Beyond perestroika : axiology and the new Russian entrepreneurs


Beyond perestroika : axiology and the new Russian entrepreneurs

Gary G. Gallopin

(Value inquiry book series, v. 210)

Rodopi, 2009

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 3



Includes bibliographical references (p. [333]-339) and index



This book investigates rapid societal change in Russia during the early 1990s. The story of the anthropologist (author) and the people he studied reveals cultural similarities and differences between them. Russians and Latvians taught the author about the Soviet Union, its people, and its cultures. Formal axiology provides a novel way to access their changing values.


Foreword by Rem B. Edwards Preface Introduction Context: History, Geography, and the Evolution of the Fieldwork A Glimpse of a Dying Empire: U.S.S.R., July 1991 Social Networks in Action: Riga, Latvia Negotiating Life: Leningrad, Russia Values and their Cost: Russia's Hidden Side Theory and Method: Values, Axiology, and Social Networks Stress Analysis: The HVP in the Field Value Analysis: The Impact of Perestroika Works Cited About the Author Index

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