Monks, manuscripts and sundials : the navicula in medieval England


    • Eagleton, Catherine


Monks, manuscripts and sundials : the navicula in medieval England

by Catherine Eagleton

(History of science and medicine library, v. 13)(Medieval and early modern science, v. 11)

Brill, 2010

  • : hardcover

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 2



Bibliography: p. [279]-285

Includes index



The navicula sundial, because of its rarity and attractive form, has interested curators and historians alike: Derek J. de Solla Price described it as "one of the most ingenious and sophisticated mathematical artefacts of the Middle Ages". Although apparently a specifically English instrument, there is much debate about when and where it was invented, and about who made and used the five surviving medieval examples. This book brings together for the first time evidence from the surviving instruments, and written sources including four previously unknown texts describing how to make or use the instrument, along with previously unknown copies of the text on which previous studies were based. Medieval and Early Modern Science, 11


List of figures 1. Monks, manuscripts and sundials: the navicula in medieval England 2. Five fifteenth-century sundials 3. Manuscript sources about the navicula 4. Calendar tables and latitude lists 5. Texts, instruments, diagrams and relations between them 6. Using a sundial, understanding the heavens? 7. The navicula and the organum ptolomei 8. How sixteenth-century books redefined a medieval sundial Appendix One Group A manuscripts Appendix Two Group A manuscripts Appendix Three Group A manuscripts Appendix Four Group A stemmatics Appendix Five The group B navicula manuscripts Appendix Six The group C navicula manuscript Appendix Seven The group D navicula manuscript Appendix Eight The group E navicula text Appendix Nine Organum Ptolomei ita sit... Bibliography Index

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