The grammar of Q : Q-particles, Wh-movement, and pied-piping


The grammar of Q : Q-particles, Wh-movement, and pied-piping

Seth Cable

(Oxford studies in comparative syntax / Richard Kayne, general editor)

Oxford University Press, 2010

  • : pbk

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 56



Includes bibliographical references (p. 235-243) and index



The Grammar of Q puts forth a novel syntactic and semantic analysis of wh-questions, one that is based upon in-depth study of the Tlingit language, an endangered and under-documented language of North America. A major consequence of this new approach is that the phenomenon classically dubbed "pied-piping" does not actually exist. Cable begins by arguing that wh-fronting in Tlingit does not involve a syntactic relationship between interrogative C and the wh-word. Rather, it involves a probe/Agree relation between C and an overt 'Q-particle' (or 'Q') c-commanding the wh-word. Fronting of the wh-word in Tlingit is a mere by-product of fronting the QP projected by this Q. From this core observation, he develops a syntax and semantics for Tlingit wh-questions. Given the strong similarity between the wh-constructions of Tlingit and those of more widely studied languages, Cable applies his analysis to a range of other languages and finds that such a 'Q-based' theory holds a number of interesting consequences in syntax and semantics.


  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Wh-Fronting and Q-Movement in Tlingit
  • 3. Applications to Wh-In-Situ Languages
  • 4. Applications to Other Wh-Fronting Languages, Pied-Piping and Intervention Effects
  • 5. Constraints on Pied-Piping and Secondary Wh-Fronting
  • 6. Conclusion

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