Public drinking in the early modern world : voices from the tavern, 1500-1800


Public drinking in the early modern world : voices from the tavern, 1500-1800

general editor, Thomas E. Brennan

Pickering & Chatto




This four-volume reset edition presents a wide-ranging collection of primary sources which uncover the language and behaviour of local and state authorities, of peasants and town-dwellers, and of drinking companions and irate wives.


  • Volume 1: France Introduction The Purveyance of Drink: Charles Vion de Dalibray, The Poetic Works of the Sieur de Dalibray [Les Oeuvres Poetiques de Sieur de Dalibray] (1653)
  • Martin Lister, A Journey to Paris in the Year 1698 (1699)
  • Joachim Christoph Nemeitz, Sojourn in Paris (1727) [extracts]
  • Luc-Vincnet Thiery, Voyager's Almanach of 1783 (1783) [extracts]
  • John Andrews, Letters to a Young Gentleman On his Setting out for France (1784)
  • Jacques Antoine Dulaure, New Descriptions of the Curiosities of Paris (1782) [extracts]
  • Pierre Jean Baptists Le Grand d'Aussy, History of the Private Lives of the French (1781-8) [extracts]
  • Louis-Sebastien Mercier, Panorama of Paris [extracts]
  • Arthur Young, Travels in France during the Years 1787, 1788, 1789 (1789) [extracts]. The Police of Paris: Police Perceptions: Nicolas de La Mare, Duchesne, Edme de la Poix de Freminville, Jean Pontas, Pieere Jean Baptiste Le Grand d'Aussy. The Ordinances
  • Police Reports
  • Keeping Time
  • Disreputable Customers
  • Prostitutes
  • Gambling
  • Public Disturbance. Tavern Keepers: The Keeper's Trade
  • Services
  • Credit and Payment
  • Keeping Order
  • Life and Death of a Cafe Owner. Violence: Insults
  • Reputation
  • Charivari
  • Honour
  • Physical Violence
  • Social Tensions. Public Sociability: Gaming
  • Song
  • Dance
  • Sociability
  • Work
  • Employment
  • Workers. Family and Gender: Public Women
  • Perils
  • Family
  • Family Tensions
  • Gender. Volumes 2: Holy Roman Empire, Part I Introduction Part 1: Normative Sources Imperial and Territorial Authorities Legal: Regulations at Imperial Level - Extract from the imperial police ordinance (1530). Regulations at Confederate Level: Negotiations of the Swiss Diet - Agreement on wine prices (1530)
  • New rules on public house prices and pledging of healths submitted for approval to all cantonal governments (1532)
  • Confirmation of the new rules on prices and pledging of healths (1534)
  • Persistent concerns about publicans' charges. Regulations at Territorial Level: The Principality of Bavaria - The public peace [Landfrieden] includes the following article (1244)
  • Regulation of games in public houses according to a territorial ordinance (1553)
  • Excerpts from the territorial and police ordinance (1616)
  • Excerpts from a Bavarian public house ordinance (1631). Regulations at Territorial Level: The Swiss Canton of Bern - Closing of superfluous public houses (1571)
  • Common instructions regarding publicans (1575)
  • Publicans' responsibilities (1617)
  • Publicans' greed as an obstacle to trade (1619)
  • Prohibition of wine imports (1718)
  • Prohibition of spirits
  • Regulations for beer
  • Regulations for public houses in the customary law of the Pays de Vaud, the French-speaking territory conquered by Bern in 1536 (1730). Taxation: Proceedings over wine taxes in the Swiss Confederation
  • Extracts from the register of possessions and claims [Salbuch] of the Bavarian Duke (1583)
  • List of beer taxes levied from publicans in the Bavarian district of Dachau (1788-9)
  • Regulations for public houses in the Pays de Vaud (1730). Surveys and Registers of Public Houses: The Swiss Canton of Zurich - Extract from the register of approved public houses in Zurich's rural territory, prompted by the moral concerns of the Zwinglian Reformation and drawn up in consultation with local officials (1530). Bavaria - Extracts from a register of inns, beer houses and breweries in all districts and manors of Upper and Lower Bavaria (1580)
