Parties and elections in America : the electoral process


Parties and elections in America : the electoral process

L. Sandy Maisel and Mark D. Brewer

Rowman & Littlefield, c2012

6th ed

  • : pbk


Includes bibliographical references (p. [399]-433) and index



Parties and Elections in America: The Electoral Process covers all elements of parties and the electoral process, including local, state, and national party organizations; American party history and party systems; state and local nominations; state and local elections; presidential nominations; and presidential elections. Separate chapters are devoted to the important subjects of the media in the electoral process and campaign finance. The role of political parties in representative democracy-and their contributions to it-are examined critically. The sixth edition incorporates the results of the 2010 midterm elections.


  • List of Figures, Tables, and Boxes Preface Acknowledgments 1. Elections and Political Parties I. An Examination of Elections in the United States II. The Role of Elections in Democratic Theory A. Modes of Elections 1. Direct Elections 2. Indirect Elections B. Implications for Representation 1. Representatives' Perspectives 2. The Public's Perspective and the Role of Parties in Representation III. Definitions of ''Political Party'' and ''Party Systems'' IV. Politicians View the Party System 2. American Political Parties and Party Organization I. The Development of American Political Parties A. The First Party System 1. The Elections of 1796 and 1800 2. Contributions of the First Party System B. The Second Party System 1. Innovations of the Second Party Period C. The Third Party System D. The Fourth Party System 1. The Era of Reform E. The Fifth Party System F. A Sixth Party System? 1. Realignment of the South 2. The Rise of Cultural Issues 3. The Parties and the Closely Divided American Electorate 4. The Decline and Resurgence of Partisanship II. The Modern Party Organization A. Local and County Organizations B. State Party Organizations 1. The Structure of the State Party 2. The Role of the State Party C. Party Organization at the National Level 1. The National Committees 2. The ''Hill Committees'' 3. The National Parties Respond III. Politicians View Party Organization 3. Voting and Other Forms of Political Participation I. Who Votes
  • Who Doesn't A. Expansion of the Franchise 1. Property Requirements 2. Black Suffrage 3. Women's Suffrage 4. Lowering the Voting Age 5. Additional Regulations: Residency and Registration B. Decline in Voter Participation 1. Voting by Blacks 2. Voting by Young Voters 3. Voting by Women 4. What Distinguishes Voters from Nonvoters? II. Voters in Presidential Elections A. Models of Voting Behavior: The American Voter B. Critics of The American Voter Model 1. Criticism by V. O. Key Jr. and His Followers 2. Criticism from Successors in the Michigan School C. Presidential Voting Reviewed III. Voters in Congressional and Senatorial Elections IV. Voting Behavior Theory Revisited V. Participation in Politics in America VI. Politicians View Political Participation 4. Organized Groups in the Political Process I. Organized Groups in American Politics A. Political and Nonpolitical Associations B. Politically Active Groups 1. Economic or Noneconomic Interests 2. Multipurpose or Single-Purpose Groups 3. Federal or National Groups II. Electoral Activities of Organized Groups A. Working within the Party B. Group Ratings C. Political Action Committees III. Interest Groups' Influence on Their Members IV. Politicians View Interest Groups 5. Campaign Finance I. The Long History of Campaign Finance Reform A. The Climate for Reform B. The Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971 and Efforts at Amendment C. Buckley v. Valeo, 424 U.S. 1 (1976) and Its Impact II. The Seven-Year Battle for McCain-Feingold III. The Costs of Democracy and Who Pays for It A. The Costs B. Sources of Campaign Funds 1. Individual Contributions 2. Political Action Committees 3. Political Parties 4. Soft Money 5. Public Financing IV. Politicians View Campaign Finance Post-BCRA 6. State and Local Nominations I. Political Context and Politicians' Decisions to Run II. Common Views of the Nominating Process III. Development of the Direct Primary System A. Primaries as a Response to One-Party Domination B. Primaries as an Item on the Progressive Agenda IV. Varieties Of Primaries A. Who May Run 1. Party Membership and Petition Requirements 2. The Role of Parties 3. Louisiana: An Exception 4. Cross-Filing: Another Exception to Party Allegiance B. Who May Vote 1. Closed, Open, and Blanket Primaries 2. Theoretical Arguments regarding Primary Voter Eligibility 3. Pragmatic Considerations regarding Primary Voter Eligibility 4. Strategic Consequences of Different Primary Rules 5. Crossover Voting C. Who Wins 1. Plurality Rule 2. Variations from Plurality Rule: Runoff Primaries V. The Politics of Nominations A. Uncontested Nominations B. Contested Nominations 1. Incumbent Advantage 2. Contests without Incumbents VI. Politicians View the Nominating Process 7. State and Local Elections I. The Conventional Wisdom: Old versus New Politics II. The New Politics: Campaigning in a Media Age