America past and present


America past and present

Robert A. Divine ... [et al.]

Longman, an imprint of Pearson Education, c2011

9th ed., Combined vol


Includes bibliographical references and index



For introductory-level survey courses in American History. Focused on the Story of American History. America Past and Present integrates the social and political dimensions of American history into one rich chronological narrative, providing students with a full picture of the scope and complexity of the American past. Written in a lively narrative style by award-winning historians, America Past and Present tells the story of all Americans-elite and ordinary, women and men, rich and poor, white majority and minorities. The authors, all active, publishing, and award-winning historians, bring history to life for introductory students in America Past and Present .


Brief Contents Chapter 1 New World Encounters Chapter 2 New World Experiments: England's Seventeenth-Century Colonies Chapter 3 Putting Down Roots: Opportunity and Oppression in Colonial Society Chapter 4 Experience of Empire: Eighteenth-Century America Chapter 5 The American Revolution: From Elite Protest to Popular Revolt, 1763-1783 Chapter 6 The Republican Experiment Chapter 7 Democracy and Dissent: The Violence of Party Politics, 1788-1800 Chapter 8 Republican Ascendancy: The Jeffersonian Vision Chapter 9 Nation Building and Nationalism Chapter 10 The Triumph of White Men's Democracy Chapter 11 Slaves and Masters Chapter 12 The Pursuit of Perfection Chapter 13 An Age of Expansionism Chapter 14 The Sectional Crisis Chapter 15 Secession and the Civil War Chapter 16 The Agony of Reconstruction Chapter 17 The West: Exploiting an Empire Chapter 18 The Industrial Society Chapter 19 Toward an Urban Society, 1877-1900 Chapter 20 Political Realignments in the 1890s Chapter 21 Toward Empire Chapter 22 The Progressive Era Chapter 23 From Roosevelt to Wilson in the Age of Progressivism Chapter 24 The Nation at War Chapter 25 Transition to Modern America Chapter 26 Franklin D. Roosevelt and the New Deal Chapter 27 America and the World, 1921-1945 Chapter 28 The Onset of the Cold War Chapter 29 Affluence and Anxiety Chapter 30 The Turbulent Sixties Chapter 31 The Rise of a New Conservatism, 1969-1988 Chapter 32 To the Twenty-first Century, 1989-2009 Detailed Contents Chapter 1 NEW WORLD ENCOUNTERS Clash of Cultures: Interpreting Murder in Early Maryland Native American Histories before Conquest The Environmental Challenge: Food, Climate, and Culture Mysterious Disappearances Aztec Dominance Eastern Woodland Cultures A World Transformed Cultural Negotiations Threats to Survival: Trade and Disease West Africa: Ancient and Complex Societies Europe on the Eve of Conquest Building New Nation States Imagining a New World Myths and Reality The Conquistadores: Faith and Greed From Plunder to Settlement The French Claim Canada The English Enter the Competition Birth of English Protestantism Militant Protestantism Woman in Power Religion,War, and Nationalism An Unpromising Beginning: Mystery at Roanoke Conclusion: Campaign to Sell America _ FEATURE ESSAY The Columbian Exchange and the Global Environment: Ecological Revolution Chapter 2 NEW WORLD EXPERIMENTS: ENGLAND'S SEVENTEENTH-CENTURY COLONIES Profit and Piety: Competing Visions for English Settlement Breaking Away The Chesapeake: Dreams of Wealth Entrepreneurs in Virginia Spinning Out of Control "Stinking Weed" Time of Reckoning Corruption and Reform Maryland: A Troubled Refuge for Catholics Reforming England in America "The Great Migration" "A City on a Hill" Limits of Religious Dissent Mobility and Division Diversity in the Middle Colonies Anglo-Dutch Rivalry on the Hudson Confusion in New Jersey Quakers in America Quaker Beliefs and Practice Penn's "Holy Experiment" Settling Pennsylvania Planting the Carolinas Proprietors of the Carolinas