  • Extracts from the register of public houses in the districts and manors of Electoral Bavaria (1806-8). Bern - Preparatory reports for a territorial survey of Bernese public houses (1626-7)
  • The territorial survey of Bernese public houses, identifying unnecessary and illegitimate establishments for closure (1628)
  • Documents, statements and reports submitted to the wine tax authorities in preparation for a new territorial survey of Bernese public houses (1786-9)
  • Register of Public Houses in Bern's German and French Lands (1789). Theory: Ulrich Tengler, Layman's Mirror: On the Proper Administration of Civic and Captial Law (1509)
  • Jost de Damhouder, The Practice of Criminal Law (Praxis rerum criminalium) (1575)
  • Matthias Abele von und zu Lilienberg, Metamorphosis telae indicariae: Or, Strange Court Cases
  • Extracts from a legal treatise on hospitality written by the lawyer Johann Gotthard Bockel of Helmstedt (1702)
  • Extracts relating to public houses from a commentary on the Bavarian civil law code of 1756 by the lawyer and state offi cial Wigulaus Xaverius Aloysius Kreittmayr (1758). Ecclesiastical Authorities Legal Aspects: Regulations in the Reformed (Zwinglian) Canton of Bern - Extract from the 'reformation' mandate issued by the Council of Bern for its territory following the decision to adopt the new faith (1528)
  • Extract from the 'reformation' mandate issued by the Swiss governor of the condominion of Thurgovia on behalf of the ruling cantons (1530)
  • Extract from a Bernese mandate against Anabaptists (1538)
  • Extracts from Bernese consistory court ordinances
  • Extracts from Bernese moral ordinances
  • Duties of elders [Ehegeumer] according to the court ordinance of the Bernese manor of Diessbach (1619)
  • Council instruction to the elders and pastors of the five quarters of the city of Bern (1721). Regulation by a Catholic Prelate
  • Extracts from the land- and police-ordinance of Prince Bishop Georg of Kempten in South-West Germany (1562). Concerns and Campaigns: Johannes Wolff, Little Confession Manual (1478)
  • Sermon against drunkenness delivered in Halberstadt by the Lutheran theologian Eberhard Weidensee of Goslar, (c.1540)
  • Sermon on public houses delivered to the synod of Zurich by its principal clergyman, the antistes Johann Jacob Breitinger (1639)
  • Tensions between minister Johann Jakob Hursch and the family of innkeeper Juncker in the Bernese village of Neuenegg (1659)
  • Tensions over public dances between parish priest Paul Prucker and innkeeper Joseph Mayrhofer in the Bavarian manor of Bayerbach, district of Griesbach (1756)
  • Lobbying by the Reformed consistory of the parish of Penthaz (district of Morges in the Pays de Vaud) against the local public house (1786). Services and Interactions: Provision of funds and services for local churches by early modern publicans (1736-90)
  • Public houses owned or operated by members of the secular and regular clergy (1500-1806)
  • Public houses and their keepers supporting religious life
  • Clergymen (ab-)using public houses
  • Religious activities, discussions and tensions in public houses. Local Authorities Local Laws: Medieval origins of public house regulation in Bern and Thun (mid-thirteenth century)
  • Public house legislation in the town and territory of Burgdorf, an urban commune subject to the city of Bern, but with extensive manorial and jurisdictional rights of its own (1273-1707)
  • Extracts from records relating to the publicans' guild in the Swiss town of Solothurn (1474-1821)
  • Ordinance for the drinking hall of the publicans' guild in the town of Villingen (1491)
  • Extracts from East Bavarian customary laws relating to public houses (1400-late eighteenth century)
  • Public house regulation in the Bernese district of Konolfingen (1473-1581)
  • Controlling excess drinking in Ulm (1502)
