Sun of righteousness, arise! : God's future for humanity and the earth


Sun of righteousness, arise! : God's future for humanity and the earth

Jürgen Moltmann ; translated by Margaret Kohl

Fortress Press, 2010

1st Fortress Press ed


Sein Name ist Gerechtigkeit

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 2



Translated from the German: Sein Name ist Gerechtigkeit: neue Beiträge zur christlichen Gotteslehre. Gütersloh : Gütersloher Verlagshaus, 2008

Includes bibliographical references (p. 225-247) and index



The astonishing theological creativity of Jurgen Moltmann continues in this new work, a vision of the Christian future, centered in God, God's reign, and God's justice or righteousness. Moltmann here brings together the biblical, historical, and theological elements of a new integrated Christian vision of the world, especially in light of our contemporary understandings of nature and the evolving universe. Anchored in the resurrection of Jesus, such a vision affirms that God is the God of resurrection promise, God is present in justice and righteousness, Jesus is the son of righteousness, and nature can be seen as the site of God's work toward the fulfillment of life. Here is a theological vision that can integrate our faith, inform our worldview, and fuel our life engagements.

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