The Barbadian Connection The Founding of Georgia Conclusion: Living with Diversity _ FEATURE ESSAY The Children Who Refused to Come Home: Captivity and Conversion Chapter 3 PUTTING DOWN ROOTS: OPPORTUNITY AND OPPRESSION IN COLONIAL SOCIETY Families in an Atlantic Empire Sources of Stability: New England Colonies of the Seventeenth Century Immigrant Families and New Social Order Commonwealth of Families Women's Lives in Puritan New England Social Hierarchy in New England The Challenge of the Chesapeake Environment Family Life at Risk The Structure of Planter Society Race and Freedom in British America Roots of Slavery Constructing African American Identities ILED CONTENTS Rise of a Commercial Empire Response to Economic Competition Regulating Colonial Trade Colonial Factions Spark Political Revolt, 1676-1691 Civil War in Virginia: Bacon's Rebellion The Glorious Revolution in the Bay Colony Contagion of Witchcraft The Glorious Revolution in New York and Maryland Conclusion: Local Aspirations Within an Atlantic Empire _ FEATURE ESSAY Anthony Johnson: A Free Black Planter on Pungoteague Creek _ LAW and SOCIETY Witches and the Law: A Problem of Evidence in 1692 Chapter 4 EXPERIENCE OF EMPIRE: EIGHTEENTH-CENTURY AMERICA Constructing an Anglo-American Identity: The Journal of William Byrd Growth and Diversity Scots-Irish Flee English Oppression Germans Search for a Better Life Convict Settlers Native Americans Stake Out a Middle Ground Spanish Borderlands of the Eighteenth Century Conquering the Northern Frontier Peoples of the Spanish Borderlands The Impact of European Ideas on American Culture Provincial Cities Ben Franklin and American Enlightenment Economic Transformation Birth of a Consumer Society Religious Revivals in Provincial Societies The Great Awakening The Voice of Evangelical Religion Clash of Political Cultures The English Constitution The Reality of British Politics Governing the Colonies: The American Experience Colonial Assemblies Century of Imperial War King William's and Queen Anne's Wars King George's War and Its Aftermath Albany Congress and Braddock's Defeat Seven Years'War Perceptions of War Conclusion: Rule Britannia? _ FEATURE ESSAY Conquest by Other Means: The Pennsylvania Walking Purchase Chapter 5 THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION: FROM ELITE PROTEST TO POPULAR REVOLT, 1763-1783 Moment of Decision: Commitment and Sacrifice Structure of Colonial Society Breakdown of Political Trust No Taxation Without Representation: The American Perspective Ideas About Power and Virtue Eroding the Bonds of Empire Paying Off the National Debt Popular Protest Failed Attempts to Save the Empire Fueling the Crisis Fatal Show of Force Last Days of Imperial Rule, 1770-1773 The Final Provocation: The Boston Tea Party Steps Toward Independence Shots Heard Around the World Beginning "The World Over Again" Fighting for Independence Building a Professional Army Testing the American Will "Times That Try Men's Souls" Victory in a Year of Defeat The French Alliance The Final Campaign The Loyalist Dilemma Winning the Peace Conclusion: Preserving Independence _ FEATURE ESSAY Popular Resistance: Religion and Rebellion Chapter 6 THE REPUBLICAN EXPERIMENT A New Political Morality Defining Republican Culture Living in the Shadow of Revolution Social and Political Reform African Americans in the New Republic The Challenge of Women's Rights The States: Experiments in Republicanism Blueprints for State Government Natural Rights and the State Constitutions Power to the People Stumbling Toward a New National Government Articles of Confederation Western Land: Key to the First Constitution Northwest Ordinance: The Confederation's Major Achievement Strengthening Federal Authority The Nationalist Critique Diplomatic Humiliation "Have We Fought for This?" The Genius of James Madison Constitutional Reform The Philadelphia Convention