Daily activities, diet and resource use at Neolithic Çatalhöyük : microstratigraphic and biomolecular evidence from middens

    • Shillito, Lisa-Marie

Daily activities, diet and resource use at Neolithic Çatalhöyük : microstratigraphic and biomolecular evidence from middens

Lisa-Marie Shillito

(BAR international series, 2232)

Archaeopress, 2011


Includes bibliographical references (p. 122-128)



This research examines formation processes of middens and the associated activities at the site of Catalhoyuek, Turkey. In this research thin section micromorphology is used, combined with phytolith analysis of individual layers, to examine both the composition and associations of finely stratified midden deposits in situ. Additional analyses of mineral components using FT-IR and SEM-EDX has been carried out, along with biomolecular analysis of organic residues in coprolites by GC-MS, to further characterise material that is difficult to analyse by thin section alone. This integrated analysis contributes to the understanding of midden formation processes and activities, as well as environment, agriculture, plant resource use, diet and fuel use.

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  • BAR international series

    B.A.R. , Tempvs Reparatvm , John and Erica Hedges : Archaeopress : British Archaeological Reports , BAR
