New Testament studies


New Testament studies

edited by Paul Foster

(Sage benchmarks in religious studies)

Sage, 2010

  • : set
  • v. 1
  • v. 2
  • v. 3
  • v. 4

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 12




New Testament Studies offers a unified approach and a selection of excellent articles that is in no way constrained by theological positions. The aim of this four-volume set is to provide a rich teaching and learning resource which generates a real knowledge transfer based on the best recent New Testament scholarship. Volume One covers two areas, issues of methodology and recent advances in historical Jesus research. The former area both lays the basic groundwork for engaging in the study of the ancient texts that form the New Testament, but also collects together some of the more creative reading strategies that have been applied to New Testament texts over the last few decades. Further, research into the central figure of the New Testament has a long history, and there has been renewed interest and fresh advances in this area over the last twenty years that have reshaped the questions that are being explored. Volume TwoI looks specifically at the four canonical Gospels. The volume opens with articles that deal with general issues such as questions of genre, audience and purpose before presenting articles that deal with the individual texts. Also the recent application of social-memory theory to Gospel texts will be highlighted. Volume Three perhaps covers the topic that has seen the greatest amount of literature published during the last three decades - the person and letters of Paul the apostle. Three central areas which will be addressed are: (i) the life and self-understanding of Paul; (ii) his theological understandings; and (iii) the purpose of his writings and the issues they raise. Volume Four is not an assembly of disparate voices, but actually reflects one of the most important developments in the study of the New Testament and Early Christianity. Namely, it allows for the appreciation of the diverse expressions of faith that represented the Jesus movement in the first two centuries.


