
Songs and duets from Slovenija! = Slowenische Lieder & Duette

Harmonia Mundi, c2011


大学図書館所蔵 件 / 1



For 1-2 voices and piano

Sung in Slovenian

Bernarda Fink, mezzo-soprano (1st-2nd, 6th-7th, 10th, 12th-14th, 17th-18th, 20th-21st, 25th-26th and 29th-32nd works) ; Marcos Fink, bass-baritone (3rd-5th, 8th-9th, 11th, 14th-16th, 19th, 22nd-24th, 27th-29th and 32nd) ; Anthony Spiri, piano

Recorded: Octobre 2009, Teldex Studio Berlin

Compact disc

Texts in Slovenian with French, English and German translations

Harmonia Mundi: HMC 902065


  • Mesec v izbi = La lune dans ma chambre = My fatherland = Der Mond in der Hütte / Anton Lajovic
  • Kaj bi le gledal = Jamie, viens me chercher! = Jamie, come try me = Säh er doch her / Anton Lajovic
  • Serenada = Sérénade = Serenade = Serenade / Anton Lajovic
  • Žalostno pismo = Tristesse = Sad letter = Trauerbrief / Alojzij Geržinič
  • Jesenska pesem = Chant d'automne = Autumn song = Herbstlied / Alojzij Geržinič
  • Mrak = Le crépuscule = Dusk = Dämmerung / Alojzij Geržinič
  • Pomladna radost = Les joies du printemps = Spring delight = Frühlingsfreude / Alojzij Geržinič
  • Jesenska pesem = Chant d'automne = Autumn song = Herbstlied / Lucijan Marija Škerjanc
  • Vizija = Une vision = Vision = Vision / Lucijan Marija Škerjanc
  • Večerna impresija = Impression du soir = Evening impression = Abendliche Impression / Lucijan Marija Škerjanc
  • Dedek samonog = P'tit père n'a-qu'une-jambe = Grandpa single-leg = Väterchen Nur-ein-Bein / Josip Pavčič
  • Uspavanka II = Berceuse no 2 = Lullaby no. 2 = Schlaflied II / Josip Pavčič
  • Ciciban, Cicifuj = Tsitsiban, Tsitsibeurk = Ciciban, Cicifuj = Ciciban, Cicifuj / Josip Pavčič
  • Pomladni počitek = Le repos printanier = Spring rest = Frühlingsrast / Benjamin Ipavec
  • V noči = La nuit = In the night = In der Nacht / Benjamin Ipavec
  • Divja roža in bršljan = Fleurs d'églantier = Wild rose and ivy = Schlehenblüt / Benjamin Ipavec
  • Pomladna noč = Nuit de printemps = Spring night = Frühlingsnacht / Benjamin Ipavec
  • Jesenska noč = Nuit d'automne = Autumn night = Herbstnacht / Zorko Prelovec
  • Počitek pod goro = Halte au pied de la montagne = Moon over mountain pass = Rast am fuß des Berges / Lucijan Marija Škerjanc
  • Pesem = Chanson = Song = Lied / Lucijan Marija Škerjanc
  • Beli oblaki = Les nuages blancs = White clouds = Weiße Wolken / Lucijan Marija Škerjanc
  • Pod oknom = Sous sa fenêtre = Under the window = Unterm Fenster / Kamilo Mašek
  • Mak žari = Rouges sont les pavots = Poppy glows = Rot glüht der Mohn / Benjamin Ipavec
  • Božji volek = Coccinelle = Ladybird = Marienkäfer / Benjamin Ipavec
  • V spominsko knjigo = Dans le livre des souvenirs = In a memorial book = Ins Erinnerungsbuch / Benjamin Ipavec
  • Pomladni veter = Vent printanier = Spring breeze = Frühlingswind / Benjamin Ipavec
  • Kam? = Où donc? = Where? = Wohin? / Fran Gerbič
  • Pojdem na prejo = Je m'en vais à la fête = I'll watch the girls spinning = Ich geh zum Spinnen / Fran Gerbič
  • V noči = En pleine nuit = In the night = In der Nacht / Fran Gerbič
  • Trobentice = Les primevères = Primroses = Die Schlüsselblumen / Emil Adamič
  • Uspavanka = Berceuse = Lullaby = Schlaflied / Emil Adamič
  • Na tujih tleh = En terre étrangère = Abroad = Auf fremden Boden / Davorin Jenko


  • 出版国コード
  • タイトル言語コード
  • 本文言語コード
  • 出版地
  • ページ数/冊数
    1 sound disc (69 min., 18 sec.)
  • 大きさ
    12 cm.
  • 付属資料
    2 pamphlets