The conflict resolution training program


The conflict resolution training program

Prudence Bowman Kestner, Larry Ray

Jossey-Bass, c2002

  • [2]

  • [1]. Leader's manual
  • [2]. Participant's workbook


The Conflict Resolution Training Program Participant's Workbook offers both new and seasoned negotiators, mediators, and arbitrators a step-by-step approach for learning dispute resolution techniques. This hands-on workbook is filled with a variety of exercises, activities, worksheets, role plays, and other interactive techniques that are readily accessible for learning the skills needed to resolve conflicts. Trainers and participants can select the sections of the flexible program that best meet their specific objectives and goals.


Introduction 1 Introductory Phase 4 Principles of Adult Learning 4 Methodology 5 Four Elements of the Conflict-Resolution Process 5 Feedback Versus Criticism 6 What's Your Headline? Worksheet 9 Extended Interview Worksheet 10 Lesson: The Dispute-Resolution Continuum 11 Definitions of Dispute-Resolution Processes 11 The Multi-Option Dispute-Resolution Approach 16 Dispute-Resolution Worksheet 19 Dispute-Resolution Options Worksheet 20 Lesson: Conflict and Conflict Management 21 Crisis Worksheet 21 Crisis 22 Conflict and Conflict Management 23 Personal Conflict-Management Styles Worksheet 27 Identifying Response Styles Worksheet 28 Adjusting One's Conflict-Management Style 29 Adjusting One's Conflict-Management Style Worksheet 31 Impasse 32 Impasse Worksheet 34 Lesson: Conflict-Resolution Communication 35 Styles of Communication 35 Personal Communication Styles Worksheet 38 Adjusting One's Communication Style 39 An Overview of Communication 39 Empathic Responses Worksheet 45 Active-Listening Problem Sheet 46 Questioning 47 Questioning Skills Worksheet 52 Types of Questions Worksheet 53 Questioning Skills Worksheet II 54 Filling 55 Filling Worksheet 56 Word Association and Target Words 57 Word Association Worksheet 60 Target Words Worksheet 61 Nonverbal Body Language Worksheet 62 Nonverbal Communication 72 Using "I" Statements Worksheet 75 Listening When Under Stress Worksheet 76 Communication Can Cause Conflict 77 Communication Can Cause Conflict Worksheet 78 Lesson: Values, Perspectives, and Power 79 Values Ratings Worksheet 80 Values and Beliefs Worksheet 81 Stereotyping 82 Stereotyping Discussion Sheet 83 Stereotyping Worksheet 84 Perspectives 85 Perspectives Worksheet 86 Squares Worksheet 91 Power 92 Power Worksheet 93 Lesson: Creativity 94 Sign Walkers Worksheet 96 Art in Public Places Worksheet 97 The Water Tower Worksheet 98 The City Sign Worksheet 99 Lesson: Consensus 100 An Overview of Consensus 100 Consensus Worksheet 101 Lesson: Negotiation 103 Positions and Issues 103 Questioning Skills Relevant to the Stages of Negotiation 104 Negotiation Observation Form 106 Lesson: Mediation 107 Mediation Versus Other Dispute-Resolution Processes 107 Disputes That Are Best Suited for Mediation 108 Attributes of Successful Mediators 108 Types of Mediation 113 Lesson: Arbitration 115 Arbitration Versus Negotiation and Mediation 115 Lesson: Role Plays 118 Appendix I The Dispute-Resolution Contractual Clause 154 Appendix II Sample Evaluation Form 156 Appendix III Sample Arbitration Decision Form 157 About the Authors 159

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