. 9. 2 AGPSignallinginSE:MechanismsandInteractionsBetween SignallingPathways ...17 1. 9. 3 Cell-Manyexcitingdiscoveriesinrecentdecadeshavecontributednewknowledgeto ourunderstandingofthemechanismsthatregulatevariousstagesofplantgrowth anddevelopment. Suchinformation,coupledwithadvancesincellandmolecular biology,isfundamentaltocropimprovementusingbiotechnologicalapproaches. Twovolumesconstitutethepresentwork. The?rst,comprising22chapters, commenceswithintroductionsrelatingtogeneregulatorymodelsforplantdev- opmentandcropimprovement,particularlytheuseofArabidopsisasamodelplant. Thesechaptersarefollowedbyspeci?ctopicsthatfocusondifferentdevelopmental aspectsassociatedwithvegetativeandreproductivephasesofthelifecycleofa plant. Six chapters discuss vegetative growth and development. Their contents considertopicssuchasshootbranching,buddormancyandgrowth,thedevel- ment of roots, nodules and tubers, and senescence. The reproductive phase of plantdevelopmentisin14chaptersthatpresenttopicssuchas?oralorganinit- tionandtheregulationof?owering,thedevelopmentofmaleandfemalegametes, pollengerminationandtubegrowth,fertilization,fruitdevelopmentandripening, seed development, dormancy, germination, and apomixis. Male sterility and self-incompatibilityarealsodiscussed. Volume2has20chapters,threeofwhichreviewrecentadvancesinsomatic embryogenesis,microsporeembryogenesisandsomaclonalvariation. Sevenofthe chapterstargetplantprocessesandtheirregulation,includingphotosynthatepartiti- ing,seedmaturationandseedstorageproteinbiosynthesis,theproductionandregu- tionoffattyacids,vitamins,alkaloidsand?owerpigments,and?owerscent. This secondbookalsocontainsfourchaptersonhormonalandenvironmentalsignaling (aminocompounds-containinglipids,auxin,cytokinin,andlight)intheregulationof plantdevelopment;othertopicsencompassthemoleculargeneticsofdevelopmental regulation,includingRNAsilencing,DNAmethylation,epigenetics,activationt- ging,homologousrecombination,andtheengineeringofsyntheticpromoters. Thesebookswillserveaskeyreferencesforadvancedstudentsandresearchers involved in a range of plant-orientated disciplines, including genetics, cell and molecularbiology,functionalgenomics,andbiotechnology. August2009 E-C. PuaandM. R. Davey v Contents PartI CellDifferentiationandDevelopmentInVitro 1 DevelopmentalBiologyofSomaticEmbryogenesis ...3 R. J. Rose,F. R. Mantiri,S. Kurdyukov,S-K. Chen,X-D. Wang, K. E. Nolan,andM. B. Sheahan 1. 1 Introduction ...3 1. 2 BasicRequirementsforInVitroSE ...4 1. 3 ExplantandStemCellBiology ...5 1. 3. 1 Genotype ...5 1. 3. 2 ExplantCells ...6 1. 4 EarliestEventinEmbryogenesis-AsymmetricCellDivision ...8 1. 4. 1 CellWallinEstablishmentofPolarity,DivisionAsymmetry andCellFate ...8 1. 4. 2 DivisionAsymmetryintheInitiationofSE ...10 1. 4. 3 AsymmetricDivisionandtheSuspensorinSE ...10 1. 5 StressComponentintheInitiationofSE ...11 1. 5. 1 ReactiveOxygenSpecies ...11 1. 5. 2 Stress-RelatedHormoneSignalling ...12 1. 6 HormonesandtheInitiationofSE ...13 1. 7 InductionofSEbyOver-ExpressionofLeafyCotyledon TranscriptionFactorsandTheirRelationshiptoSEInductionand Repression-theGAConnection ...14 1. 8 ABA,StressandGA ...16 1. 9 SolubleSignalsandCell-CellInteractionsthatPromoteSEin SuspensionCultures ...16 1. 9. 1 SecretedProteinsthatIn?uenceSE ...16 1. 9. 2 AGPSignallinginSE:MechanismsandInteractionsBetween SignallingPathways ...17 1. 9. 3 Cell-CellInteractionandRelevancetoSEinSuspension Cultures ...18 vii viii Contents 1. 10 DevelopmentProgramAfterSEInduction ...19 1. 11 ConcludingRemarksandaModelBasedonStudiesin Medicagotruncatula ...19 1. 12 SEandBiotechnology ...20 References ...21 2 MicrosporeEmbryogenesis ...27 A. Olmedilla 2. 1 Introduction ...27 2. 2 DiscoveryoftheProductionofHaploidsbyAntherCulture ...29 2. 3 StrategiesfortheInductionofMicrosporeEmbryogenesis ...29 2. 4 In?uenceofDifferentFactorsinMicrosporeEmbryogenesis ...30 2. 4. 1 Genotype ...30 2. 4. 2 DonorPlantPhysiology ...31 2. 4. 3 StageofPollenDevelopment ...


