An anthology of living religions


An anthology of living religions

[edited by] Mary Pat Fisher, Lee W. Bailey

Peason Prentice Hall, c2008

2nd ed

  • : pbk


Living religions

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 1



Previous ed.: c2000

Includes bibliographical references and index



The Anthology of Living Religions combines classic texts with contemporary issues in order to provide an anthology that is meaningful and captivating to students. Written by Mary Pat Fisher and Lee Worth Bailey, the Anthology of Living Religions includes samples of scriptures and classical historical texts - while also include many articles on the study of world religions, including descriptions of how believers are living their faiths today. Examples of Contemporary Coverage Include: Articles on science and religion Socially active "engaged" Buddhism Religion in China today Gandhi on the caste system and non-violence Rabbi Michael Lerner's "Ten Commitments" Examples of Non-Canonical Coverage Include: The Gospel of Mary Evangelical positions on global warming The Catholic child abuse debates Catholic women's ordinations The rise of the Protestant mega-churches Please note that the Anthology of World Religions has been designed to follow the organization of Mary Pat Fisher's Living Religions textbook. However, this anthology may be used with any other Pearson Education World Religions textbook, or on its own.


<>Teaching and Learning Resources Preface World Religions Map World Religions Timeline CHAPTER ONE RELIGIOUS RESPONSES The academic study of world religions The Study of World Religions by Lee W. Bailey The Sacredness of Nature and Cosmic Religion by Mircea Eliade Materialistic perspectives on religion The Future of an Illusion by Sigmund Freud Religion as the Opium of the People by Karl Marx God is Dead by Friedrich Nietzsche Religious points of view The Oneness of the Divine by Abraham Heschel The New Polytheism by David Miller The Ground of Being by Tarthang Tulku 1 Scientific perspectives on religion A Not-So-Random Universe by Patrick Glynn The Darwinian Account of Religion by Mikael Stenmark Ritual, symbol, and myth Mandalas: Deity Unfolding in the World by Carl G. Jung The Ominous Sphere: A Transforming Dream by Celeste Federico The Hero with a Thousand Faces by Joseph Campbell Myths as Symbols of Religious Beliefs: The Greek Virgin Birth of Perseus by Apollodorus Women and the feminine in religion 3 The Image of God as Dominating Other by Judith Plaskow The need for religion today The Lost Dimension in Religion by Paul Tillich Glossary Review Questions Discussion Questions Information Resources CHAPTER TWO INDIGENOUS SACRED WAYS African sacred ways Of Water and Spirit: An African Boy's Initiation by Malidoma Patrice Some The Talking Drum: African Sacred Liturgy by Georges Niangoran-Bouah Oya, Patron of Feminine Leadership by Judith Gleason Aboriginal sacred ways Women's Health Rituals by Diane Bell Native North American sacred ways That Mountain Has Spirit by Southwest Indigenous Peoples 5 The Theft of Light by the Tsimshian Nation The Great Vision by Black Elk, Lakota shaman The Essence of Cosmic Man by Tlakaelel Seeing with a Native Eye by Barre Toelken The Hopi Message to the United Nations General Assembly by Thomas Banyacya Glossary Typical Holy Ways Historical Outline Review Questions Discussion Questions Information Resources CHAPTER THREE HINDUISM Sruti texts Hymn to Agni, God of Fire from the Rig Vedas Hymn on Creation from the Rig Vedas Realise the Brahman from the Upanishads Smrti texts I am the Beginning and the End from the Bhagavad Gita Rama, Sita, and Lakshman Enter the Forest from the Ramayana Duties of the Four Castes from the Manu smrti The Faithful Wife from the Manu smrti Desire