  • Regulation of public houses in the Upper Simmental valley (1504-1796)
  • Moral concerns in Ulm (1527)
  • Regarding brandy ([1530s])
  • Regarding drinking and other frivolous behaviour (1538)
  • Eating, drinking and credit in public houses (1540)
  • New Poor Laws to keep the poor from spending money in public houses (1541)
  • Regarding foreign and local beggars (1544)
  • Concerning publicans and wine sellers (1546)
  • The new publican and innkeeper ordinance (1554)
  • Restrictions on service (1559)
  • Brandy regulations from Nuremberg (1567-1648)
  • Controlling meals in inflationary times (1574)
  • Rules governing the night in Augsburg (1579)
  • Demarcations of the respective powers over public houses between the town of Burgdorf and the territorial government of Bern (1583-1712)
  • Requirement for good beer in Nordlingen (1587)
  • Regulations regarding public houses in the city of Bern (1594)
  • Supervision of strangers in the City of Bern (1604-1793)
  • An Honourable Council's Declaration in reference to the article of the Punishment Ordinance on Drinking in the Villages within two miles of the city of Augsburg (1607)
  • Controlling visitors to the city (1617)
  • Day-to-day administration of tavern affairs by the town of Burgdorf (1619-1712)
  • Augsburg Police Ordinance (1621)
  • Announcement and Placard regarding drinking and eating at wine and beer houses, regarding weddings, and regarding exporting beer (1622)
  • Ban on continuous drinking and eating in beer houses (1628)
  • Proclamation regarding the establishment of a weekly hour of prayer in Nordlingen (1631)
  • Wartime decree on lodging strangers (1634)
  • Proclamation: Abstain from all drinking and Kermis festivals in the villages (1639)
  • Wine, wine trade and publicans' ordinance for the city of Bern (1641)
  • Extracts from the minutes of the town council of Dachau, Bavaria (1650)
  • Instructions to the Burgomaster in Augsburg: Altercations in inns and public houses (1653)
  • Renewal of the guild ordinance for the publicans and brewers of Villingen by the town council (1668)
  • Wine sale ordinance for the city of Bern (1672)
  • Augsburg decree on idle journeymen (1675)
  • Police, Clothing and Wedding Ordinance (1683)
  • Decree against the adulteration of wine in the city of Bern (1696)
  • Distilling in Augsburg (1699)
  • A Most Noble and Most Wise Council of the Holy Roman Imperial City of Augsburg's Renewed and Expanded Discipline and Punishment Ordinance of the Year 1734 (1734)
  • Wine sale ordinance issued by the Council of Bern (1739)
  • Controlling late-night drinking in Augsburg (1745)
  • Ordinance and Articles to which all brandy-makers must yearly swear a personal oath to God the Almighty before the Office of Excise Taxes (1746). Local Taxes and Dues: Excise wine tax in the Bernese town of Burgdorf (1481)
  • Ordinance for publicans and sellers of wine, mead, and beer (c.1519)
  • City of Augsburg Wine sellers' ordinance (1524)
  • Extracts out of Memmingen's New Book of Statutes (1510 and 1522)
  • Public house fee owed to a manorial lord in the canton of Bern (1534)
  • In Regard to Excise Tax, and also serving wine and beer (c.1552)
  • Division of rights between two joint owners of the manor of Munsingen (1570)
  • Public house fees in the manor of Munsingen (1572)
  • Instructions to the Burgomaster in Augsburg regarding drinking outside the city, and permission slips for doing so (1583-95)
  • Records of the Nordlingen City Treasury
  • The arrest and interrogation of Balthasar Gausmair, Beer Inspector (1591)
  • Chronicle of the brewer Georg Siedler of Augsburg on the punishment of tax evaders and new drinking rules
  • Brewer Hans Lang reacts to rules against drinking during the week (1591)
  • Interrogations of irresponsible wine market officials in Augsburg (1599)
  • Ordinance of the city of Augsburg regarding wine traders, wine registry officials, and others (1603)
