Exploratory social network analysis with Pajek
Bibliographic Information
Exploratory social network analysis with Pajek
(Structural analysis in the social sciences, 34)
Cambridge University Press, 2011
Rev. and expanded 2nd ed
- : hardback
- : pbk
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Includes bibliographical references and indexes
Description and Table of Contents
An extensively revised and expanded second edition of the successful textbook on social network analysis integrating theory, applications and network analysis using Pajek. The main structural concepts and their applications in social research are introduced with exercises. Pajek software and data sets are available so readers can learn network analysis through application and case studies. Readers will have the knowledge, skill and tools to apply social network analysis across the social sciences, from anthropology and sociology to business administration and history. This second edition has a new chapter on random network models, for example, scale-free and small-world networks and Monte Carlo simulation; discussion of multiple relations, islands and matrix multiplication; new structural indices such as eigenvector centrality, degree distribution and clustering coefficients; new visualization options that include circular layout for partitions and drawing a network geographically as a 3D surface; and using Unicode labels.
Table of Contents
- Part I. Fundamentals: 1. Looking for social structure
- 2. Attributes and relations
- Part II. Cohesion: 3. Cohesive subgroups
- 4. Sentiments and friendship
- 5. Affiliations
- Part III. Brokerage: 6. Center and periphery
- 7. Brokers and bridges
- 8. Diffusion
- Part IV. Ranking: 9. Prestige
- 10. Ranking
- 11. Genealogies and citations
- Part V. Roles: 12. Blockmodels
- 13. Random graph models
- Appendix 1. Getting started with Pajek
- Appendix 2. Exporting visualizations
- Appendix 3. Shortcut key combinations.
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