to Know the Brahman by Sankara Yoga Sutras by Patanjali In Praise of Durga from the Siva Purana The Way of Devotion from the Bhagavata Purana Songs of the saints The World of Illusion by Ravi Das Worship Him in Silence by Lalla Without Krishna I Cannot Sleep by Mirabai Three Poems by Kabir Modern texts Vision of the Mother by Paramahansa Yogananda Contemporary issues Untouchability by Mahatma Gandhi Hindu-ness by V. D. Savarkar The Secular Face of Hinduism by Joseph Vellaringatt Awakening of Universal Motherhood by Mata Amritanandamayi Glossary Holy Days Historical Outline Review Questions Discussion Questions Information Resources CHAPTER FOUR JAINISM Teachings of Mahavir Mahavir's Stoicism from the Akaranga Sutra Harmlessness On Non-Violence from the Jain Sutras On Self-Restraint from the Jain Sutras Respect for Life from the Akaranga Sutra Perfection of the soul The Five Great Vows from the Akaranga Sutra The principles of Anekantavada and Syadvada Anekantavada (The Doctrine of Manifold Aspects) by L. M. Singhvi The Blind Men and the Elephant A traditional Jain fable Renunciation Forsaking eternal bliss for a drop of honey A traditional Jain fable The Renunciate Life of Sadhvi Vicaksana by N. Shanta The Righteous Path for Laity and Ascetics by Acharya Kund-Kund Jain ethics today Remembering our own First Principles by Michael Tobias Glossary Holy Days Historical Outline Review Questions Discussion Questions Information Resources CHAPTER FIVE BUDDHISM The Awakened One Defeat of Mara and Enlightenment by Asvaghosha Speculations Undeclared from the Culamalunkya Sutta Theravada The Dhammapada Rejection of Birth Castes from the Vasettha Sutta Mahayana Emptiness by Nagarjuna The Heart Sutra Discovering Universal Emptiness by Dogen Zen and Koans by Daisetz T. Suzuki Nothing to Do with Rules by Bankei Vajrayana Love, Kindness, and Universal Responsibility by the Dalai Lama Living Engaged Buddhism Engaged Buddhism in Asia by Christopher Queen and Sallie King A Brief History of Buddhism in America by Serinity Young Precepts for an Engaged Buddhism by Thich Nhat Hanh Glossary Holy Days Historical Outline Review Questions Discussion Questions Information Resources CHAPTER SIX CONFUCIANISM The Confucian Classics The Analects of Confucius The Book of Mencius The Doctrine of the Mean Scholars' commentaries The Great Commentary on the Book of Changes Lessons for Women by Ban Zhao Neo-Confucianism The Great Ultimate by Zhou Dunyi The Western Inscription by Zhang Zai Living Confucianism Confucianism and the Twenty-first Century by Yao Xinzhong The Staying Power of Religion in China by Peng Liu Glossary Holy Days Historical Outline Review Questions Discussion Questions Information Resources CHAPTER SEVEN DAOISM The traditional canon The Dao de jing by Laozi The Great and Venerable Teacher by Zhuangzi Heaven's Gifts by Liezi Later developments Communication of the Force of Life with Heaven from Huangdi Neijing Suwen Awakening to Perfection by Zhang Boduan The Way of Perfect Truth by Wang Zhe The Story of He Xiangu, a Female Immortal The Essence of Tai Ji by Al Chung-liang Huang The Significance of Daoist Ethical Thought in the Building of a Harmonious Society by Zhou Zhongzhi Glossary Holy Days Historical Outline Review Questions Discussion Questions Information Resources CHAPTER EIGHT JUDAISM The Jewish Bible: Tanakh TORAH In the Beginning from Genesis 1:1-2:4, 2:4-3:24 Abraham's Covenant from Genesis 17:1-8 The Mosaic Covenant from Exodus 19:17-18, 20:1-14 An Eye for an Eye from Leviticus 24:15-20 Choose Life from Deuteronomy 30:19-20 The Davidic Covenant from II Samuel 7:8-16 PROPHETS The Prophecies of Isaiah from Isaiah 1:1-20, 9:1-2, 5-6 WISDOM LITERATURE Psalm 23 The Earth Will Teach You from Job 12:7-10 Where Were You When