  • Public house fees in the manors of the town of Burgdorf (1626)
  • Decree regarding the raising of excise tax (1633)
  • Treasury accounts for the town of Mindelheim (1646-76)
  • Revenue from excise taxes and hospitality expenses in the chamber accounts of the town of Dachau (1650)
  • Excise tax on oats for horses in Augsburg (1674)
  • Excise wine taxes in the city of Bern (1688, 1787-8)
  • List of revenues and dues at the Neuherberg inn, north of Munich, submitted to the manorial administration in support of a petition by its keeper, Johann Georg Pez, for the grant of additional lands and privileges (1754)
  • Extracts relating to public houses from the registers of manorial revenues kept by electoral officials in the Bavarian district of Dachau (1770). Sales and Leases of Public Houses: Grant of the bathing house of Enggistein near Bern as a fief by the manorial lord of Worb (1454)
  • Extracts from a letter of purchase for the Falcon inn in the city of Bern (1546)
  • Deed conveying the manorial inn of Worb near Bern as an inheritable fief to keeper Conrad Brunner (1556)
  • Lease of the Lion inn at Idstein near Frankfurt, issued by the Prince of Nassau to one of his officials (1692)
  • Extracts from the letter of purchase for the inn at Perlach near Munich, sold by Johann and Monica Gruner to Joseph Saurle (1736)
  • Extracts from the lease of the rural inn at Spiezwiler in the Bernese Oberland by Albrecht von Erlach, manorial lord, to publican Linder (1784) Part 2: Reflections Travel Literature Hans von Waldheim, 'Travels through the Swiss Confederation in 1474' (1474)
  • Francesco Vettori, Journeys and Travels in Bavarian Swabia and Adjacent Territories (1507)
  • Antonio de Beatis, The Journey of Cardinal Luigi d'Aragona through Germany, the Netherlands, France and Northern Italy (1517-18)
  • Johannes Stumpf, A Travel Report (1544)
  • Hans von Schweinichen, Loves, Lust and Life of the Germans in the Sixteenth Century (1602)
  • Elie Brackenhoffer, Travels in Switzerland (1646)
  • Giacomo Casanova, Romantic Journeys through Switzerland (1760)
  • Sophie de la Roche, Diary of a Journey through Switzerland (1787)
  • Madame Marie Jeanne, Voyage in Switzerland (1787). Travel Manuals: Georg Mayr, The Little Travel Book (1612)
  • 'New Dictionary for Travellers' kept at the Post inn at Bruck near Munich (1730)
  • Joseph Florian Sturtzer, Trade card (c.1770)
  • Adolph Freiherr von Knigge, On Dealings with Humans (1790)
  • Gottlob Friedrich Krebel, Europe's Most Notable Journeys (1792)
  • Johann Gottfried Ebel, Instruction (1793)
  • Johann Georg Heinzmann, Description of the City and Republic of Bern (1794)
  • Stephanie Felicite de Genlis, Phrase Book (1799) Diaries and Autobiographies Publicans: Chronicle of Augsburg Brewer Georg Siedler (1597-1619)
  • Johann/Hanns Weiss, Diary (1639-87). Patrons: Johannes Butzbach, Report of a Journey (1506)
  • Thomas Platter, Life Description ([1529])
  • Felix Platter, Diary (1552)
  • Augustin Guntzer, A Small Book about my Entire Life (1616-18)
  • Ulrich Braker, Diary (1770-95). Comedy, Drama and Novels Comic Tales (Schwanke): Till Eulenspiegel, An Entertaining Read about Till Eulenspiegel (1515)
  • Johannes Pauil, Of Jest and Earnestness (1522)
  • Georg Wickram, Tales for the Road (1555). Drama: Hans Rudolf Manuel, 'The Wine Play' (1548). Novels: Story of Fortunatus and his Sons (1509)
  • Hans Jakob Christoff el von Grimmelshausen, The Marvellous Bird's Nest (1672) Moral and Medical Literature Rule of Health (1475)
  • Hieronymus Brunschwig, The Book of Distilling (1508)
  • Women's Natural Secrets and Qualities by Albertus Magnus, useful to all Midwives and Child-Bearing Women (1531)
  • Lorenz Friese, Mirror of Medicine (1529)
  • Walther Ryff, Mirror and Rule of Health, Primarily Aimed at the Country, Habits, Types and Temperaments of the Germans (1544)