Part I Cell Differentiation and Development In Vitro 1 Developmental Biology of Somatic Embryogenesis R.J. ROSE, F.R. MANTIRI, S. KURDYUKOV, S.-K. CHEN, X.-D. WANG, K.E. NOLAN, and M.B. SHEAHAN Introduction Basic Requirements for In Vitro Somatic Embryogenesis Explant and Stem Cell Biology Earliest Event in Embryogenesis - Asymmetric Cell Division Stress Component in the Initiation of Somatic Embryogenesis Hormones and the Initiation of Somatic Embryogenesis Induction of SE by Over-Expression of Leafy Cotyledon Transcription Factors and their Relationship to SE induction and Repression - the GA Connection ABA, Stress and GA Soluble Signals and Cell -Cell Interactions that Promote SE in Suspension Cultures Development Program after SE induction Concluding Remarks and a Model Based on Studies in Medicago truncatula SE and Biotechnology References 2 Microspore Embryogenesis A. OLMEDILLA Introduction Discovery of the Production of Haploids by Anther Culture Strategies for the Induction of Microspore Embryogenesis Influence of Different Factors in Microspore Embryogenesis Cellular and Molecular Events Associated with Microspore Embryogenesis Conclusions References 3 Stress and Somaclonal Variation A.M. VAZQUEZ and R. LINACERO Introduction Stress Responses in Plants Tissue Culture Imposes a Stress to the Cultivated In VitroCells Cultured Cells and Regenerated Plants Showed Variations Concluding Remarks References Part II Plant Processes and Its Regulation 4 Photosynthate Partitioning N.G. HALFORD Introduction Source and Sink Sugars as Signalling Molecules Key Metabolic Regulators Applications in Biotechnology Concluding Remarks References 5 Molecular Physiology of Seed Maturation and Seed Storage Protein Biosynthesis H. WEBER, N. SREENIVASULU, and W. WESCHKE Introduction Seed Maturation Sucrose as a Maturation Signal Synthesis and Deposition of Storage Proteins in Crop Seeds Storage Proteins in Cereals Metabolic Control of Seed Storage Protein Synthesis Outlook References 6 Fatty Acid Biosynthesis and Regulation in Plants R. RAJASEKHARAN and V. NACHIAPPAN Introduction Fatty Acid Biosynthesis Fatty Acid Elongation Fatty Acid Desaturation Unusual Fatty Acids Assembly of Fatty Acids Conclusions References 7 Biosynthesis and Regulation of Carotenoids in Plants - Micronutrients, Vitamins and Health Benefits C. I. CAZZONELLI, N. NISAR, D. HUSSAIN, M. CARMODY, and B.J. POGSON Introduction: Carotenoid Biosynthesis in Higher Plants Carotenoids and Plant Development Health Benefits of Carotenoid-Deri

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