I Laid the Earth's Foundations? from Job 38:1-7, 12-13, 17-18 Commentaries on the Tanakh Midrash Talmud Prayer and ceremony Prayer: Shema The Passover Story from the Seder Meal Ceremony Evolving theology and spirituality Thirteen Principles of Faith by Maimonides From Strength to Strength by Baal-Shem Tov Branches of Judaism ORTHODOX Religion Allied to Progress by Samson Hirsch CONSERVATIVE The Conservative Jewish Doctrine of Revelation by Seymour Siegel REFORM Declaration of Principles from the "Pittsburg Platform" Living Judaism Surviving Auschwitz by Viktor Frankl Women in Jewish Life by Ellen M. Umansky Ten Commitments,Not Commandments by Michael Lerner Glossary Holy Days Historical Outline Review Questions Discussion Questions Information Resources CHAPTER NINE CHRISTIANITY Jesus the Christ The Annunciation from Luke 1:26-35 The Magnificat from Luke 1:46-55 Jesus' Birth from Luke 2:1-14 Jesus' Ministry Begins from Matthew 4:23-5 The Beatitudes from Matthew 5:1-12 Law from Matthew 5:17-20 Sincerely Motivated Faith and Works from Matthew 5:21-4 The Good Samaritan from Luke 10:29-37 True Treasures from Matthew 6:19-21 Healing the Blind from Matthew 9:27-30 The Light of the World from John 1:1-5 The Word (Logos) from John 1:14 The Last Supper from Mark 14:10-12, 16-25 The Crucifixion from Mark 15:12-24, 31-8, 43-6 The Resurrection from Mark 16:1-8 Paul's Conversion from Acts 9:1-9, 17-20 Paul's letters to the new Christian churches Paul on Faith and Works from Romans 3:28-31 Paul on Gender from Galatians 3:28, I Corinthians 14:35 Paul on Faith, Hope, and Love from I Corinthians 13:1-13 History and literature EARLY NON-CANONICAL TEXTS The Gospel of Mary from the Nag Hammadi Library The Thunder, Perfect Mind from the Nag Hammadi Library THEOLOGY, SPIRITUALITY, AND DIVISIONS The Formation of the Canon by Athanasius Eastern Orthodox Church How to Interpret Scripture by Origen The Nicene Creed Grief and Joy by Gregory of Sinai Roman Catholic Church 239 The Eucharistic Prayer from the Roman Catholic Mass The Confessions of Augustine by Augustine of Hippo A Medieval Argument for the Existence of God by Anselm of Canterbury Everything Lives in God by Hildegard of Bingen Protestant Churches Baptism from theEpiscopal Church'sBook of Common Prayer LUTHERAN CHURCH Faith Can Rule Only in the Inward Man by Martin Luther ANGLICAN CHURCH The Supremacy Act of 1534 REFORMED CHURCH Institutes of the Christian Religion by John Calvin FREE CHURCHES The Schlectheim Confession of Faith of 1527 Living Christianity 248 An Evangelical Manifesto of 1989 I've Seen the Promised Land by Martin Luther King, Jr. Not Development, but Liberation by Gustavo Gutierrez I Don't Want to Eat Any Sugar by Mother Teresa The Green Patriarch: Environmental Orthodoxy by Melba Newsome Macrowave: Taking Global Warming to Church by David Batstone Why Can't We Talk about Religion and Politics? by Jim Wallis The Rise of the Megachurch from The Week magazine Roman Catholic Womenpriests Child Abuse Struggles: Facts, Myths and Questions by Thomas J. Reese Glossary Holy Days Historical Outline Review Questions Discussion Questions Information Resources CHAPTER TEN ISLAM The Prophet Muhammad The Beginning of Muhammad's Revelation from Sahih Muslim The Night Journey from Sahih Muslim Islamic scripture: the Qur'an Fatiha Allah Messengers People of the Book Unity of Humanity Righteousness Mecca Jihad Gender, Family Self-restraint Adam Abraham Moses Mary Jesus The Day of Judgment Hadith Allah's Mercy Allah is a Light Seeking Consent for Marriage Fighting of Women Side by Side with Men Prohibition of Killing Women and Children in War Compel not your Slave-girls to Prostitution Removal of the Idols from the Vicinity of the Ka'ba The Merits of Jesus Christ (Peace Be Upon