  • Walter Ryff, The New Large Book of Distilling (1545)
  • Luis Lobera de Avila, A Banquet for Courtiers and Nobles (1551)
  • Hans Sachs, 'The Four Remarkable Properties and the Effect of Wine' (1528)
  • Hans Sachs, 'The Isle of Bacchus: The Wine-God and its Description' (1553)
  • Matthaus Friderich, Against the Devil of Drink, much Improved and in many Places Expanded (1557)
  • Dr Achilles Gasser, Augsburg physician's closing speech [and] admonition to the two Drinking Room Societies in Augsburg (1570)
  • The Horrors of the Devastation of the Human Race (1610)
  • Matthias Abele von und zu Lilienberg, Metamorphosis telae indicariae: Or, Strange Court Cases (1668)
  • Extract from a conversation among friends about the variety, benefits and dangers of public houses (1719) Other Genres Specialized Texts: Anonymous essay on public houses published in a Swiss journal (1749)
  • Entries for 'public houses' and related terms in Zedler's Encyclopaedia (1731-54). Chronicles: Wilhelm Rem, Chronicle of Recent Events 1512-1527 (1512-27)
  • Paul Hector Mair, 'First Chronicle' (1547-65)
  • The Gasser-Welser Chronicle (1595)
  • Chronicle of the Brewer Georg Siedler of Augsburg (1619)
  • Appolonia Hefele 'Special Recollections' (1578)
  • 'The Chronicle of the Peasant Jodokus Jost' (early to mid-seventeenth century)
  • Gebhart Florian and Achilles August von Lersner, 'Chronicle of the Famous, Free, Imperial, Electoral and Merchant City of Frankfurt am Main' (1664-1734. Further Genres: Lorenz von Westenrieder, 'Topographical survey of the Bavarian district of Dachau' (1792)
  • Johann Peter Willebrand, Layout of a Beautiful Town (1775-6)
  • [Hans-Frans Veiras], Heutelia (1658) Volume 3: Holy Roman Empire, Part II Practice Publicans, Staff and Premises Publicans' Oaths: Civic Oaths for Wine Sellers, Wine Traders, and Brewers in Augsburg (1528-48)
  • Publicans' oaths in the canton of Bern (1617-1774). Negotiation of Publicans' Rights and Dues: Anna Gessweir, Wineseller for the Imperial Court (1551)
  • Jorg Prenner, City Piper and Wine Seller in the Tower at Mendicant Gate (1553)
  • Regina Voglerin, brewer's widows, petitions for brewing rights for her son-in-law (1558)
  • Buying and selling breweries and brewing licenses in Augsburg
  • Request for permission to open an upper-class inn on the Augsburg Wine Market from Elias Mair, publican (1587)
  • Request to transfer a brewing license from one house to another (1589)
  • Applications for reductions and modifications in charges to the Swiss Diet by publicans located in cantonal condominiums (early seventeenth century)
  • Special Privileges in Purchasing Tyrolean Wine for the Drinking Room Masters at the Patricians' and Lords' Drinking Rooms (1604)
  • Drinking in the two Drinking Rooms and also at the shooting grounds (1622)
  • Brewers allowed to make grain spirits (1688)
  • Peter Dosswald, cook, applies for a wine seller's licence (1688)
  • Professionalization of the Wine Publican Trade (c.1688). Business Lives and Fortunes: Financial matters - Life and Opinions of the Brewer Georg Siedler of Augsburg
  • Handover of a public house at Bruck in Bavaria (1684)
  • Model publicans. Concerns about Publicans: Personal status
  • High charges
  • Immoral behaviour
  • Questionable Premises (1624)
  • Regional differences
  • Publicans' elections. Public House Servants, Apprentices and Journeymen: Dionisius Sedelmair, Journeyman Brewer, Seeks a Position (c.1557)
  • Elite Innkeepers and their Clerks in Augsburg (1562)
  • Rules for learning the brewing trade
  • Staff numbers and functions at Bruck in Bavaria (1736)
  • Gender profile of public house servants (1791)
  • Employees of innkeeper Niclaus Lenz of Worb near Bern (1791-3)
  • Appearance of female public house servants (c.1780)
  • Moral and criminal offences. Types of Public Houses: Official definitions of different types of public houses