A. The Role of Political Parties B. The Role of Organized Groups C. Media Politics D. The Candidate's Organization E. The Structure of a Modern Campaign 1. Public Opinion Polling 2. Media Consultants 3. Fund-Raisers 4. Scheduling and Advance Work, Press Relations, Field Organization, and Liaison to the Political Party and Organized Groups III. Old-Style Politics: A More Prominent Role for Parties A. Reexamination of the Role of Political Parties B. Local Campaigns in the Absence of Party IV. Do Campaigns Determine Who Wins Elections? A. Lack of Competition in American Elections B. Incumbent Advantage in U.S. House and State Legislative Races C. Competition in U.S. Senate and Gubernatorial Races D. Credible Competition in American Elections V. Third Parties in State and Local Elections VI. Politicians View the General Election 8. Presidential Nominations I. The Post-1968 Reforms A. The McGovern-Fraser Commission B. The 1972 Nomination C. Continuing Reform of the Process D. The Reform Movement: An Assessment II. Nominations under the Current System A. The 1992, 1996, 2000, and 2004 Nominations B. The 2008 Nominating Process III. Strategic Considerations in the Contests for Nominations A. The Political Calendar 1. The Influence of Iowa and New Hampshire and Front-Loading the System 2. Super Tuesday 3. Filing Deadlines 4. Strategic Implications of the Political Calendar B. The Rules of the Game 1. Proportional Representation versus Winner-Take-All Systems 2. Superdelegates versus Influential Party Leaders C. Strategic Use of Campaign Resources 1. Office 2. Money 3. The Media D. Evaluating Nominating Campaigns IV. The Conventions A. Credentials Challenges B. Rules Disputes C. Party Platforms D. Vice Presidential Nominations E. An Evaluation of the Conventions V. Politicians View the Nominating Process 9. Presidential Elections I. From the Convention to the General Election II. Organizing for the General Election A. Structuring the Campaign Organization 1. The Campaign Headquarters 2. The National Committee 3. The Mobile Headquarters 4. Division and Integration of Authority Responsibility B. Functions of a Presidential Campaign Organization 1. Grassroots Politics 2. Staffing the Candidate's Plane 3. Staffing the Campaign Headquarters C. Directing the Campaign Organization 1. The Inner Core 2. Expanding the Core 3. Co-opting the Losers D. Setting a Campaign Strategy III. Strategies for the General Election A. Geographic Determinations B. Coalition Strategies C. Issue Strategies 1. Campaign Themes 2. Character as a Campaign Issue 3. The Issues Raised during a Campaign D. The Strategic Use of Incumbency IV. Tactics for the General Election A. Tactical Considerations of Where to Go B. Tactical Considerations of Media Use C. Tactical Considerations of Which Issues to Discuss D. The Tactics of Presidential Debates V. Third-Party Candidates in Presidential Elections VI. Politicians View the Campaigns 10. The Media and the Electoral Process I. The Media in the Contemporary Context II. Free Media: Journalists' Presentations of Candidates and Campaigns A. The Varieties of Free Media B. The Role of the Free Media 1. Informed Consent of the Governed 2. Window on the Candidates 3. Referee between Candidates C. The Actual Role That the Media Play 1. The Great Mentioner 2. Image Creator 3. Expectation Setter 4. Issue Identifier 5. Field Narrower 6. Campaign Critic 7. Documentor of Elections 8. Purveyor of Results D. An Assessment of the Role of Free Media 1. Why Do the Media Play the Roles They Do? 2. How Should We Evaluate That Role? III. Paid Media: The Candidate Provides the Message A. Types of Paid Media B. Controversies Caused by the Use of Paid Media 1. Negative Advertising 2. Issue Advocacy Advertisements C. Impact of Paid Media on Election Campaigns 1. Intended Consequences of Paid Media Campaigns IV. Politicians View the Media 11. Party in Government I. Theoretical and Historical Context: Is Strong Party Government Possible in the United States? II. Measuring Party Strength in Congress III. Party Organization in Congress: The Leadership Hierarchy in the House and Senate A. House Leadership 1. Democratic Hegemony 2. Republican Revolution a. Gingrich and the 104th House b. The Abortive Revolt of 1997 c. The End of the Gingrich Speakership d. The Post-Gingrich Years of GOP Majority Power: Hastert, the ''Hammer,'' and Party Discipline 3. The Democrats Bounce Back: The 2006 Elections and Beyond 4. The Backbone of House Leadership: The Whip Systems B. Senate Leadership IV. Institutional Constraints on Strong Party Government: The 2003 Tax Cut Package V. The President as Leader of Party in Government VI. Politicians View Party in Government 12. The Role of Political Parties at the Dawn of the Twenty-first Century I. The Role of Elections A. The Context of Federalism 1. Presidential Elections 2. Congressional Elections 3. State and Local Elections 4. Nonpartisan Politics II. Voters, Parties, and Elections A. The Rise of Television B. The Parties in the Modern Election C. Parties' Appeal to the Electorate D. The Tone of Twenty-first-Century Politics III. Concluding Remarks Notes References Credits Index About the Authors

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