The developing child



The developing child

Helen Bee, Denise Boyd

Allyn and Bacon, c2010

12th ed., Pearson international ed

  • : pbk

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 3



Includes bibliographical references and index



The Developing Child gives students the tools they require to organize, retain and apply information from the broad field of child psychology, while offering balanced coverage of theory and application, with a strong emphasis on culture. KEY TOPICS: Prenatal Development; Birth and Early Infancy; Physical Development; Perceptual Development; Cognitive Development; Development of Language; Personality Development; Development of Social Relationships; Family System; Atypical Development. For individuals seeking to understand to better understand children. Want to learn more about MyVirtualChild? Visit and click on the `watch this video' link to learn about MyVirtualChild. MyDevelpmentLab with MyVirtualChild is available at


Part 1: Introduction 1 Basic Issues in the Study of Development Issues in the Study of Development Two Key Questions Influences on Development The Ecological Perspective Vulnerability and Resilience Three Kinds of Change Theories of Development Psychoanalytic Theories Cognitive Theories Learning Theories Comparing Theories Finding the Answers: Research Designs and Methods The Goals of Developmental Science Studying Age-Related Changes Descriptive Methods Experimental Methods Cross-Cultural Research Research Ethics THINK CRITICALLY CONDUCT YOUR OWN RESEARCH Summary Key Terms THINKING ABOUT Research: Responding to Media Reports of Research DEVELOPMENTAL SCIENCE IN The Real World: Helping Children Who Are Afraid to Go to School THE NEXT STEP PART 2: The Beginnings of Life 2 Prenatal Development Conception and Genetics The Process of Conception Genotypes, Phenotypes, and Patterns of Genetic Inheritance Development from Conception to Birth The Stages of Prenatal Development Sex Differences in Prenatal Development Prenatal Behavior Problems in Prenatal Development Genetic Disorders Chromosomal Errors Teratogens: Maternal Diseases Teratogens: Drugs Other Teratogens and Maternal Factors THINK CRITICALLY CONDUCT YOUR OWN RESEARCH Summary Key Terms THINKING ABOUT Research: Assisted Reproductive Technology DEVELOPMENTAL SCIENCE IN The Real World: Fetal Assessment and Treatment THE NEXT STEP 3 Birth and Early Infancy Birth Birth Choices The Process of Birth Low Birth Weight Behavior in Early Infancy Reflexes and Behavioral States Motor, Sensory, and Perceptual Abilities Learning Temperament and Social Skills Health and Wellness in Early Infancy Nutrition, Health Care, and Immunizations Illnesses Infant Mortality THINK CRITICALLY CONDUCT YOUR OWN RESEARCH Summary Key Terms THINKING ABOUT Research Variations in Infants' Cries DEVELOPMENTAL SCIENCE IN The real world Breast or Bottle? PART 3: The Physical Child 4 Physical Development The Brain and Nervous System Growth Spurts Synaptic Development Myelination Lateralization Size, Shape, and Skills Growth Bones, Muscles, and Fat Using the Body The Endocrine and Reproductive Systems Hormones Sequence of Changes in Girls and Boys The Timing of Puberty Sexual Behavior in Adolescence Prevalence of Sexual Behavior Sexually Transmitted Diseases Teenage Pregnancy Sexual Minority Youth Health and Wellness Health in Childhood Excessive Weight Gain Poverty and Children's Health Risky Behavior in Adolescence Mortality THINK CRITICALLY CONDUCT YOUR OWN RESEARCH Summary Key Terms THINKING ABOUT Research Causes and Consequences of Child Abuse and Neglect DEVELOPMENTAL SCIENCE IN The real world A Good Night's Sleep for Kids (and Parents, Too!) 5 Perceptual Development Thinking about Perceptual Development Ways of Studying Early Perceptual Skills Explanations of Perceptual Development Sensory Skills Seeing Hearing and Other Senses Perceptual Skills Looking Listening Combining Information from Several Senses Ignoring Perceptual Information The Object Concept Object Perception Object Permanence Perception of Social Signals Early Discrimination of Emotional Expressions Cross-Cultural Commonalities and Variations THINK CRITICALLY CONDUCT YOUR OWN RESEARCH Summary Key Terms THINKING ABOUT research Langlois's Studies of Babies' Preferences for Attractive Faces DEVELOPMENTAL SCIENCE IN the real world Infant Responses to Maternal Depression