  • Disputes over the status and rights of Swiss publicans. Public House Premises: The custom of armorial stained glass donations by Swiss authorities as reflected in records of the Diet from the 1530s and 1540s
  • Dimensions of the inn at Spiezwiler in Bern (1743)
  • Dimensions of the inn at Perlach in Bavaria (1782)
  • Travellers' descriptions of individual premises (late eighteenth century)
  • Comparative assessments of Swiss public houses. Public House Inventories: Probate Record for the brewer Paul Hegele, Landlord at St. Peter's Catch Inn (1608)
  • Falcon inn, Bern (1726)
  • Inn at Perlach, Bavaria (1736)
  • Inn at Spiezwiler, Bern (1785)
  • The power of signs
  • Achilles August von Lersner lists Frankfurt's Public Houses (1704) Food, Drink and Services Food and Drink: Evidence for the quantity, quality and variety of provision
  • Restrictions on food and drink service
  • Alpine hospitality
  • Civic hospitality
  • The Council in Nuremberg explains their methods for controlling the price of wine sold in public houses (1544)
  • Take-away provision
  • Event catering
  • Cook book from the southern part of the Holy Roman Empire (1719). Services: Economic services
  • Music and dancing
  • Games and gambling
  • Staging of plays and sporting events
  • Postal services
  • Religious uses
  • Other social and cultural services provided by public houses Patrons Types of Guests: Clergy
  • Nobility and Gentry
  • Peasants and Countryfolk
  • Students
  • Soldiers
  • Poor and Marginal People
  • Children
  • A traveller dies in a public house (1589)
  • Samples of gate and inn reports recording the arrival and lodging of strangers in the city of Bern (1791-5)
  • General advice to patrons (1758). Women, Gender and Household: Drinking women and conviviality
  • Household conflicts
  • Sexuality and prostitution
  • A selection of public house bans Sociability and Ritual Thomas Platter, Life Description (1531)
  • The German humanist Jacob Wimpheling (d. 1528) criticizes the common people's love of expensive entertaining
  • Drinking with a member of a dishonourable trade
  • Requirements to drink with the Hostel Father
  • Drinking a private settlement (1590)
  • Heinrich Frey, clockmaker, needs to drink with his customers to conclude sales (1593)
  • Swordplay resulting from failure to honour a drink at a wedding (1593)
  • Punitive drinking in the village of Gestattel (1578-1594)
  • A toast to revenge
  • Competitive drinking and challenging toasts among military officers during the Thirty Years' War
  • Public houses as 'business hubs' in rural communities (1660s)
  • Conviviality at the early modern table d'hote (c.1790)
  • Rites of passage in registers of public houses (eighteenth and early nineteenth century)
  • Leisurely sociability in public houses (c.1790)
  • 'Polite' sociability in public houses (late eighteenth century)
  • Social exclusion in a coffee house (1783) Violence and Disorder Case Study: Public house disorder in the consistory court minutes of the Bernese parish of Neuenegg (1650-74). Violence: The weaver Enderl Kless describes a fight in the street after a drinking bout (1542)
  • Manslaughter among neighbours during the Imperial Diet in Augsburg (1548)
  • Prohibition of carrying weapons into public houses of the principality of Wurttemberg (1552)
  • Fighting with the publican over an unpaid bill (1590)
  • Two sides of the story: A fight in the streets in 1593
  • Leaving without paying the tab leads to violence (1593)
  • Craftsmen use tools as weapons in a public house (1594)
  • He who has money for drink is a dear man: A fight in the Butcher's Drinking Room (1594)
  • Executions for dishonourable manslaughter resulting from drinking incidents in Ulm
  • A rural tavern dispute with fatal consequences (1666). Thieves, Swindlers and Other Criminals: Criminals based in Swiss public houses (mid-sixteenth century)
  • Feather thieves
  • A horse-trading scam in a beer house (1624)