Him) It is Forbidden to Commit Oppression Shari'ah On Pictures and Images Hajj: Asceticism and Social Leveling by Maulana Muhammad Ali How to Perform Salaat Reason and revelation Rationalism by Ibn Sina (Avicenna) Mysticism by al-Ghazali Two Truths by Ibn Rushd (Averroes) Sufi mysticism The Rarest Treasure by Rabi'a The Sound of Love by Rumi Between the Yea and the Nay by Ibn `Arabi Living Islam Rights of Women: Qur'anic Ideals Versus Muslim Practice by Riffat Hassan Ecology: A Sacred Science by Seyyed H. Nasr Islam and the West: So, are Civilisations at War? Interview with Samuel Huntington God in a World of Christians and Muslims by Martin Forward Glossary Holy Days Historical Outline Review Questions Discussion Questions Information Resources CHAPTER ELEVEN SIKHISM Guru Nanak at Mecca Daily prayers JapJi by Guru Nanak Jaap Sahib by Guru Gobind Singh Sukhmani Sahib by Guru Arjun Dev Sikh scripture: the Guru Granth Sahib HYMNS OF THE SIKH GURUS "Oh honey-bee, thou art lost in worldly flowers" by Guru Nanak "Oh my mind, remember the Holy Name" by Guru Amar Das "My eyes are wet with the Lord's nectar" by Guru Ram Das "The true Guru is an ocean of pearls" by Guru Arjun Dev "The one who mingles with God" by Guru Tegh Bahadur HYMNS OF THE HINDU AND MUSLIM SAINTS "God is the object of the yearning of my soul" by Nam Dev "How can there be any difference between me and Thee?" by Ravidas "Pray crow, peck not these eyes, so that I may see the Beloved" by Sheikh Farid Writings of the Tenth Guru: Dasam Granth "This is the purpose for which God sent me" by Guru Gobind Singh "Let all humanity be recognized as one" by Guru Gobind Singh Living Sikhism The Sikh Gurus' Vision of an Ideal Society by Dharam Singh Glossary Holy Days Historical Outline Review Questions Discussion Questions Information Resources CHAPTER TWELVE NEW RELIGIOUS MOVEMENTS Offshoots of older religions The Mormon Journey by Sea to the Promised Land from The Book of Mormon Moroni's Visit from the Testimony of the Prophet Joseph Smith Esoteric wisdom The Wisdom-Religion Esoteric in All Ages by Helena Blavatsky Apocalyptic expectations Life in a Peaceful New World by Jehovah's Witnesses Following a charismatic leader The Lord of the Second Advent and the Ideal of True Parents by Sun Myung Moon Spiritual psychotherapy A Course in Miracles Summarized by Helen Schucman Nature spirituality The Goddess and Women's Spirituality by Charlene Spretnak Witchcraft by Diane Mariechild The fate of new religious movements After the Founder's Death by J. Gordon Melton Glossary Review Questions Discussion Questions Information Resources CHAPTER THIRTEEN RELIGION IN A NEW ERA Globalization The Next Christendom by Philip Jenkins Ecology and nature spirituality Sacred Whispers in the World by Lee W. Bailey Violence and religion Is Religion Killing Us? by Jack Nelson-Pallmeyer Fundamentalism and universalism The Battle for God by Karen Armstrong God Will Break All the Barriers! by Baba Virsa Singh A New Revelation from the Unifier by Baha'u'llah The Essential Truth is One by Hazrat Inayat Khan Interfaith initiatives Can We Share in Others' Spiritual Traditions? by Marcus Braybrooke Global Imperatives for the Third Millennium by Robert Muller Declaration on the Elimination of all Forms of Intolerance and of Discrimination Based on Religion or Belief by the United Nations Ground Rules for Interfaith Dialogue by Leonard Swidler Review Questions Discussion Questions Information Resources Literary Acknowledgments Index

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  • ISBN
    • 9780132060592
  • LCCN
  • 出版国コード
  • タイトル言語コード
  • 本文言語コード
  • 出版地
    Upper Saddle River, N.J.
  • ページ数/冊数
    xix, 380 p.
  • 大きさ
    24 cm
  • 分類
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