
Muang Phimai

prepared by the Army Map Service (PVAM), Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army

(Series, L509 ; ND 48-1)(Indochina and Thailand 1:250,000)

The Army Map Service (PVAM), Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army, 1954

Ed. 1-AMS



Muang Phimai, Thailand

Indochina and Thailand 1:250,000 : Muang Phimai

Series L509

ND 48-1, Muang Phimai


Scale 1:1:250,000 ; Transverse Mercator projection

In English and French

"Contour interval 100 meters with supplementary contours at 50 meter intervals"

"Black numbered lines indicate the 10,000 meter Universal transverse Mercator grid, zone 48, Everest spheroid = Les lignes chiffrées en noir correspondent au quadrillage myriamétrique UTM du fuseau 48"

"Blue numbered ticks inside the neatline indicate the 10,000 yard India zone IVB grid, Everest spheroid = Les amorces chiffrées en bleu à l'intérieur du carde correspondent au quadrillage de 10,000 yards de l'Inde fuseau IVB"

"The last four digits of the grid numbers are omitted = Les quatre derniers chiffres des numéros de quadrillage sont omis"

"1955 magnetic declination for this sheet varies from 0°15′ easterly for the center of the west edge to 0°30′ easterly for the center of the east edge. Mean annual change is 0°02′ easterly = La déclinaison magnétique de l'année 1955 pour cette feuille varie de 0°15′ vers l'est le centre du bord ouest en 0°30′ vers l'est pour le centre du bord est. variation annuelle moyenne est 0°02′ vers l'est"

"Printed by Army Map Service, Corps of Engineers, 3-55"

"The delineation of international boundaries must not be considered authoriative"

"Some populated places have not been named due to lack of space and/or information = Par suite de la densité des noms ou du manque de renseignements, quelques lieux habités n'ont pas été inscrits"

"Figures in red denote approximate distances in kilometers between stars = Les chiffes en rouge entre les étoiles indiquent les distances approximatives en kilomètres"

Compiled using various maps from a variety of sources

Relief shown pictorially, and by contours, and spot heights. Depth shown by isolines and descriptive text

Shows boundaries, roads, trails, rivers and water features, and other details

Includes location diagram, glossary, and reliability diagram

関連文献: 2件中  1-2を表示
  • Indochina and Thailand 1:250,000

    The Army Map Service (PV), Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army

    地図資料 (地図)

  • Series

    Army Map Service (LU), Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army , D Survey, War Office and Air Ministry