  • Interrogation of Martin Bleyer, card shark from Bulga (1654). Religious Offences: Blasphemy and sacrilege committed by a notorious drinker and gambler (1383)
  • Breaches of fasting rules tried before the Bavarian Rentmeister, a high-ranking provincial official (1656-7). Sexual Offences: Punishment of a landlady for lewd behaviour and procuring
  • Prosecution of a Bavarian innkeeper for a sexual offence (1656)
  • Unwelcome advances in a rural public house (1780s). Negligent Publicans: Fine against a publican for omitting to report overnight guests (1650)
  • Proceedings against a publican's son for refusing to swear an oath (1715) Politics and Public Sphere Publicans as Officials: Publicans as enforcement agents (1606)
  • Publican-officials as sources of information (1780s)
  • Concerns over publican-officials. Political Instrumentalization of Public Houses: Public hospitality and diplomatic encounters
  • Catering for local authorities provided by innkeeper and postmaster Franz Jakob Weiss at Bruck in Upper Bavaria according to his calendar notes (1736)
  • Sale of a county concluded in a public house (1555)
  • Local government activities in Bernese public houses
  • Local government activities in Bavarian public houses. Political Life: Religious debates in public houses
  • Record of an 'actual' public house discussion on village affairs, high politics and taxation in the northern German principality of Lippe (1788)
  • Political discussions at the table d'hote (1788-9)
  • A traveller overhears a public house debate in the Swiss Confederation (1789)
  • Electioneering in public houses. Political Conflict and Unrest: Subversive activities in public houses
  • Ridiculing of authorities
  • Disputes over licensing rights
  • Tensions over new taxation
  • Links between peasant risings and public houses
  • Execution of a publican-ringleader at Munich (1706) Volume 4: America Tavern Structure and Material Life 1 Images Probate Inventories: Probate Inventory of Thomas Whatson, Port Royal, Jamaica (1700/1)
  • Probate Inventory of William Phillips, Innholder, Boston, Massachusetts (1704)
  • Probate Inventory of George Emlen, Proprietor of the Three Tuns, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (1711)
  • Probate Inventory of William White, Tavernkeeper, Boston, Massachusetts (1735)
  • Probate Inventory of Samuel Wethered, Proprietor of the Bunch of Grapes, Boston, Massachusetts (1759)
  • Probate Inventory of John Marston, Tavernkeeper, Boston, Massachusetts (1786). Advertisements and Travellers' Accounts: Advertisements for New York Tavernkeeper Thomas Lepper, in the New-York Gazette, or Weekly Post-Boy (1750-2)
  • Advertisements and Accounts describing Pennsylvania Taverns
  • Advertisements for South Carolina Tavern keepers Thomas and Lewis Dinkins, in the City Gazette and Daily Advertiser (1796-9) Legal Control over Taverns Legislation: Nathaniel B Shurtleff (ed) Records of the Governor and Company of the Massachusetts Bay in New England (1853-4)
  • The Colonial Laws of Massachusetts (1887)
  • The Acts and Resolves, Public and Private, of the Province of the Massachusetts Bay (1869)
  • Resolve in Council (1775)
  • Acts and Laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts (1776)
  • The Colonial Laws of New York from the Year 1664 to the Revolution (1665-1776)
  • Minutes of the Common Council of the City of New York (1665-1776)
  • Minutes of the Provincial Council of Pennsylvania, from the Organization to the Termination of the Proprietary Government (1853-96)
  • Minutes of the Common Council of the City of Philadelphia (1704-76)
  • William Waller Hening, The Statutes at Large, being a Collection of All the Laws of Virginia (1810-23)
  • William Waller Hening and Samuel Shepherd, The Statutes at Large of Virginia (1835)
  • Thomas Cooper, The Statutes at Large of South Carolina (1836-9). Enforcement: Case of Richard Russell, Jane Dryver, Joseph Knight, Hanna Goodin, and Richard Turner (1741)
