Ancient cultural landscapes in South Europe - their ecological setting and evolution : session C11 Gardeners from South America : session C22 Agro-pastoralism and early metallurgy sessions : session S04 The idea of enclosure in recent Iberian prehistory : session WS29 Rhytmes et causalites des dynamiques de l'anthropisation en Europe entre 6500 ET 500 BC : hypotheses socio-culturelles et/ou climatiques : session C88


Ancient cultural landscapes in South Europe - their ecological setting and evolution : session C11 . Gardeners from South America : session C22 . Agro-pastoralism and early metallurgy sessions : session S04 . The idea of enclosure in recent Iberian prehistory : session WS29 . Rhytmes et causalites des dynamiques de l'anthropisation en Europe entre 6500 ET 500 BC : hypotheses socio-culturelles et/ou climatiques : session C88

edited by José Eduardo Mateus and Paula Queiroz . edited by Angela Buarque . edited by Ana Rosa Cruz . edited by António Carlos Valera and Lucy shaw Evangelista . edited by Laurent Carozza ... [et al.] ; Cláudia Fidalgo and Luiz Oosterbeek (volume editing)

(Proceedings of the world congress = Actes du congrès mondial, v. 36 ; Session C11, C22, S04, WS29, C88)(BAR international series, 2124)

Archaeopress, 2010

  • : pbk


Gardeners from South America

Agro-pastoralism and early metallurgy sessions

Idea of enclosure in recent Iberian prehistory

Rhytmes et causalites des dynamiques de l'anthropisation en Europe entre 6500 ET 500 BC


"Union Internationale des Sciences Préhistoriques et Protohistoriques, International Union for Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences, Proceedings of the XV World Congress (Lisbon, 4-9 September 2006), Actes du XV Congrès Mondial (Lisbonne, 4-9 Septembre 2006)"

Includes bibliographical references

Text in English, Spanish , French or Italian



Papers from Sessions C11, C22, WS29 and C88 from the XV UISPP World Congress (Lisbon, 4-9 September 2006); Contents: 1) Landscape development in North-central littoral Portugal; Influenced by climate, anthropogenically induced or both? (Randi Danielsen); 2) Sulla scia dei Micenei: due produzioni specializzate nel sito del bronzo finale di Archi (Provincia di Chieti, Italy) (Tomaso Di Fraia); 3) La peinture sur ceramique tupiguarani: expression des valeurs regionales et ethiques des horticulteurs prehistoriques tardifs du sud et de l'est bresiliens (Andre Prous); 4) Os horticultores guaranis: problematicas, perspectivas e modelos (Andre Luis R. Soares); 5) L'occupation Tupinamba a Rio de Janeiro, Bresil (Angela Buarque); 6) The exploitation of Ursus arctos on the Late Bronze Age/Early Iron Age site of Villiers-sur Seine (Seine-et-Marne, France) (C. Pautret-Homerville, G. Auxiette and R. Peake); 7) La formacion de las sociedades protourbanas en el ne de la Peninsula Iberica a partir de los contextos funerarios (1100-550 Ane cal.) (Enriqueta Pons, Raimon Graells, Mariona Valldeperez); 8) Dwelling of ancient people as form of adaptation to cold climate conditions (Based on materials of Early Iron Age in Western Siberia) (Natalia Matveeva, Svetlana Berlina); 9) Food production in the Southeast of the Iberian Peninsula (1500-900 Cal Ane) (Joaquim Oltra Puigdomenech); 10) El complejo Marcavilca: Movilidad ciclica y territorio en las poblaciones tempranas del Morro Solar, Chorrillos (Luisa Diaz Arriola); 11) Tourism, Archaeology and Sustainable Development - A Model for Archaeological Areas Management (Fabio Carbone, Carlos M.M. Costa); 12) Mapping the Cosmos - A cognitive approach to Iberian prehistoric enclosures (Antonio Carlos Valera); 13) The ditched enclosures of the Middle Guadiana Basin (Victor Hurtado); 14) Neolithic enclosures as power expression in Mediterranean Spain (Teresa Orozco Kohler et al.); 15) Montenegro, a Neolithic enclosure in Galicia - Insights into Megalithic space (Camila Gianotti Garcia et al.); 16) Ten keys to think Southern Iberian ditched enclosures (Jose E. Marquez Romero, Victor J. Jimenez Jaimez); 17) El Lugar de Marroquies Bajos (Jaen, Espana) - Localizacion y ordenacion interna (Marcelo Castro Lopez et al.); 18) Spatial Organisation of the Alcalar Copper Age Settlement (Algarve, Portugal) (Maria Elena Moran Hernandez); 19) Scaling the social context of Copper Age Aggregations in Iberia (Pedro Diaz-del-Rio); 20) Sicilian Anthropization in the Mediterranean Background (Angelo Vintaloro); 21) Etablissements et Parcours: L'influence de l'environnement sur les strategies d'installation et sur les parcours pendant le Chalcolithique en Italie Centre-Septentrionale (Neva Chiarenza et al.).

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