Money & work : an essential guide


Money & work : an essential guide

by Wyn Derbyshire, Stephen Hardy and David Wicks

Spiramus Press, 2007


Includes index



As students leave college already weighed down by the burden of student loans to repay and enter the working world with all of its financial and legal traps and temptations, it is more important than ever that they understand the most important facts of personal finance and employment rights. This is guide for young people going to University or starting work for the first time. Many young people have little or no idea about basic financial and related matters, such as how credit cards, bank accounts and overdrafts actually work (and consequently run the risk of paying much more in interest and charges than they ought). Nor do they always understand exactly what they are doing when they sign a contract of employment etc, why it is important to start saving early, what a mortgage really is and how the various types differ. This book addresses those issues and more on pensions planning and income tax.


  • Foreword by Cherie Booth, QCPART ONE: MONEY1 Handling money1.1 Current accounts1.2 Deposit accounts1.3 Loans and credit1.4 Scams2 Savings and Investment2.1 Why save?2.2 Now or later?2.3 Savings objectives2.4 Lump sum investment2.5 Asset classes2.6 Cash deposit2.7 Fixed interest securities2.8 Equities2.9 Property2.10 Risk and reward2.11 Acceptance of risk2.12 Past, present and future2.13 Reviewing your portfolio2.14 Borrowing2.15 Tax efficiency2.16 Do I need advice?3 Investment products3.1 Introduction3.2 Deposits3.3 National Savings and Investments3.4 Individual Savings Accounts3.5 Unit trusts and collective funds3.6 Savings3.7 Life insurance policies3.8 Pension arrangements4 Insurance products4.1 Personal insurances4.2 Life insurance4.3 Other personal insurances4.4 Property insurance5 Buying a home5.1 Introduction5.2 Property ownership5.3 The process5.4 Costs involved5.5 Mortgages5.6 Protection alongside a mortgage6 Other money matters6.1 Effect of change6.2 Coming into money6.3 Internet auction sites6.4 Charitable giving6.5 Employment benefits6.6 State benefits6.7 Do I need a will?7 Tax7.1 Income Tax7.2 Other Forms of Tax7.3 National Insurance Contributions7.4 Personal Service Companies7.5 Taxation of termination payments7.6 Tax forms and tax codes8 Pensions8.1 What is a pension scheme?8.2 Defined contribution pension schemes8.3 Defined benefit pension schemes8.4 Early and late retirement8.5 Death Benefits8.6 Member Nominated Trustees8.7 Tax advantages of pension schemes8.8 Discrimination and pension schemes8.9 Stakeholder Pension Schemes8.10 How do I join a pension scheme?8.11 What happens if I change jobs or want to leave a pension scheme for some other reason?8.12 Pensions and Divorce8.13 Can my pension rights be taken away from me?8.14 Can my occupational pension scheme be changed?8.15 What if my pension scheme "fails"?8.16 What if I have a complaint?8.17 The Pensions Tracing Service8.18 Who is the Pensions Regulator?8.19 The State Pension Scheme8.20 The FuturePART TWO: WORK9 Jobs9.1 The job life-cycle9.2 Contractual Issues9.3 The tests9.4 Employment Status Checklist10 Rights and obligations at work10.1 Employment Contract10.2 Employees' obligations10.3 Employers' obligations10.4 Minimum wage11 Discrimination & harassment at work11.1 Gender and Race Discrimination11.2 Direct discrimination11.3 Bullying11.4 Disability Discrimination11.5 Sexual Orientation
  • Religion or Belief11.6 Age11.7 Defences to Discrimination Claims11.8 Remedies - what can I get?12 Family rights12.1 Maternity rights12.2 Maternity Rights Checklist:12.3 Paternity leave12.4 Parental leave12.5 Flexible Working13 Pay discrimination?13.1 What is equal pay?13.2 Bringing an Equal Pay claim13.3 Like work13.4 Putting right the wrong? - remedies for equal pay14 Dismissal and Redundancy14.1 Distinguishing wrongful and unfair dismissals14.2 Resignation14.3 Wrongful dismissal14.4 Unfairly dismissed?14.5 Redundancy15 Unions15.1 Trade union rights15.2 Collective agreements15.3 Trade union recognition15.4 Consultation at work15.5 Industrial Action16 Employment Tribunals16.1 Employment Tribunals16.2 Employment Appeals17 Human rights17.1 The European Convention on Human Rights17.2 Incorporation of the European Convention on Human Rights into UK law17.3 Key provisions of the Human Rights Act17.4 Most commonly encountered articles in the workplace17.5 Remedies

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