  • Decisions from Philadelphia County Court of Quarter Sessions, Grand Jury Presentments (1716-20, 1741)
  • Grand Jury complaint to the Mayor and Justices of the City of Philadelphia regarding the number of Tipling Houses (1744)
  • Philadelphia Mayor's Court, 1760-1 and 1764
  • Philadelphia County Court of Quarter Sessions, December 1799 Proprietors, Employees and Patrons Proprietors: Second Report of the Record Commissioners of the City of Boston (1677)
  • Petitions for Licenses, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
  • Licenses granted by the Pennsylvania Provincial Secretary (1763-4)
  • Licenses, granted by Philadelphia County Court of Quarter Sessions (1763-4)
  • Listing of Annual Tavern Licenses, South-Carolina Gazette (1763)
  • Listing of Annual Tavern Licenses, Georgia Gazette (1764)
  • Broadside on County Rules on Licensing (1781)
  • Broadside New York City License Bond, completed by a Prospective Innholder (1796). Employees: Probate Inventory of John Martin, Tavernkeeper (1715)
  • Probate Inventory of Benjamin Backhouse, Tavernkeeper, Charleston, South Carolina (1767)
  • Probate Inventory of Catharine Backhouse, Tavernkeeper, Charleston, South Carolina (1767)
  • Constables Reports for Philadelphia (1762, 1770, 1775)
  • Apprenticeship contract, John Wolf bound to Thomas Allen, New London, Connecticut (1772)
  • Servant and Slave Runaway Advertisements (1734, 1752, 1799). Patrons: John Sheubart, Philadelphia Tavernkeeper, Extracts from Account Book (n.d.)
  • Agreement of the Subscribers, City Tavern, Philadelphia (1776)
  • A J F Van Laer (ed. and trans.), Minutes of the Court of Ft. Orange and Beverwyck (1656)
  • Rebeckah Lee, Plea on Fetching of Drink for an Indian Squaw (1684)
  • Thomas Thistlewood, Extracts from Journals (1752-86)
  • John A Waller, A Voyage to the West Indies (1820) Business and Economic Functions of Taverns Tavern Accounts: Daily Life Transformed: Account Book of Gregory Marlow and James West, Shipwrights and Tavernkeepers, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (1676-1703)
  • Journal of Daniel Smith, Rehoboth, Massachusetts (1707-11)
  • Various Receipts for the Raleigh Tavern, Williamsburg, Virginia (1771-6)
  • New London, Connecticut Tavernkeeper Thomas Allen's 'Daybooks' (1771-2, 1785-6). Social, Political and Cultural Functions: Social Activities and Services - 'An Essay on Conversation,' American Weekly Mercury (1730)
  • Notices of Tavern Events (1735-83)
  • Notices of Tavern Services and Menus (1764-84)
  • Communication and Transportation (1782-1810). Political Activity - Extracts from Minutes of the Provincial Council of Pennsylvania, from the Organization to the Termination of the Proprietary Government (1852-96)
  • 'Meeting of the Sons of Liberty,' Georgia Gazette (1763)
  • Examination of Isaac Atwood (1776)
  • 'An Act for the more speedily compleating the Quota of Troops, to be raised in this State, for the Continental Army,' Pennsylvania Gazette (1777)
  • Broadside (1777)
  • 'General Washington's Farewell Address to his Troops,&

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関連文献: 3件中  1-3を表示

  • America

    edited by David Hancock and Michelle McDonald

    Pickering & Chatto 2011 Public drinking in the early modern world : voices from the tavern, 1500-1800 / general editor, Thomas E. Brennan v. 4


  • Holy Roman Empire

    edited by Beat Kümin and B. Ann Tlusty

    Pickering & Chatto 2011 Public drinking in the early modern world : voices from the tavern, 1500-1800 / general editor, Thomas E. Brennan v. 2-3

    1 , 2


  • General introduction ; France

    edited by Thomas E Brennan

    Pickering & Chatto 2011 Public drinking in the early modern world : voices from the tavern, 1500-1800 / general editor, Thomas E. Brennan v. 1



  • ISBN
    • 9781851962846
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