Inventing a Federal Republic Compromise Saves the Convention Compromising on Slavery The Last Details We, the People Whose Constitution? Struggle for Ratification Federalists and Antifederalists Adding the Bill of Rights Conclusion: Success Depends on the People _ FEATURE ESSAY The Elusive Constitution: Search for Original Intent Chapter 7 DEMOCRACY AND DISSENT: THE VIOLENCE OF PARTY POLITICS, 1788-1800 Force of Public Opinion Principle and Pragmatism: Establishing a New Government Conflicting Visions: Jefferson and Hamilton Hamilton's Plan for Prosperity and Security Funding and Assumption Interpreting the Constitution: The Bank Controversy Setback for Hamilton Charges of Treason: The Battle over Foreign Affairs The Peril of Neutrality Jay's Treaty Sparks Domestic Unrest Pushing the Native Americans Aside Popular Political Culture Informing the Public: News and Politics Whiskey Rebellion: Charges of Republican Conspiracy Washington's Farewell The Adams Presidency The XYZ Affair and Domestic Politics Crushing Political Dissent Silencing Political Opposition: The Alien and Sedition Acts Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions Adams's Finest Hour The Peaceful Revolution: The Election of 1800 Conclusion: Danger of Political Extremism _ FEATURE ESSAY Defense of Superiority: The Impact of Nationalism on Perceptions of the Environment Chapter 8 REPUBLICAN ASCENDANCY: THE JEFFERSONIAN VISION Limits of Equality Regional Identities in a New Republic Westward the Course of Empire Native American Resistance Commercial Life in the Cities Jefferson as President Jeffersonian Reforms The Louisiana Purchase The Lewis and Clark Expedition Conflict with the Barbary States Jefferson's Critics Attack on the Judges Politics of Desperation Murder and Conspiracy: The Curious Career of Aaron Burr The Slave Trade Embarrassments Overseas Embargo Divides the Nation A New Administration Goes to War Fumbling Toward Conflict The Strange War of 1812 Hartford Convention: The Demise of the Federalists Treaty of Ghent Ends the War Conclusion: Republican Legacy _ FEATURE ESSAY Barbary Pirates and American Captives: The Nation's First Hostage Crisis _ LAW and SOCIETY Aaron Burr: The Vice President Tried for Treason Chapter 9 NATION BUILDING AND NATIONALISM A Revolutionary War Hero Revisits America in 1824 Expansion and Migration Extending the Boundaries Native American Societies Under Pressure Settlement to the Mississippi The People and Culture of the Frontier A Revolution in Transportation Roads and Steamboats The Canal Boom Emergence of a Market Economy The Beginning of Commercial Agriculture Commerce and Banking Early Industrialism The Growth of Cities The Politics of Nation Building After the War of 1812 The Republicans in Power Monroe as President The Missouri Compromise Postwar Nationalism and the Supreme Court Nationalism in Foreign Policy: The Monroe Doctrine Conclusion: The End of the Era of Good Feeling _ FEATURE ESSAY Confronting a New Environment Chapter 10 THE TRIUMPH OF WHITE MEN'S DEMOCRACY Democratic Space: The New Hotels Democracy in Theory and Practice Democracy and Society Democratic Culture Democratic Political Institutions Economic Issues Labor Radicalism and Equal Rights Jackson and the Politics of Democracy The Election of 1824 and J. Q. Adams's Administration Jackson Comes to Power Indian Removal The Nullification Crisis The Bank War and the Second Party System Mr. Biddle's Bank The Bank Veto and the Election of 1832 Killing the Bank The Emergence of the Whigs The Rise and Fall of Van Buren Heyday of the Second Party System Conclusion: Tocqueville's Wisdom _ FEATURE ESSAY Racial Identity in a White Man's Democracy Chapter 11 SLAVES AND MASTERS Nat Turner's Rebellion: A Turning Point in the Slave South The Divided Society of the Old South The World of Southern Blacks Slaves' Daily Life and Labor Slave Families, Kinship, and