Know it all, find it fast for academic libraries
Know it all, find it fast for academic libraries
Facet Publishing, 2012
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全6件
- すべての絞り込み条件を解除する
Includes index
Readership: This will prove an indispensable day-to-day guide for anyone working with students, academics and researchers in an academic library.
A comprehensive and easy-to-use version of the best-selling Know it All, Find It Fast developed specifically for information professionals working in academic libraries, this will help you to tackle the questions most commonly asked by students, academics and researchers. A broad cross-disciplinary A-Z of themes including topics such as literature searching, plagiarism and using online resources are covered helping you to address anquery confidently and quickly. Each topic is split into three sections to guide your response:
* typical questions listing the common enquiries you'll encounter
* points to consider exploring the issues and challenges that might arise
* where to look listing annotated UK and international resources in print and online including key organisations, scholarly bodies, digital libraries, statistical data and journal article indexes
A Accountancy Acronyms and abbreviations African studies Anthropology Archives Art Asian studies Associations B Banking Bibliometrics Biographical information Book reviews Business studies C Careers guidance Census research Charities Citing and referencing Company and stock market information Computer science Conferences Copyright Country information and rankings Courses Criminology and criminal justice Current awareness tools D Development studies Dictionaries Diplomatic, consular and foreign service lists Disabled students E E-books Economic history Economics Education Election results Electronic journals Encyclopedias Engineering Environment European union F Films, documentaries and moving images Freedom of information requests Further education G Geography Government publications Grants and funding H Heads of state/heads of government Higher education History Human rights I Images and photographs Information literacy International organizations International relations International students J Journal article indexes L Languages Latin american studies Law Legislation Library catalogues Literature Literature searching M Management Maps Market research Marketing Mathematics Media studies Medicine and nursing Music N Newspapers Non-governmental organizations (ngos) O Open access publishing and repositories Opinion polls P Parliaments/parliamentary proceedings Philosophy Plagiarism Political science Psychology Q Qualifications Quangos Quotations R Reference management tools Religious studies and theology Research councils S Science Slavonic and East European studies Social research methods Social welfare and social work Sociology Speeches Sports studies Standards Statistical data Student unions T Theses and dissertations Think-tanks/policy institutes Tourism and hospitality Trade unions Treaties U United nations V Volunteering W Women's studies Working papers Writing and style guides
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