Exploring the boundaries of international criminal justice


Exploring the boundaries of international criminal justice

edited by Ralph Henham and Mark Findlay

(International and comparative criminal justice)

Ashgate, c2011

  • : hbk

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 10



Includes bibliographical references and index



This collection discusses appropriate methodologies for comparative research and applies this to the issue of trial transformation in the context of achieving justice in post-conflict societies. In developing arguments in relation to these problems, the authors use international sentencing and the question of victims' interests and expectations as a focus. The conclusions reached are wide-ranging and haighly significant in challenging existing conceptions for appreciating and giving effect to the justice demands of victims of war and social conflict. The themes developed demonstrate clearly how comparative contextual analysis facilitates our understanding of the legal and social contexts of international punishment and how this understanding can provide the basis for expanding the role of restorative international criminal justice within the context of international criminal trials.


  • Chapter 1 Introduction: Rethinking International Criminal Justice?
  • Part I Achieving Justice in Post-Conflict Societies
  • Chapter 2 Mass Atrocity: Theories and Concepts of Accountability - On the Schizophrenia of Accountability, Caroline Fournet
  • Chapter 3 Collective Responsibility for Global Crime: Limitations with the Liability Paradigm, Mark Findlay
  • Chapter 4 Victims' Expectations towards Justice in Post-Conflict Societies: A Bottom-Up Perspective, Ernesto Kiza, Holger-C. Rohne
  • Chapter 5 Making International Criminal Procedure Work: From Theory to Practice, Richard Vogler
  • Chapter 6 Should States Bear the Responsibility of Imposing Sanctions on its Citizens who as Witnesses Commit Crimes before the ICC?, Sylvia Ngane
  • Part II International Criminal Justice as Governance
  • Chapter 7 Exclusion and Inclusion: Bio-Politics and Global Governance through Criminalisation, Edwin Bikindo
  • Chapter 8 Contrasting Dynamics of Global Administrative Measures and International Criminal Courts: Cosmopolitanism, Multilateralism, State Interests, Nicholas Dorn
  • Chapter 9 Governing through Globalised Crime: Thoughts on the Transition from Terror, Mark Findlay
  • Chapter 10 Evaluating Sentencing as a Force for Achieving Justice in International Criminal Trials, Ralph Henham
  • Chapter 11 The Paradox of Global Terrorism and Community-Based Security Policing, Clive Walker

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