Community African American Religion Resistance and Rebellion Free Blacks in the Old South White Society in the Antebellum South The Planters' World Planters, Racism, and Paternalism Small Slaveholders Yeoman Farmers A Closed Mind and a Closed Society Slavery and the Southern Economy The Internal Slave Trade The Rise of the Cotton Kingdom Slavery and Industrialization The "Profitability" Issue Conclusion:Worlds in Conflict _ FEATURE ESSAY Harriet Jacobs and Maria Norcom: Women of Southern Households Chapter 12 THE PURSUIT OF PERFECTION Redeeming the Middle Class The Rise of Evangelicalism The Second Great Awakening: The Frontier Phase The Second Great Awakening in the North From Revivalism to Reform Domesticity and Changes in the American Family Marriage for Love The Cult of Domesticity The Discovery of Childhood Institutional Reform The Extension of Education Discovering the Asylum Reform Turns Radical Divisions in the Benevolent Empire The Abolitionist Enterprise Black Abolitionists From Abolitionism to Women's Rights Radical Ideas and Experiments Conclusion: Counterpoint on Reform _ FEATURE ESSAY The War Against "Demon Drink" _ LAW and SOCIETY The Legal Rights of Married Women: Reforming the Law of Coverture Chapter 13 AN AGE OF EXPANSIONISM The Spirit of Young America Movement to the Far West Borderlands of the 1830s The Texas Revolution The Republic of Texas Trails of Trade and Settlement The Mormon Trek Manifest Destiny and the Mexican-American War Tyler and Texas The Triumph of Polk and Annexation The Doctrine of Manifest Destiny Polk and the Oregon Question War with Mexico Settlement of the Mexican-American War Internal Expansionism The Triumph of the Railroad The Industrial Revolution Takes Off Mass Immigration Begins The New Working Class Conclusion: The Costs of Expansion _ FEATURE ESSAY Hispanic America After 1848: A Case Study in Majority Rule Chapter 14 THE SECTIONAL CRISIS Brooks Assaults Sumner in Congress The Compromise of 1850 The Problem of Slavery in the Mexican Cession The Wilmot Proviso Launches the Free-Soil Movement Squatter Sovereignty and the Election of 1848 Taylor Takes Charge Forging a Compromise Political Upheaval, 1852-1856 The Party System in Crisis The Kansas-Nebraska Act Raises a Storm An Appeal to Nativism: The Know-Nothing Episode Kansas and the Rise of the Republicans Sectional Division in the Election of 1856 The House Divided, 1857-1860 Cultural Sectionalism The Dred Scott Case The Lecompton Controversy Debating the Morality of Slavery The South's Crisis of Fear The Election of 1860 Conclusion: Explaining the Crisis _ FEATURE ESSAY The Enigma of John Brown _ LAW and SOCIETY The Case of Dred and Harriet Scott: Blurring the Borders of Politics and Justice Chapter 15 SECESSION AND THE CIVIL WAR The Emergence of Lincoln The Storm Gathers The Deep South Secedes The Failure of Compromise And the War Came Adjusting to Total War Prospects, Plans, and Expectations Mobilizing the Home Fronts Political Leadership: Northern Success and Southern Failure Early Campaigns and Battles The Diplomatic Struggle Fight to the Finish The Coming of Emancipation African Americans and the War The Tide Turns Last Stages of the Conflict Effects of the War Conclusion: An Organizational Revolution _ FEATURE ESSAY Soldiering in the Civil War Chapter 16 THE AGONY OF RECONSTRUCTION Robert Smalls and Black Politicians During Reconstruction The President vs. Congress Wartime Reconstruction Andrew Johnson at the Helm Congress Takes the Initiative Congressional Reconstruction Plan Enacted The Impeachment Crisis Reconstructing Southern Society Reorganizing Land and Labor Black Codes: A New Name for Slavery? Republican Rule in the South Claiming Public and Private Rights Retreat from Reconstruction Rise of the Money Question Final Efforts of Reconstruction A Reign of Terror Against Blacks Spoilsmen vs. Reformers Reunion and the New South