Studies in classical linguistics in honor of Philip Baldi
Studies in classical linguistics in honor of Philip Baldi
(Amsterdam studies in classical philology, v. 17)
Brill, 2010
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全4件
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Includes bibliographical references
- A few words for springs in Aeschylus / Daniel W. Berman
- How to move towards somebody in Plautus' comedies : some remarks on the adverb obuiam / Pierluigi Cuzzolin
- Baltic palaeocomparativism and the idea that Lithuanian is a Neo-Latin language / Pietro U. Dini
- Blight and bugs : the semantics of Latin plant diseases and the perils of Latin translations of the OT book of Psalms / Paul B. Harvey, Jr.
- On Latin (s)tritavus / Brian D. Joseph
- On complex syllable onsets in Latin / Christian Lehmann
- Having something that you don't own : apud possessive constructions in Latin and a comparison with locative possessive sentences in Irish / Andrea Nuti
- Gender assignment of early Latin loanwords in Germanic : a case study of Latin vinum / B. Richard Page
- The use of quia and quoniam in Cicero, Seneca, and Tertullian / Harm Pinskter
- Dum loquimur, fugerit inuida aetas : on tense and actionality of Latin verba dicendi / Hannah Rosén
- Thoughts on the origin of the Latin and Indo-European nominal declension / William R. Schmalstieg
- Latin alias "at another time" / Brent Vine
- Etruscan mlak[ and the interpretation of the inscription on the Santa Teresa kyathos / Rex Wallace
- Poetry in motion : the semantic transformation of poetria in the Middle Ages / Stephen Wheeler
This volume includes fourteen original articles, written by a diverse group of distinguished scholars in honor of Philip Baldi (Penn State University). The contributions all focus on some aspect of classical linguistics, by which is meant Latin, Greek, Etruscan, and Indo-European. Some focus more on historical linguistic issues, while others deal with synchronic grammatical or semantic problems. The volume also offers a complete bibliography of the works of Philip Baldi, as well as a personal sketch.
Tabula Gratulatoria
Editor's Preface
A Personal Portrait, Pierluigi Cuzzolin
Bibliography of the Publications of Philip Baldi, Aaron D. Rubin
1. Daniel W. Berman, "A Few Words for Springs in Aeschylus."
2. Pierluigi Cuzzolin, "How to Move Towards Somebody in Plautus' Comedies: Some Remarks on the Adverb obuiam."
3. Pietro U. Dini, "Baltic Palaeocomparativism and the Idea that Lithuanian is a Neo-Latin Language."
4. Paul B. Harvey, Jr., "Blight and Bugs: The Semantics of Latin Plant Diseases and the Perils of Latin Translations of the OT book of Psalms."
5. Brian D. Joseph, "On Latin (s)tritavus."
6. Christian Lehmann, "On Complex Syllable Onsets in Latin."
7. Andrea Nuti, "Having Something that You Don't Own: Apud Possessive Constructions in Latin and a Comparison with Locative Possessive Sentences in Irish."
8. B. Richard Page, "Gender Assignment of Early Latin Loanwords in Germanic: A Case Study of Latin vinum."
9. Harm Pinskter, "The Use of quia and quoniam in Cicero, Seneca, and Tertullian."
10. Hannah Rosen, "Dum loquimur, fugerit inuida aetas: On Tense and Actionality of Latin verba dicendi."
11. William R. Schmalstieg, "Thoughts on the Origin of the Latin and Indo-European Nominal Declension."
12. Brent Vine, "Latin alias 'at another time'."
13. Rex Wallace, "Etruscan mlak[ and the Interpretation of the Inscription on the Santa Teresa kyathos."
14. Stephen Wheeler, "Poetry in Motion: The Semantic Transformation of poetria in the Middle Ages."
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