PART 4 The Thinking Child 6 Cognitive Development I: Structure and Process Piaget's Basic Ideas Schemes Adaptation Causes of Cognitive Development Infancy Piaget's View of the Sensorimotor Period Challenges to Piaget's View of Infancy The Preschool Years Piaget's View of the Preoperational Stage Challenges to Piaget's View of Early Childhood Theories of Mind False Belief and Theory of Mind across Cultures Alternative Theories of Early Childhood Thinking The School-Aged Child Piaget's View of Concrete Operations Different Approaches to Concrete Operational Thought Adolescence Piaget's View of Formal Operations Post-Piagetian Work on Adolescent Thought Development of Information-Processing Skills Changes in Processing Capacity and Efficiency Memory Strategies Metamemory and Metacognition Expertise THINK CRITICALLY CONDUCT YOUR OWN RESEARCH Summary Key Terms THINKING ABOUT research Elkind's Adolescent Egocentrism DEVELOPMENTAL SCIENCE IN the real world Leading Questions and Children's Memory 7 Cognitive Development II: Individual Differences in Cognitive Abilities Measuring Intellectual Power The First IQ Tests Modern IQ Tests Stability of Test Scores What IQ Scores Predict Explaining Individual Differences in IQ Scores Twin and Adoption Studies Family Characteristics and IQ Scores Interventions and IQ Scores Interactions of Heredity and Environment Explaining Group Differences in IQ or Achievement Test Scores Ethnic Differences Cross-Cultural Differences Sex Differences Alternative Views of Intelligence Information-Processing Theory Sternberg's Triarchic Theory of Intelligence Gardner's Multiple Intelligences Creativity THINK CRITICALLY CONDUCT YOUR OWN RESEARCH Summary Key Terms THINKING ABOUT research The Flynn Effect DEVELOPMENTAL SCIENCE IN the real world Stereotype Threat 8 The Development of Language Before the First Word: The Prelinguistic Phase Early Sounds and Gestures Receptive Language Learning Words and Word Meanings The First Words Later Word Learning Constraints on Word Learning Learning the Rules: The Development of Grammar and Pragmatics Holophrases and First Sentences The Grammar Explosion Later Grammar Learning Pragmatics Explaining Language Development Environmental Theories Nativist Theories Constructivist Theories Individual and Group Differences in Language Development Differences in Rate Cross-Cultural Differences in Language Development Learning to Read and Write The Early Foundation: Phonological Awareness Becoming Literate in School Learning a Second Language THINK CRITICALLY CONDUCT YOUR OWN RESEARCH Summary Key Terms THINKING ABOUT research Sign Language and Gestures in Children Who Are Deaf DEVELOPMENTAL SCIENCE IN the real world One Language or Two? PART 5 The Social Child 9 Personality Development: Alternative Views Defining Personality Temperament The Big Five Genetic and Biological Explanations of Personality The Biological Argument Critique of Biological Theories Learning Explanations of Personality The Learning Argument Critique of Learning Models Psychoanalytic Explanations of Personality The Psychoanalytic Argument Freud's Psychosexual Stages Erikson's Psychosocial Stages Evidence and Applications Critique of Psychoanalytic Theories A Possible Synthesis THINK CRITICALLY CONDUCT YOUR OWN RESEARCH Summary Key Terms THINKING ABOUT research Locus of Control and Adolescent Health DEVELOPMENTAL SCIENCE IN the real world Temperamental Surgency in the Toddler Classroom 10 Concepts of Self, Gender, and Sex Roles The Concept of Self The Subjective Self The Objective Self The Emotional Self Self-Concept at School Age Self-Concept and Identity in Adolescence Ethnic Identity in Adolescence Self-Esteem The Development of Self-Esteem Consistency of Self-Esteem over Time The Development of the Concepts of Gender and Sex Roles Developmental Patterns Sex-Role Concepts and Stereotypes Explaining Sex-Role Development Biological Approaches THINK CRITICALLY CONDUCT YOUR OWN RESEARCH Summary Key Terms THINKING ABOUT research Gender Differences in Temperament: Real or Imagined? DEVELOPMENTAL SCIENCE IN the real world Adolescent Rites of Passage 11 The Development of Social Relationships Relationships with Parents Attachment Theory The Parent's Bond to the Child The Child's Attachment to the Parent Parent-Child Relationships in Adolescence Variations in the Quality of Attachments Secure and Insecure