The Compromise of 1877 "Redeeming" a New South The Rise of Jim Crow Conclusion: Henry McNeal Turner and the "Unfinished Revolution" _ FEATURE ESSAY Changing Views of Reconstruction Chapter 17 THE WEST: EXPLOITING AN EMPIRE Lean Bear's Changing West Beyond the Frontier Crushing the Native Americans Life of the Plains Indians "As Long as Waters Run": Searching for an Indian Policy Final Battles on the Plains The End of Tribal Life Settlement of the West Men and Women on the Overland Trail Land for the Taking Territorial Government The Spanish-Speaking Southwest The Bonanza West The Mining Bonanza Gold from the Roots Up: The Cattle Bonanza Sodbusters on the Plains: The Farming Bonanza New Farming Methods Discontent on the Farm The Final Fling Conclusion: The Meaning of the West _ FEATURE ESSAY Blacks in Blue: The Buffalo Soldiers in the West Chapter 18 THE INDUSTRIAL SOCIETY A Machine Culture Industrial Development An Empire on Rails "Emblem of Motion and Power" Building the Empire Linking the Nation via Trunk Lines Rails Across the Continent Problems of Growth An Industrial Empire Carnegie and Steel Rockefeller and Oil The Business of Invention The Sellers The Wage Earners Working Men,Working Women,Working Children Culture of Work Labor Unions Labor Unrest Conclusion: Industrialization's Benefits and Costs _ FEATURE ESSAY Chicago's "Second Nature" Chapter 19 TOWARD AN URBAN SOCIETY, 1877-1900 The Overcrowded City The Lure of the City Skyscrapers and Suburbs Tenements and the Problems of Overcrowding Strangers in a New Land Immigrants and the City The House That Tweed Built Social and Cultural Change, 1877-1900 Manners and Mores Leisure and Entertainment Changes in Family Life Changing Views: A Growing Assertiveness Among Women Educating the Masses Higher Education The Stirrings of Reform Progress and Poverty New Currents in Social Thought The Settlement Houses A Crisis in Social Welfare Conclusion: The Pluralistic Society _ FEATURE ESSAY Ellis Island: Isle of Hope, Isle of Tears _ LAW and SOCIETY Plessy v. Ferguson: The Shaping of Jim Crow Chapter 20 POLITICAL REALIGNMENTS IN THE 1890S Hardship and Heartache Politics of Stalemate The Party Deadlock Experiments in the States Reestablishing Presidential Power Republicans in Power: The Billion-Dollar Congress Tariffs, Trusts, and Silver The 1890 Elections The Rise of the Populist Movement The Farm Problem The Fast-Growing Farmers' Alliance The People's Party The Crisis of the Depression The Panic of 1893 Coxey's Army and the Pullman Strike The Miners of the Midwest A Beleaguered President Breaking the Party Deadlock Changing Attitudes "Everybody Works But Father" Changing Themes in Literature The Presidential Election of 1896 The Mystique of Silver The Republicans and Gold The Democrats and Silver Campaign and Election The McKinley Administration Conclusion: A Decade's Dramatic Changes _ FEATURE ESSAY The Wonderful Wizard of Oz Chapter 21 TOWARD EMPIRE Roosevelt and the Rough Riders America Looks Outward Catching the Spirit of Empire Reasons for Expansion Foreign Policy Approaches, 1867-1900 The Lure of Hawaii and Samoa The New Navy War with Spain A War for Principle "A Splendid Little War" "Smoked Yankees" The Course of the War Acquisition of Empire The Treaty of Paris Debate Guerrilla Warfare in the Philippines Governing the Empire The Open Door Conclusion: Outcome of the War with Spain _ FEATURE ESSAY The 400 Million Customers of China Chapter 22 THE PROGRESSIVE ERA Muckrakers Call for Reform The Changing Face of Industrialism The Innovative Model T The Burgeoning Trusts Managing the Machines Society's Masses Better Times on the Farm Women and Children at Work The Niagara Movement and the NAACP "I Hear the Whistle": Immigrants in the Labor Force Conflict in the Workplace Organizing Labor Working with Workers Amoskeag A New Urban Culture Production and Consumption Living and Dying in