Asian crops and human dietetics


Asian crops and human dietetics

Usha R. Palaniswamy

(Food Products Press crop science / Amarjit S. Basra, senior editor)

Haworth Press, c2008

  • : hard

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 1



Includes bibliographical references and index



Go beyond the nutritional value to discover the lesser known health benefits of certain Asian crops Several foods from the Asian culture that are not well known to other parts of the world have health benefits that stretch beyond mere nutritional value. Asian Crops and Human Dietetics comprehensively reviews the plants and spices in the Asian diet which have made significant beneficial contributions to daily health and nutrition. This text not only provides up-to-date summaries of the more familiar Asian food items, but also those that are less widely known. This extensive examination clearly discusses the latest evidence-based scientific studies that document the health benefits and nutritional information of Asian food items. Asian Crops and Human Dietetics conveniently groups the food crops into the food guide pyramid classification, including grains, vegetables, fruits, fats and oils, beans and nuts, spices, and herbal beverages and subsequents. This book closes the gap in knowledge about important and healthful dietary items not generally recognized in Western culture. Diligently researched and exhaustively referenced, this text provides the information as well as scientific evidence together in reader-friendly form. Lesser-known dietary items examined in Asian Crops and Human Dietetics include: millets, such as finger millet and Kodo millet bitter gourd ivy gourd Bok Choy alliums, such as leeks, scallions, and Chinese chive green leafy vegetables, including chekup manis, vegetable drumstick, Ceylon spinach, and fenugreek legumes, such as the winged bean tubers, including elephant yam and taro breadfruit mangoes litchi tamarind jackfruit flaxseed oil rapeseed oil red gram adzuki bean cowpea mung bean herbs, such as Asafoetida, cardamom,


Acknowledgment Introduction Chapter 1. Grains Major Cereals Millets Buckwheat Chapter 2. Vegetables Phytochemicals, Nutrient and Anutrient Compounds Cucurbits Brassicas Alliums Green Leafy Vegetables Solanaceae Legumes Tubers Other Vegetables Chapter 3. Fruits Pome Fruits Drupes, or the Stone Fruits Other Fruits Chapter 4. Fats and Oils Sesame Coconut Flax Rapeseed Chapter 5. Beans and Nuts Beans Nuts Chapter 6. Spices Asafetida Black Pepper Cardamom Cinnamon Clove Curry Leaf Dill Fennel Ginger Lemongrass Licorice Nutmeg Saffron Star Anise Sweet Basil Turmeric Chapter 7. Herbal Beverages and Subsequents (Postprandial Treats) Tea Areca Nut Betal Leaf Index

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