Austrian satire and other essays : studies in honour of Edward Timms


Austrian satire and other essays : studies in honour of Edward Timms

editors, Judith Beniston, Ritchie Robertson and Robert Vilain ; reviews editor, Jon Hughes

(Austrian studies, v. 15 ; 2007)

Maney Pub. for the Modern Humanities Research Association, c2007

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 1



Includes bibliographical references



"Austrian Studies" is an annual journal reflecting sustained interest in the distinctive cultural traditions of the Habsburg Empire and the Austrian Republic. By publishing a wide range of articles in English, together with a selection of book reviews, it aims to make recent research accessible to a broadly based international readership. The focus will continue to be on Austrian culture from 1750 to the present. Literature is considered in relation to psychology, philosophy, political theory, music, theatre, film, and the visual arts. 'Austrian' includes German-language culture of former areas of the Habsburg Empire, such as Prague and the Bukovina, as well as the work of people of Austrian origin living abroad. Austrian interactions with other linguistic and ethnic groups - the Jewish communities of Austria-Hungary, for example - will also be taken into account. Each volume of "Austrian Studies" will have a coherent but broadly conceived theme, and reviews of the most important recent publications in the field of "Austrian Studies". Each volume will also include a substantial review article devoted to keep readers up-to-date with the very latest Austrian literature and with major cultural debates and events.

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  • Austrian studies

    Maney Publishing for the Modern Humanities Research Association