an Urban Nation Popular Pastimes Experimentation in the Arts Conclusion: A Ferment of Discovery and Reform _ FEATURE ESSAY The Triangle Fire Chapter 23 FROM ROOSEVELT TO WILSON IN THE AGE OF PROGRESSIVISM The Republicans Split The Spirit of Progressivism The Rise of the Professions The Social-Justice Movement The Purity Crusade Woman Suffrage,Women's Rights A Ferment of Ideas: Challenging the Status Quo Reform in the Cities and States Interest Groups and the Decline of Popular Politics Reform in the Cities Action in the States The Republican Roosevelt Busting the Trusts "Square Deal" in the Coalfields Roosevelt Progressivism at Its Height Regulating the Railroads Cleaning up Food and Drugs Conserving the Land The Ordeal of William Howard Taft Party Insurgency The Ballinger-Pinchot Affair Taft Alienates the Progressives Differing Philosophies in the Election of 1912 Woodrow Wilson's New Freedom The New Freedom in Action Wilson Moves Toward the New Nationalism Conclusion: The Fruits of Progressivism _ FEATURE ESSAY Madam C. J. Walker: African American Business Pioneer _ LAW and SOCIETY Muller v. Oregon: Expanding the Definition of Acceptable Evidence Chapter 24 THE NATION AT WAR The Sinking of the Lusitania A New World Power "I Took the Canal Zone" The Roosevelt Corollary Ventures in the Far East Taft and Dollar Diplomacy Foreign Policy Under Wilson Conducting Moral Diplomacy Troubles Across the Border Toward War The Neutrality Policy Freedom of the Seas The U-Boat Threat "He Kept Us Out of War" The Final Months of Peace Over There Mobilization War in the Trenches Over Here The Conquest of Convictions A Bureaucratic War Labor in the War The Treaty of Versailles A Peace at Paris Rejection in the Senate Conclusion: Postwar Disillusionment _ FEATURE ESSAY Measuring the Mind Chapter 25 TRANSITION TO MODERN AMERICA Wheels for the Millions The Second Industrial Revolution The Automobile Industry Patterns of Economic Growth Economic Weaknesses City Life in the Jazz Age Women and the Family The Roaring Twenties The Flowering of the Arts The Rural Counterattack The Fear of Radicalism Prohibition The Ku Klux Klan Immigration Restriction The Fundamentalist Challenge Politics of the 1920s Harding, Coolidge, and Hoover Republican Policies The Divided Democrats The Election of 1928 Conclusion: The Old and the New _ FEATURE ESSAY Marcus Garvey: Racial Redemption and Black Nationalism _ LAW and SOCIETY The Scopes "Monkey" Trial: Contesting Cultural Differences Chapter 26 FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT AND THE NEW DEAL The Struggle Against Despair The Great Depression The Great Crash Effect of the Depression Fighting the Depression Hoover and Voluntarism The Emergence The Hundred Days Roosevelt and Recovery Roosevelt and Relief Roosevelt and Reform Challenges to FDR Social Security Labor Legislation Impact of the New Deal Rise of Organized Labor The New Deal Record on Help to Minorities Women at Work End of the New Deal The Election of 1936 The Supreme Court Fight The New Deal in Decline Conclusion: The New Deal and American Life _ FEATURE ESSAY Eleanor Roosevelt and the Quest for Social Justice Chapter 27 AMERICA AND THE WORLD, 1921-1945 A Pact Without Power Retreat, Reversal, and Rivalry Retreat in Europe Cooperation in Latin America Rivalry in Asia Isolationism The Lure of Pacifism and Neutrality War in Europe The Road to War From Neutrality to Undeclared War Showdown in the Pacific Turning the Tide Against the Axis Wartime Partnerships Halting the German Blitz Checking Japan in the Pacific The Home Front The Arsenal of Democracy A Nation on the Move Win-the-War Politics Victory War Aims and Wartime Diplomacy Triumph and Tragedy in the Pacific Conclusion: The Transforming Power of War _ FEATURE ESSAY The Face of the Holocaust Chapter 28 THE ONSET OF THE COLD WAR The Potsdam Summit The Cold War Begins The Division of Europe