Global theory from Kant to Hardt and Negri


Global theory from Kant to Hardt and Negri

Gary Browning

(International political theory series / series editor, Gary Browning)

Palgrave Macmillan, 2011

  • : hardback

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 5



Includes index



Global theory represents an influential and popular means of understanding contemporary social and political phenomena. Human identity and social responsibilities are considered in a global context and in the light of a global human condition. A global perspective is assumed to be new and to supersede preceding social theory. However, if contemporary global theory is influential, its identity, assumptions and novelty are controversial. Global Theory from Kant to Hardt and Negri scrutinises global theory by examining how contemporary global theorists simultaneously draw upon and critique preceding modern theories. It re-thinks contemporary global ideas by relating them to the social thought of Kant, Hegel and Marx, and in so doing highlights divergent ambiguous aspects of contemporary global theories, as well as the continuing impact of the ideas of Kant, Hegel and Marx.


Introduction Kant: Cosmopolitan Reason, Progress and Global Responsibility Hegel: Global Theory and Recognition Marx and Global Theory Global Theory: Transformation Global Cosmopolitanism Radical Global Theory Conclusion: Deconstructing Modern and Global Theory

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