Attachments Temperament and Attachment Stability and Long-Term Consequences of Attachment Quality Relationships with Peers Peer Relationships in Infancy and the Preschool Years Peer Relationships at School Age Social Status Peer Relationships in Adolescence Sibling Relationships Behavior with Peers Prosocial Behavior Aggression Trait Aggression THINK CRITICALLY CONDUCT YOUR OWN RESEARCH Summary Key Terms THINKING ABOUT research Bullies and Victims DEVELOPMENTAL SCIENCE IN the real world Rearing Helpful and Altruistic Children 12 Thinking About Relationships: Social-Cognitive and Moral Development The Development of Social Cognition Some General Principles and Issues Describing Other People Reading Others' Feelings Describing Friendships Understanding Rules and Intentions Moral Development Dimensions of Moral Development Kohlberg's Stages of Moral Development Causes and Consequences of Moral Development Alternative Views THINK CRITICALLY CONDUCT YOUR OWN RESEARCH Summary Key Terms THINKING ABOUT research: Preventing Violence by Increasing Children's Emotional Competence DEVELOPMENTAL SCIENCE IN the real world: Learning and Unlearning Prejudice PART 6 The Whole Child 13 The Ecology of Development: The Child within the Family System Understanding the Family System Family Systems Theory Bronfenbrenner's Bioecological Approach Dimensions of Family Interaction Individuals in the Family System Warmth and Responsiveness Methods of Control and Communication Patterns Parenting Styles Types of Parenting Styles Parenting Styles and Development Ethnic and Socioeconomic Differences in Parenting Styles Family Structure, Divorce, and Parental Employment Family Structure Divorce Parents' Jobs Social Support for Parents THINK CRITICALLY CONDUCT YOUR OWN RESEARCH Summary Key Terms THINKING ABOUT research To Spank or Not to Spank? DEVELOPMENTAL SCIENCE IN the real world When Divorce Is Unavoidable 14 Beyond the Family: The Impact of the Broader Culture Nonparental Care Difficulties in Studying Nonparental Care Effects of Early Nonparental Care on Development Before- and After-School Care The Impact of Schools Early Childhood Education Elementary School The Transition to Secondary School Engagement in and Disengagement from Secondary School Homeschooling The Impact of Entertainment Media Television and Video Games Computers and Electronic Multitasking Macrosystem Effects: The Impact of the Larger Culture Socioeconomic Status and Development Race and Ethnicity The Culture as a Whole THINK CRITICALLY CONDUCT YOUR OWN RESEARCH Summary Key Terms THINKING ABOUT research The Effects of Teenaged Employment DEVELOPMENTAL SCIENCE IN the real world Choosing a Child Care Center Chapter 15 Atypical Development Understanding Atypical Development Types of Problems Theoretical Perspectives on Atypical Development Developmental Psychopathology Attention Problems and Externalizing Problems Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Oppositional Defiant Disorder Conduct Disorder Internalizing Problems Eating Disorders Depression Adolescent Suicide Atypical Intellectual and Social Development Mental Retardation Learning Disabilities Giftedness Pervasive Developmental Disorders Schooling for Atypical Children THINK CRITICALLY CONDUCT YOUR OWN RESEARCH Summary Key Terms THINKING ABOUT research Pediatric Bipolar Disorder DEVELOPMENTAL SCIENCE IN the real world Knowing When to Seek Professional Help Epilogue Putting It All Together: The Developing Child Transitions, Consolidations, and Systems From Birth to 24 Months Central Processes Influences on the Basic Processes The Preschool Years Central Processes Influences on the Basic Processes The Elementary School Years The Transition between 5 and 7 Central Processes Influences on the Basic Processes: The Role of Culture Adolescence Early and Late Adolescence Central Processes and Their Connections Influences on the Basic Processes A Return to Some Basic Questions What Are the Major Influences on Development? Does Timing Matter? What Is the Nature of Developmental Change? What Is the Significance of Individual Differences? A Final Point: The Joy of Development Glossary References Photo Credits Name Index Subject Index

「Nielsen BookData」 より


  • ISBN
    • 9780205696536
  • LCCN
  • 出版国コード
  • タイトル言語コード
  • 本文言語コード
  • 出版地
    Boston, Mass.
  • ページ数/冊数
    xxviii, 544 p.
  • 大きさ
    28 cm
  • 分類
  • 件名