Withholding Economic Aid The Atomic Dilemma Containment The Truman Doctrine The Marshall Plan The Western Military Alliance The Berlin Blockade The Cold War Expands The Military Dimension The Cold War in Asia The Korean War The Cold War at Home Truman's Troubles Truman Vindicated The Loyalty Issue McCarthyism in Action The Republicans in Power Eisenhower Wages the Cold War Entanglement in Indochina Containing China Covert Actions Waging Peace Conclusion: The Continuing Cold War _ FEATURE ESSAY America Enters the Middle East Chapter 29 AFFLUENCE AND ANXIETY Levittown: The Flight to the Suburbs The Postwar Boom Postwar Prosperity Life in the Suburbs The Good Life? Areas of Greatest Growth Critics of the Consumer Society Farewell to Reform Truman and the Fair Deal Eisenhower's Modern Republicanism The Struggle over Civil Rights Civil Rights as a Political Issue Desegregating the Schools The Beginnings of Black Activism Conclusion: Restoring National Confidence _ FEATURE ESSAY The Reaction to Sputnik Chapter 30 THE TURBULENT SIXTIES Kennedy versus Nixon: The First Televised Presidential Candidate Debate Kennedy Intensifies the Cold War Flexible Response Crisis over Berlin Containment in Southeast Asia Containing Castro: The Bay of Pigs Fiasco Containing Castro: The Cuban Missile Crisis The New Frontier at Home The Congressional Obstacle Economic Advance Moving Slowly on Civil Rights "I Have a Dream" The Supreme Court and Reform "Let Us Continue" Johnson in Action The Election of 1964 The Triumph of Reform Johnson Escalates the Vietnam War The Vietnam Dilemma Escalation Stalemate Years of Turmoil The Student Revolt Protesting the Vietnam War The Cultural Revolution "Black Power" Ethnic Nationalism Women's Liberation The Return of Richard Nixon Vietnam Undermines Lyndon Johnson The Democrats Divide The Republican Resurgence Conclusion: The End of an Era _ FEATURE ESSAY Unintended Consequences: The Second Great Migration Chapter 31 THE RISE OF A NEW CONSERVATISM, 1969-1988 Reagan and America's Shift to the Right The Tempting of Richard Nixon Pragmatic Liberalism Detente Ending the Vietnam War The Watergate Scandal The Economy of Stagflation War and Oil The Great Inflation The Shifting American Economy A New Environmentalism Private Lives, Public Issues The Changing American Family Gains and Setbacks for Women The Gay Liberation Movement The AIDS Epidemic Politics and Diplomacy after Watergate The Ford Administration Carter and American Malaise Troubles Abroad The Collapse of Detente The Reagan Revolution The Election of 1980 Cutting Taxes and Spending Unleashing the Private Sector Reagan and the World Challenging the "Evil Empire" Confrontation in Central America More Trouble in the Middle East Trading Arms for Hostages Reagan the Peacemaker Conclusion: Challengingthe New Deal _ FEATURE ESSAY The Christian Right _ LAW and SOCIETY Roe v. Wade: The Struggle over Women's Reproductive Rights Chapter 32 TO THE TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY, 1989-2009 "This Will Not Stand": Foreign Policy in the Post-Cold War Era The First President Bush Republicans at Home Ending the Cold War The Gulf War The Changing Faces of America A People on the Move The Revival of Immigration Emerging Hispanics Advance and Retreat for African Americans Americans from Asia and the Middle East Assimilation or Diversity? The New Democrats The Election of 1992 Clinton and Congress Scandal in the White House Clinton and the World Old Rivals in New Light To Intervene or Not The Balkan Wars Republicans Triumphant The Disputed Election of 2000 George W. Bush at Home The War on Terror A New American Empire? Bush Reelected Old Issues, New Challenges The Culture Wars Continue Doubting the Future Echoes of the Thirties A New FDR? Conclusion: The Vulnerabilities of Power _ FEATURE ESSAY The Battle of Seattle

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