  • VOLUME 1 The Multivalence of the Term "Original Text" in New Testament Textual Criticism - Eldon J. Epp Textual Criticism and Theology - David C. Parker Through a Screen Darkly: Digital texts and the New Testament - David C. Parker The Origin of the Nomina Sacra: A proposal - Larry W. Hurtado Recent Advances in Computational Linguistics and their Application to Biblical Studies - J. Jose Alviar Postcolonial Biblical Criticism: Taking stock and looking ahead - Fernando F. Segovia The New Testament and Intercultural Exegesis in Africa - Jean-Claude Loba-Mkole Methodological Rivalries: Theology and social science in Girardian interpretations of the New Testament - John Dunnill Eyewitnesses and the Oral Jesus Tradition - James D.G. Dunn Evangelicals and the Quest for the Historical Jesus - Samuel Lamerson The Galilee and Jesus in Recent Research - Mark Rapinchuk Jesus and the Gentiles after Jeremias: Patterns and prospects - Michael F. Bird Educating Jesus: The search for a plausible context - Paul Foster Jesus, Judaism and the Covenant - Tom Holmen The Continuity between John and Jesus - Dale C. Allison The Circle of the Twelve: Did It exist during Jesus' public ministry? - John P. Meier The Words of Jesus: From oral traditions to written records in Paul and Q - Harm W. Hollander The Nazi Quest for an Aryan Jesus - Peter Head VOLUME 2 The Oxford Conference on the Synoptic Problem - Dan Batovici Experiments to Develop Criteria for Determining the Existence of Written Sources, and Their Potential Implications for the Synoptic Problem - Robert K. McIver and Marie Carroll A Century with the Sitz im Leben: From form-critical setting to gospel community and beyond - Samuel Byrskog The Gospel Community Debate: State of the question - Edward W. Klink, III Matthew: Apostate, Reformer, Revolutionary? - Donald A. Hagner Toward a Teleology of Peace: Contesting Matthew's violent eschatology - David J. Neville Why Did Matthew Get the Shema Wrong? A study of Matthew 22:37 - Paul Foster The Survival of Mark's Gospel: A good story? - Joanna Dewey Challenged At the Boundaries: a conservative Jesus in Mark's tradition - William Loader The Narrative Rhetoric of Mark's Ambiguous Characterization of the Disciples - Paul Danove Evocatio Deorum and the Date of Mark - John S. Kloppenborg Reading Recent Readings of Issues of Wealth and Poverty in Luke and Acts - Thomas E. Phillips "Love Your Enemies," the Golden Rule, and Ancient Reciprocity (Luke 6:27-35) - Alan Kirk Rejecting Violent Judgment: Luke 9:52-56 and its relatives - Dale C. Allison Historiographical Characteristics of the Gospel of John - Richard Bauckham Method in Fourth Gospel Studies: A way out of the impasse? - Steve Motyer Trials, Plots and the Narrative of the Fourth Gospel - Andrew T. Lincoln The Beloved Disciple as Eyewitness and the Fourth Gospel as Witness - Andrew T. Lincoln VOLUME 3 The Politics of Interpretation: The rhetoric of race and ethnicity in Paul - Denise Kimber Buell and Caroline Johnson Hodge The Concept of the 'Inner Human Being' (o` e
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  • nqrwpoj) in the Anthropology of Paul - Hans Dieter Betz The Material Spirit: Cosmology and ethics in Paul - Troels Engberg-Pedersen Asceticism and Christian Identity in Antiquity: A dialogue with Foucault and Paul - Halvor Moxnes Sex Slaves of Christ: A response to Halvor Moxnes - Jorunn kland Asceticism and Christian Identity in Antiquity: A response - John Riches The Narrative Approach To Paul: An early retrospective - Bruce W. Longenecker Is Paul's Gospel Narratable? - Richard B. Hays German-Language Feminist Exegesis of the Pauline Letters: A survey - Luzia Sutter Rehmann Epistolography, Rhetoric and Letter Prescript: Romans 1.1-7 as a Test Case - Samuel Byrskog Paul Between Jews and Gentiles in Corinth - Jack T. Sanders On Becoming the Righteousness of God: Another look at 2 cor 5:21 - Morna D. Hooker The Incident at Antioch (Gal. 2:11-18) - James D. G. Dunn Whose Flesh? What temptation? (Galatians 4.13-14) - Troy W. Martin The Politics of Identity in Ephesians - Margaret Y. MacDonald The First Contribution to the pisti,j Cristou/ Debate: A study of ephesians 3.12 - Paul Foster "To Die Is Gain" (Philippians 1:19-26): Does Paul contemplate suicide? - N. Clayton Croy Colossians and the Pauline School - Angela Standhartinger Roman Crete and the Letter to Titus - George M. Wieland VOLUME 4 The Genre of Acts: Moving toward a consensus? - Thomas E. Phillips Madness in the Method? The acts of the apostles in current study - Todd Penner The 'We'-Passages in Acts: On the horns of a dilemma - J. M. Wedderburn Luke-Acts and the Imperial Cult: A way through the conundrum? - C. Kavin Rowe The Imperial Authority and Benefaction of Centurions and Acts 10.34-43: A response to C. Kavin Rowe - Justin R. Howell Exchanging Favour for Wrath: Apostasy in Hebrews and patron-client relationships - David deSilva Anti-Judaism in Hebrews? - Clark M. Williamson The Product of a Petrine Circle? A reassessment of the origin and character of 1 Peter - David G. Horrell The Use of "Story" in the Letter of Jude: Rhetorical strategies of Jude's narrative episodes - Robert L. Webb The Johannine Epistles and the Question of Early Catholicism - C. Clifton Black II Honor Discourse and the Rhetorical Strategy of the Apocalypse of John - David A. deSilva "Uncovering Her Wickedness": An inter(con)textual reading of revelation 17 from a postcolonial feminist perspective - Jean K. Kim The Millennium (Rev 20.4-6) as Heaven - Charles Homer Giblin Hindrance or Help: Does the modern category of 'Jewish-Christian Gospel' distort our understanding of the texts to which it refers? - Andrew Gregory The Gospel of Thomas - April D. DeConick The Gospel of Mary - Christopher Tuckett The Gospel of Peter - Paul Foster

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